leisurely dragon

Chapter 120 The Projection of the Desire Queen

Chapter 120 The Projection of the Desire Queen

Li Ge and Catherine are comfortable here, but the coalition army is in trouble. The little sun that frequently rose in the kingdom of the undead yesterday has been seen.

Several master-level mages confirmed that it was Yang Yanburst. After taking the risk to check it, they found that a large number of high-level undead had been wiped out.

From the evening onwards, the legendary necromancer McCain seemed to be stimulated.A large number of status undead troops set off from the capital of the original Nia Kingdom and headed for the border at a very fast speed.

The coalition command was quickly mobilized, and almost all adventurers received mandatory conscription orders, including Li Ge and Catherine.

Catherine glanced at the call-up order, "Teacher, did we get into trouble yesterday, this will cause the death of many adventurers."

The girl's heart is still very pure and kind. Seeing that her actions may cause so many deaths, she feels a little uneasy.

Li Ge smiled and touched the little head of the obedient student, "Catherine, don't blame yourself. There are casualties in war. You killed so many undead yesterday, let countless souls rest in peace, and saved the lives of countless soldiers." , which is all correct."

Hearing her teacher's encouragement, Catherine swept away her depressed mood, "Teacher, then we should also respond to the call and go to fight."

Li Ge shook his head, "This kind of low-level battle is of no use to us. Today I will take you to the Necromancer's lair."

He has already seen the knot in the girl's heart, and Catherine seems to have figured it out.But if you see the casualties caused by the attack of the undead army, maybe you will blame yourself again.

Li Ge simply put an end to the idea of ​​letting Catherine experience some experience, and there will be a long time to come, so there is no need for the girl to leave a knot in this trivial matter.

The so-called pain makes people grow, and it is true for mortals.But as a long-lived dragon, it doesn't care about the experience of these mortals.

Catherine comprehended the dragon transformation technique, and her golden dragon blood had grown to a very high proportion, and her lifespan was very long.Such a trivial matter might cause her to blame herself for a long time, so it is the best choice to cut the mess quickly.

Under the cover of the invisibility spell, the two golden dragons lifted off quietly and headed towards the kingdom of the undead.Along the way, it can be seen that countless undead troops are advancing towards the Gaoling Kingdom.

This time, with Li Ge's spell blessing, Catherine could barely keep up with Li Ge's speed.Soon, the base camp of the undead kingdom was in sight.

The two golden dragons were hovering in the air, with a height of nearly [-] meters and Li Ge's invisibility spell, the legendary necromancer did not notice them at all.

"Catherine, come into my mage's mansion." Li Ge looked serious.The legendary necromancer colluded with the high-level devil. This time, he might encounter difficulties. It is better to protect Catherine.

The mage's mansion is blessed by Li Ge's dimensional power, and the space is very strong, and Catherine will be safe inside.The girl was eating delicious snacks in a luxurious space, and was about to watch her teacher show off her power.

Li Ge's spiritual thoughts went deep into the kingdom of God, and with the help of all the power of faith accumulated over the decades, with the help of the real body of the gods, he created a legendary scroll of God's Judgment.

God's Judgment is a universal divine technique, and many gods know it. As long as enough power is injected, there is almost no upper limit to its power.

Li Ge didn't know how powerful the power of faith accumulated over the years would be.Still not satisfied, he drew a wave of world force from the ancient tree of dimension to join it.

"There should be no problem now." The lion fought the rabbit with all his strength.The big devils in hell are always making trouble, and he has to be prepared.

A loud dragon chant alarmed the high-ranking undead in the undead base camp.Li Ge swooped down, and the flaming dragon's breath spewed out, spreading over a large area like magma.Hundreds of undead were reduced to ashes.

A ray with a strong breath of death hit the golden dragon's dimensional shield and was stopped by the continuous dimensional power.

Li Ge looked back and saw a pale young mage holding a bone staff.A charming erinia hugged the mage's arm, giggled and said, "McCain, this golden dragon is so powerful, can you take him down?"

Before the legendary necromancer could answer, the golden dragon cracked a big smile and found the true master, and a scroll of divine power was activated.

"God's Judgment", infinite divine light filled the entire area, and under the powerful fluctuation of holy light, any teleportation spell could not be used.

Li Ge controlled the infinite holy light, attacking the Necromancer and the Erin Demon who was wrong.

Ordinary erinyao are no match for Golden Dragon at all.Seeing such a powerful golden dragon as Li Ge, this erinyao dared to make fun of it, obviously something was wrong.

The legendary necromancer couldn't stand it at first. His legendary strength, which he bought with the lives of countless people, was not strong at all.Soon the death breath in the whole body was annihilated by the holy light, and the ugly soul was also wiped out.

It's just that the erotic demon can still resist, "Dimensional Imprisonment", Li Ge manipulates the dimensional space, and said that the erotic demon is imprisoned.

"Small reptile, you dare to provoke me, the great lord of hell, Queen Gracia, wait for your fate of death"

Erima's delicate and beautiful body was corroded by the holy light, as if it had been splashed with concentrated sulfuric acid, and its muscles squirmed like worms, which was very disgusting.

Li Ge didn't answer the call at all, it was just a projection of a hell lord, if it was an incarnation, he might still be afraid.

"Soul Labyrinth", a unique innate spell that Li Ge himself comprehended, appeared in this world for the first time.A trace of Erima's soul was trapped in the maze of souls. If this trace of her projected soul was not as powerful as Li Ge's soul, it would never come out.

The voice of the Erin Demon Queen stopped, no longer struggling, and the dimensional confinement spell trapped her firmly.With a stretch of the golden dragon's claws, it grabbed the trace of the projection of the Erin Demon Queen and suppressed it in the system's miniature kingdom of God.

On the sixth floor of Baator Hell, a huge storm rolled up, and the Erin Demon Queen was furious. A trace of the projection disappeared without a trace, and nothing was sensed.

At this time, Li Ge had already left the scene quickly, and Catherine was not released until he flew thousands of kilometers away.

The girl looked at her teacher in surprise, she had witnessed everything with her own eyes.

Before Catherine could say anything, Li Ge said, "Catherine, don't mention the name of that hell lord. I'll bury this matter in my heart before I can't deal with her."

Lords of hell and gods are powerhouses at the same level. Once mentioned, one must feel it.Li Ge is also thinking about Catherine.

Catherine naturally understood why, she smiled sweetly, "Teacher, is my test considered complete?"

Li Ge said with a smile, "The legendary necromancer has already annihilated even his soul. The mission must be completed. The remaining undead, without the control of the legendary necromancer, will be wiped out soon, and we can go back."

(End of this chapter)

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