leisurely dragon

Chapter 102 The Evil God's Conspiracy

Chapter 102 The Evil God's Conspiracy

In the next two days, the large forces gathered again in the underground world with difficulty.Most of the time in the middle is fighting while gathering.

The demon leader hasn't shown up yet, but the evil fluctuations of the gate of the abyss in the distance can be clearly felt here.

The golden dragon Elsa, Leia and Xilia also went down to the underground world, and the two tool dragons escorted them.

With several giant dragons and the elf troops led by Xia Wei, there is no problem with safety, just pay attention to the little guy Catherine at all times.

The little girl was very courageous, wearing a small suit of armor, she was eager to try, so scared that Xi Liya didn't dare to let go of her.

Looking at the bloodstains on Li Ge Jinlong's body, Laiya brushed it down with a bunch of cleaning techniques, and the scales immediately became clean.

Li Ge immediately recovered his human form, and he has been at the front during the two days of fighting.He was not replaced until now when the main force came up.

Catherine's eyes were shining with gold, and she shouted at Li Ge in admiration, "Teacher, you are really amazing.

She has been watching Li Ge's battle as a dragon through the arcane eyes released by several female dragons, and she admires her teacher very much.

"Teacher, when I grow up and become a golden dragon, I will be as powerful as you." Seeing the little girl's expectant eyes, Li Ge nodded against his will, making the little girl happy immediately.

At this time, Xia Wei, the princess of the elves, was very preoccupied, "Li Ge, I have a bad feeling, whenever something big happens, I will do this."

Seeing the female elf's frown, Li Ge didn't dare to underestimate her. She is the favored person of Angress, the queen of the powerful elf god, and she would not say these words for no reason.

"Have you talked to people from other churches?" Li Ge asked.

"No, I only had this premonition when I first arrived underground. This must be the revelation from the elf queen," Xia Wei shook her head.

Thousands of demons surround the gate of the abyss.Carlos, the leader of the Barlow Balrog, has summoned all his demon legions.

The cavemen, lizardmen, gray dwarves and other aborigines in the nearby dark area have been devoured by the demon army even their souls.

Thinking of the promise made to him by an evil goddess, as long as he can destroy the plan of the elf pantheon, he can help him seize the dominance of the abyss plane he is in and become the abyss lord.

The cunning Carlos will not easily trust the notorious goddess, but he will not let go of the opportunity to be promoted to the demon lord.

Coming to the main material plane this time, the countless souls he obtained are enough to raise his strength to a new level.

Seeing the coalition of elves and humans not far away, Carlos couldn't help but salivate. If he could get all the powerful and delicious souls, he would no longer be hindered from being promoted to the demon lord.

The souls of those believers of the gods will also make him gain the favor of the abyss consciousness, and he may be able to reach a higher level in the future.

As for the demon legion under him, he doesn't feel sorry for all of them dying. There are a lot of these idiots in the endless abyss.

The number of coalition forces is at a disadvantage, so they can only fight steadily step by step to reduce the number of demons.Fortunately, with the devil's chaotic temperament and no brains, as long as he advances steadily, he doesn't have to worry about overturning.

Every day, Li Ge would fight together with Charles' Knights for a while. Countless demons fell under his great sword, and he also saved the lives of many soldiers.

It's just that there is a shadow that has been pressing on everyone's hearts. The damn leader of the demon army has never shown up.

Xia Wei also prayed to the Queen of God, but unfortunately she didn't get a response either.The same is true for other churches. Only the archbishop of Peiluo Church said that His Majesty Peiluo had already made arrangements, which made everyone feel a little relieved.

Time passed slowly for almost half a month, and the coalition forces finally advanced to the place where the gate of the abyss was visible to the naked eye. The demon leader Carlos, the powerful Barlow, finally showed his face.

Seeing the appearance of this powerful Barlow flame demon leader, everyone couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. After such a long battle, countless demons were killed, and they finally saw the real master.

The elf princess Xia Wei became more and more uneasy, especially after seeing Barlow Balrog commanding Carlos, it seemed that the fate of death was at hand.

There was no way for her to express her uneasiness to Ian and Dallas, the two compatriots. The only ones who got along well were a few newly-acquainted metal dragons.

After listening to Xia Wei's restless narration, Xilia opened her eyes wide, "Xia Wei, this may be a warning from your God."

Li Ge agrees with Xilia's reasons.This war was originally caused by the spider goddess Rose to fight against the elves.

In the multiverse, this evil goddess has a very bad reputation. In order to achieve her goal, she has done everything she can, and she has even done a lot of incarnations in person.

If it was this evil god who shamelessly attacked Xia Wei, the favored person of the elf queen Angress, then it would be over.

"Xia Wei, do you have a way to deal with that incarnation of the spider goddess?" Li Ge tried to ask.

Xia Wei shook her head, except for the divinity bestowed upon her by the Queen of God, Angress, she didn't have any powerful means to deal with those powerful enemies.

Li Ge really doesn't want to meddle in these nosy things, but now Xia Wei can be counted as a friend.Besides, this female elf, besides being capricious, can be regarded as pure and kind, and she is also a beautiful girl.

Even if she was the favored person of the elf queen, Li Ge didn't have any thoughts about her, but there was no way he could just watch her die like this.

Li Ge's divine sense entered the system mall. After a period of hard work, the divine power gold coins have reached [-], but it seems that it cannot be kept now.

Reluctantly picked a legendary talisman worth [-] divine power gold coins, which was used to resist blows at the incarnation level of ordinary gods, and it was a one-time item.

"It's really expensive," Li Ge pretended to take out this legendary amulet from the dimension bag with trembling hands.

"Xia Wei, for the sake of being our friend, take this legendary amulet and use it first. If you don't need it, just return it to me."

"However, once the effect is exerted, you will pay me a thousand divine power gold coins. This is a one-time use, and it will be useless after one use," Li Ge said through gritted teeth.

The female elf reached out to take the legendary talisman, and most of the uneasiness in her heart disappeared immediately. This was the reminder from the gods that this legendary talisman could save her life.

Xia Wei was happy in her heart, and hugged Li Ge vigorously, "Thank you, the elves will not let their friends suffer." After finishing speaking, she greeted several female dragons in a happy mood, and went to deal with the subordinate army thing.

(End of this chapter)

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