leisurely dragon

Chapter 103 Demon Ruler

Chapter 103 Demon Ruler
Seeing the three female dragons staring at him, Li Ge felt a little helpless, "Elsa, Leia, Celia, there are some things that I can't explain now, but you will understand later."

Laiya pouted, "We don't want to know your secret, but we just don't understand. You gave Xia Wei such a precious talisman, so what should you do?"

Li Ge couldn't help being moved, "Don't worry the three of you, I have my own way to deal with the most urgent situation."

Seeing that their spouse was so sure, the female dragons also let go of their minds. After all these years of getting along, Li Ge never lied to them about such a big matter.

The real decisive battle is just around the corner. Under the order of Carlos, the leader of the Barlow Balrog, the demon army continues to attack the coalition forces, consuming the power of the coalition forces with the lives of demons.

If it weren't for the continuous supply and reinforcements from the rear, the coalition forces would have collapsed long ago.Even so, there are quite a few master-level professionals whose souls are devoured after standing dead.

Even the stupid legendary druid Dallas turned into a green dragon and rampaged among the demons, unable to move under the pressure of the demons.In the end, if it wasn't for Li Ge's fierce magic to snatch this elf out, I'm afraid that the next time he sees him, he will turn into some demon's excrement.

The golden dragon Elsa, Laiya, and Helia, the three-headed female dragon, helped Li Ge heal his injuries distressedly. After so many attacks, the dimensional shield was pierced, and finally rushed out with a strong body.

This kind of injury is nothing to a dragon like Li Ge who has experienced life-and-death battles all year round. It is just a flesh injury.

But many people in the coalition army were deeply impressed by Li Ge.Who doesn't want to have such an ally, it can save lives at critical moments.

Although Xia Wei was grateful in her heart, she didn't say much, leaving some water of life behind, and turned her head to command the army.Now the elves have suffered a lot of casualties. It is a time when there is a shortage of this kind of healing medicine. It is already very good to be able to spare these.

"It's too wasteful to put away these water of life to treat this small injury." Li Ge's own resilience is amazing, and he is not willing to waste it.

The demigod knight Charles came over with blood all over his body, panting, "Brother Lige, a large number of reinforcements will arrive tomorrow, and the final general attack will begin. Tomorrow you, me, and all the legends will behead the demon leader."

Li Ge is also a little afraid of this particularly cunning Barlow flame demon.After devouring the souls of countless underground beings, this demon has evolved to an extremely powerful state.

"Don't worry, I will join." Li Ge understood Charles' purpose.He didn't know what the major churches and the Rhine Empire thought, but with just a few legends, he became the main force.

In the war between the orcs and the human race, even if the human race lost about a dozen legendary fighters, it would not be impossible to draw out a few of them.

To say that they don't pay much attention to it, even a demigod like Charles and the most elite Royal Knights have also been sent out, and the support from behind is still coming in a steady stream.

Charles also came to make sure, in case something went wrong tomorrow.After talking to Li Ge, he glared at his precious daughter again. This little ancestor really has nothing to do with her.

Even if we send her back, who knows if she will come over again, I might as well feel at ease here.There are a few female dragons in the rear to take care of them, so it should be fine.

Catherine turned her head, made a grimace, and threw herself into Yilin's arms, ignoring her father.This little girl is actually very smart, she has always stayed by Laiya's side and never ran around.

After sending Charles away, Li Ge began to recharge his energy.Units in the coalition have also begun to rotate in preparation for tomorrow's attack.

During the night, the demons continued to harass, and the defense troops never stopped counterattacking.

Until the next day, the horn sounded, and the elite army that had rested began to attack.

After so many days of consumption, the strength of the demon legion has also been consumed by half. Carlos of the demon legion will not summon soldiers who do not belong to him to come here to grab food.

The coalition's attack was extraordinarily fierce, and the demon was caught off guard for a moment. The demon commander crazily cursed and killed a group of demons scurrying around in succession, and then suppressed the scene again.

The demigod knight Charles and his partner Ingrid, the legendary paladin Fernando, the elf high priest Xia Wei, the legendary druid Dallas and Li Ge, led nearly a hundred master-level professionals, pierced through the entire demon army, and went straight to the abyss. Door.

The chaotic heads of the demons don't care what these people do, as long as there is a fight in front of them, fresh flesh and soul are enough.

The capital carried by this group of elites is quite sufficient. The magic scrolls are torn apart without money, and all the demons blocking the way are bombed to death by magic.

The body of Carlos, the leader of the demons, which is much taller than the ordinary Barlow, is close in front of his eyes.With a roar, Li Ge turned into a real dragon, and opened his mouth, and a 300-meter-long mixed dragon's breath shot straight at Carlos.

Ordinary demons standing in front, even big demons like Balor, couldn't stop the powerful dragon's breath.

Carlos laughed wildly, and a flicker flew straight at the top of Li Ge's head, and the beheading sword slashed at the golden dragon's head.

"Hmph, playing teleportation in front of your grandpa dragon, are you looking down on the blood of my dimensional dragon?" Li Ge hit the devil's sword head-on with a tail hammer.

"Dimensional Imprisonment", under Li Ge's innate magic, a nearby space can no longer be teleported, and the demon leader fell into careful calculation.

"Disgusting big lizard, you are looking for death", Carlos, the demon leader, was furious. Without the teleportation technique, his threat was greatly reduced.

With a roar of Li Ge, the mighty dragon's body rushed forward, and slapped the demon's beheading sword with a claw, and then a dragon's breath smeared his face.

Carlos, the leader of the demons, was furious. The strange dragon that came from there was so powerful.Facing the spray of the dragon's breath, the mana shield on Carlos' body was like paper, broken layer by layer.

There was a dragon chant behind him, and a flash of lightning from the divine dragon Ingrid struck the head of the demon leader.The demigod knight leaped down from the golden dragon's back, and the big sword cut a deep wound on Carlos' right arm like lightning, and the bone was deep.

"This devil's bones are really hard," Charles cursed and jumped away, avoiding the backhand blow of the demon leader.

"Face to face with me, how dare you distract yourself?" Li Ge saw that the demon leader was trying hard to take a dragon's breath, and he dared to fight back against Charles. This is because he didn't take him seriously.

Immediately pounced, the dragon claw slapped the demon's face with the power of the dimension, then opened his bloody mouth, and then took a breath of dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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