leisurely dragon

Chapter 118 Undead Battlefield

Chapter 118 Undead Battlefield
Li Ge has the blessing of Bahamut on his body, and Catherine also has the Goddess of Agriculture on her body. There is no problem at all in passing this small breath test.

Catherine received the mission certificate, and the two went directly to the Holy Light Fortress.At the exit of the fortress, there are already many adventurers waiting for the task.

Most adventurers are formed in small groups.In the undead battlefield, if there are few people, it is easy to be dragged, and you can't even run away.If there are too many people, the strong breath of the living will easily attract a large number of high-level undead.

The guarding soldiers only recognized the credentials, and Li Ge and Catherine soon arrived outside the fortress.The adventurers began to disperse quickly, otherwise a large number of undead would be attracted, and they would not be able to eat and walk around.

Catherine also chose a random direction and walked away from the fortress.

There were broken bones everywhere on the ground, and some petite ones looked like underage children.

It was the first time for the girl to see such a particularly miserable scene, and her heart was filled with anger.Inherited from Jin Long's natural sense of justice, her hatred for necromancers grew deeper and deeper.

"Aw", there was a shrill howl from a distance, and a group of wild wolves smelled the breath of the living, and quickly surrounded them.

Although these wild wolves are still alive, they have been polluted by the breath of the undead and have eaten carrion for a long time, showing the characteristics of semi-deadness. Soon, they will become real corpse wolves.

Catherine was so angry that she took the initiative to meet these wild wolves.The girl is now a high-level fighter plus a tenth-level warlock, and it is not too difficult to deal with these wild wolves.

Catherine pointed with one hand, "Arcane Storm", a series of arcane missiles hit seven or eight wild wolves in an instant.

The half-dead wolf had already lost its mind, didn't know what it meant to be afraid, and continued to pounce on it.

"Spider web technique" and "greasy technique", as soon as the two control spells came out, the remaining wolves were also trapped, or fell to the ground, unable to get up.

"Fireball", Catherine used several fireballs in a row to kill all the remaining wolves.Then he took out the holy water he bought and poured it on the wild wolves, lest these corpses be awakened by the necromancer again.

Li Ge couldn't help showing a look of admiration, it's already very good for Catherine to do this at such a young age.

After doing this, the anger in the girl's heart has been vented a lot. "Teacher, why don't we go inside?" Catherine blinked her big eyes. Without the teacher's consent, her strength is not enough.

"You can rest assured and boldly follow your own ideas", Li Ge's current strength is already different.Especially after the soul has merged with that bit of void origin, he hasn't tried it with all his strength.

With the teacher's permission, Catherine's mood improved a lot, and her movements became brisk.The high golden ponytail danced along with the steps, making the girl look extraordinarily pretty.

Not only are there many undead beasts in the wild, but there are also many low-level brainless undead wandering around.Catherine handled it relatively easily, but as time went by, the girl consumed more and more magic power, and fine sweat oozes from her smooth and fair forehead.

Li Ge drew his sword and walked around, beheading dozens of zombies around him in a short while, breaking Catherine's siege.

"Teacher, thank you", Catherine thanked Li Ge unexpectedly.

Li Ge shook his head and said with a smile, "These low-level undead have no exercise effect except to consume your strength. Take this opportunity to rest for a while, eat something, and replenish your strength."

The two found a clean big stone, and Catherine took out the meatloaf she bought, and ate it with cold water.

Charles and Ingrid, one by one, stuffed a big bag with magic scrolls and potions, but they didn't have anything to eat.

The little food that Catherine brought with her has already been eaten up in the Nine-faced Dragon God's treasure house plane, and now she only eats the meatloaf prepared in the morning.

With a smile on Li Ge's face, he directly exchanged for a plate of Julong's special pastries, and handed it to Catherine.

The girl cheered, threw away the hard meat pie, took the pastry, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed, "Teacher, my divine power gold coins are gone, I will give you the money when I go back."

"Forget it, the teacher is not short of this divine power gold coin, it's important for you to replenish your physical strength." Li Ge is indeed much more affluent than before.

He can fight monsters tomorrow and get thirty or forty divine power gold coins without devouring and consuming them, and the speed of accumulating divine power gold coins has suddenly increased.

Catherine ate a beautiful meal. This special pastry is not only delicious, but also very nutritious.After eating, Catherine's mana consumption was basically replenished.

After being soothed by delicious food, the girl regained her fighting spirit and continued to think about going deep.

Along the way, the strength of the undead continues to increase, and occasionally there will be undead units such as ghouls, skeleton shooters, and skeleton warriors.

Catherine had Li Ge to help at any time, and she didn't encounter any danger, but found something unusual.

"Teacher, look, the skeletons of these undead creatures seem to be transformed by ordinary people, and there are no corpses of professionals." Catherine's observations were still very meticulous.

"This shows that these low-level undead may not be valued by necromancers at all, and they are dispensable."

"The necromancer must have gathered the powerful undead transformed by professionals," the girl deduced such a conclusion from these clues.

"Doesn't that mean that we will face a powerful army of undead professionals?" The girl frowned in distress.

Professionals were powerful during their lifetime, and transformed undead are still stronger than ordinary undead. It is not easy to be surrounded.

Li Ge raised his eyebrows, "Didn't your parents give you a large number of magic scrolls before, let's see if there is any use for them."

Catherine immediately picked them out of her dimensional bag, and soon took out three eight-ringed dragon ally summoning scrolls and ten Yangyanblast magic scrolls.

Yang Yanbang is one of the magics that Golden Dragon is best at. It is very effective against undead.Jinlong Ingrid is really kind to her daughter.

"There are no powerful giant dragons in this plane. It's better to ask the teacher to help you to summon allies." Catherine then put the dragon ally summoning scroll back.

"Teacher, why don't we go deeper, attract a lot of undead, and set off a big firework?" Catherine smiled like a cunning little fox.

Li Ge glanced at his student angrily. He must do the work of attracting monsters himself. If something happens to Catherine, Charles will have to eat him.

He casually blessed Catherine with a dimensional shield and dimensional invisibility, "Hide yourself, and don't run around until I don't lure the monster back."

Catherine, who had already lost her figure, smiled coquettishly, "Teacher, be careful, I'll wait for you to lure the monster back."

Sighing, who told me to say at the beginning that everything was arranged by Catherine, and now I have to listen to this good student.

(End of this chapter)

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