leisurely dragon

Chapter 119 Redeeming the Silver Dragon

Chapter 119 Redeeming the Silver Dragon
The hard-pressed Li Ge had no choice but to obey his student's arrangement and go to the depths of the undead kingdom to attract monsters.

However, he didn't run over foolishly, but took out a leaf of an ancient dimensional tree that was bigger than an adult.

Li Ge's magic power was injected into the leaf, which was almost equivalent to a natural magic tool.As soon as the huge magic power was injected into it, the thick life force immediately spread out.

Countless undead were alarmed, and those tyrannical and rational undead rushed towards Li Ge with all their brainless undead.

After transforming into undead, these guys have incomparable hatred for life force.Li Ge's move was like digging out a hornet's nest.

Before the necromancer gave an order, it was impossible for these undead to give up chasing and killing Li Ge.

Relying on his super fast speed and coquettish positioning, Li Ge lured countless undead to come.There are many powerful guys such as black warriors and death knights.

Seeing her teacher's coquettish operation, Catherine couldn't close her mouth.

Li Ge ran to Catherine, blinked his eyes, "Catherine, my good student, the teacher has attracted so many undead for you, now it's up to you."

The girl was a little angry, did the teacher want to see her own jokes, but she was not afraid.

Catherine transformed into a golden dragon and flew into the sky.Immediately afterwards, the young golden dragon, relying on the dimensional shield blessed by the teacher, flew to the middle of the group of undead against the attack.

Three scrolls of Yang Yan Explosion were torn apart, and three little suns appeared above the undead.Under the tyrannical positive energy, countless weak undead were wiped out, and the stronger death knight struggled a few times before turning into ashes.

"Papa papa", Li Ge applauded Catherine who landed, causing his students to roll their eyes.

"Evil teacher, do you want to see my jokes?" The girl was obviously dissatisfied with her teacher for attracting so many undead, which almost made her flustered.

This place has been flooded with positive energy, and the undead will not be able to get through for a while.

One person, one dragon shot one shot to change another place, attracting three groups of undead creatures in total, until the ten scrolls of Yangyan Explosion were used up.

The girl is very proud now, "If my mother knows that I have eliminated so many evil undead, she will definitely praise me."

A deep roar came from a distance, interrupting Catherine's wild thoughts.

"The corpse dragon is here, it seems that the necromancer finally found out that something is wrong," Li Ge said with a smile to his students.

A large, two small and three corpse dragons flew in the distance, circling around the place where the Yangyan Explosion spell exploded. The positive energy atmosphere here is too strong.

The elegant and beautiful silver dragon in the past has turned into a black and rotten corpse dragon. The opened dragon wings are full of holes one after another.

The noble soul of the real dragon is corroded by the breath of the undead, and no god will accept such a soul into the kingdom of God unless it spends a lot of divine power to clean it.

"Catherine, you wait here, I'll help the three silver dragons get rid of it." Li Ge turned into a golden dragon, roared wildly, and flew straight into the sky.

The three corpse dragons were restrained by the necromancer, and they basically lost their minds. When they saw a huge golden dragon flying towards them, they rushed up.

The golden dragon opened its mouth wide, and a golden lightning with a sacred aura split on the two young dragons, causing a burst of black mist immediately.

The power of Li Ge's dragon breath now far exceeds that of ordinary legendary dragons, and his control power has also been greatly enhanced.The two little corpse dragons were hit by this blow and fell down with a howl.

The rotting mouth of the adult corpse dragon opened, and a foul-smelling and cold dragon's breath spewed out.Li Ge just spit out lightly, the flame dragon's breath drowned out the undead dragon's breath, rolled back, and wrapped the corpse dragon.

The body of the golden dragon moved slightly, and appeared above the corpse dragon. With a blow from the tail hammer, the skull of the corpse dragon shattered with a cracking sound, and its brain was also disturbed by the power of the dimension.

Looking at the three corpse dragons that fell to the ground together, the chaotic consciousness in the dragon soul kept wailing.

Li Ge originally wanted to completely annihilate the dragon souls of these silver dragons, but he couldn't bear it.

"Forget it, just pretend that I haven't earned those divine power crystals." Li Ge firmly restrained the three-headed corpse dragon and brought it into the system's divine kingdom.

The crystallization of divine power obtained from trading divinity with Dani, the high priest of the Temple of the Goddess of Wealth, has not been exhausted yet.

If he spared no expense, he could still save the dragon souls of the three silver dragons, but the gain outweighed the loss.This is also the reason why the gods often do not redeem the souls polluted by the breath of the undead or the breath of hell or the abyss.

Because occasionally it is okay, but if you really want to redeem them all, the countless fallen souls in the endless abyss will not be able to save the real bodies of those gods.

"Hey, at least I can get the three-headed dragon soul, and I will be a good guardian of the kingdom of God in the future." Li Ge had no choice but to comfort himself like this.The dragon soul of the three-headed silver dragon can be redeemed, and these crystallizations of divine power are not considered wasted.

Seeing the teacher defeating the three corpse dragons with ease, Catherine excitedly clenched her fists, imagining that she could become so powerful in the future.

Li Ge landed next to Catherine, looked at the student's excitement, and said with a smile, "Catherine, that's it for today. The Necromancer must already know what happened, we'll wait to see what other tricks he has."

When the two of them exterminated those groups of undead, those powerful undead such as black warriors, death knights, and corpse witches all left behind soul crystals.

Catherine randomly picked a few of poor quality, received some gold coins from the quartermaster of the Fortress of Time, and returned to the hotel.

After a busy day, the girl took a comfortable bath and changed into comfortable home clothes before she came out to share the spoils with Li Ge.

"Teacher, let's have half of these soul crystals, okay?" Catherine divided the pile of soul crystals into two.

Li Ge didn't care, he put away one of them casually, and exchanged for another delicious food, "These are for rewarding you."

The girl's eyes smiled like a crescent moon, and she happily enjoyed the food there.Catherine performed well today and was very clever, she didn't even ask where the three corpse dragons were going.

Li Ge looked at the good student, took out a reclining chair, leaned on the chair, and his spiritual sense had already entered the Kingdom of God.

The three corpse dragons were baptized with divine power by the real body of the god, and all the breath of the undead had been removed from their body.It's just that the dragon soul has been tortured insanely.

The avatar of the god spirit soaked into the dragon soul with its own aura, and finally comforted and calmed the dragon soul.It's just that the consciousness of the dragon soul has been greatly damaged, and it will only recover slowly in the future.

The three-headed silver dragon has now been transformed into a kind of existence like a petitioner, and its combat effectiveness should be regarded as the highest among the residents of the Kingdom of God.

In the future, if the dragon soul recovers, there may be hope of being promoted to legend.In this way, Li Ge's business is not considered a complete loss, but at least he has gained something.

(End of this chapter)

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