leisurely dragon

Chapter 121 Dragon God's Reward

Chapter 121 Dragon God's Reward

Catherine nodded without ink stains, and held Li Ge's sleeve with her small hand, activating the divine power imprint of the guardian dragon god, and a magic circle rose, sending the two of them to that distant plane.

When Li Ge and Catherine opened their eyes again, they were already standing in front of the guardian Dragon God.

"Haha, little girl, you have completed the task well, this is your reward," the gentle voice of the Guardian Dragon God was filled with a smile.

A ray of divine light fell on Catherine's body, and the girl involuntarily turned into a golden dragon form and fell into a deep sleep.

It took three full days before Catherine woke up leisurely, sorted out the memories in her head, and the girl thanked the guardian Dragon God.

"Little girl, I have given you the complete golden dragon bloodline and dragon inheritance. You can already be regarded as a golden dragon. As for the real name of the dragon, it depends on your hard work and luck."

"Go, I hope I will be lucky enough to see you again." As soon as the words fell, Li Ge and Catherine had been sent out of the treasure house plane.

When he woke up again, he saw Rihanna, Charles, Ingrid and others standing in front of him.

"Catherine, what benefits have you gained from my elder?" the Red Dragon Queen asked with interest.

"Hey, why don't I remember what happened, I only know that the elder gave me a complete golden dragon bloodline and dragon inheritance." Catherine, whose memory was blocked by the law, was a little dazed.

"Don't worry about it, I can already remember some things with my current strength, and the elder blocked this part of the memory for our own good," Rihanna said with a smile.

Charles and Ingrid next to her felt relieved, and pulled their daughter to look left and right to see if there was any damage.

Li Ge communicated with the real body of the god, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "It seems that the power of the law of the Nine-faced Dragon God cannot match the mighty power of the system, but it may be that the power of this law is too little."

The memory of his dragon avatar was blocked, but the god avatar who was connected with him was not affected in any way.

"Teacher, thank you. Although I don't remember what happened, I can feel that you must have given me a lot of help." The girl talked with her parents for a while, then turned her head to thank her teacher.

"Hehe, I can't remember what happened, but you are my student, no matter what you do, you should do it as a teacher."

Li Ge was quite satisfied with this trip.Not only did I know some secrets, but I also caught a big fish.

A trace of the projection of the Queen of Desires is being suppressed by the avatar of the gods in the miniature kingdom of God with the mighty power of the system.

When the magic fire is ignited and the ability to deal with this trace of projection, there must be a lot of gains.

But it is estimated that Gracia, the Queen of Desires, will be pissed off.The projection is imprisoned, and he doesn't even know whether he is alive or dead.If it falls into the hands of a deadly opponent, this trace of projection can play tricks.

Next, the newly promoted Countess held a grand banquet in her own castle.Again bad luck for Charles' pocketbook.

In order to entertain these real dragons, Catherine took out her gold coins and begged her father to exchange them for divine gold coins so that she could entertain her real dragon friends.

With an old face on his face, Charles got a hundred divine power gold coins at the Temple of the Goddess of Wealth, relying on his relationship and almost double the price.

The standard gold coins given by my good daughter are still at a ratio of one to five hundred, and poor old father Charles has to make up the difference.

The wealthy little rich woman Catherine, who is so majestic, found her teacher and exchanged all the divine power gold coins for the special cakes made by the dragon.

The red dragon queen Rihanna, Ingrid, Elsa, and the mother and daughter of the silver dragon Laiya, as well as the white dragon Elena and the green dragon Krisna, had a great time eating.

Several female dragons praised Catherine as the most generous golden dragon, and the happy girl smiled happily.Now Catherine is already a young golden dragon, and her strength has greatly increased.

Only Charles, while chatting and beating with Cohen, secretly felt sorry for his wallet, thinking that if this continues, he will have to sell some spoils again.

Li Ge looked at these two guys with cold eyes, and he turned upside down as he talked, which is an exaggeration when he is bragging.One boasted that he was invincible all over the North with one dragon, and the other said that he was the most beautiful man in the empire when he was young, and countless noble beauties bowed down in front of him.

What they said was not embarrassing, but Li Ge who was next to them was quite embarrassing. The person involved was still here.

I won’t say what Charles said. Cohen was beaten by the frost giant and could only engage in a sneak attack.But don't tell me if you see through, let him blow it up.

After the banquet, everything returned to calm. Erin and Catherine got together almost every day to discuss how to develop the territory.

Li Ge found out that Charles was transferring property, and he kept turning the assets into cash, and put them all in Catherine.

However, Catherine's lord's castle is not foolproof.The girl simply rented a warehouse in Li Ge's mage tower, and put all her old parents' wealth in the mage tower.

When saving money, Li Ge took a look. There were more than 500 million gold coins and some magic gems.

Li Ge seriously doubted whether this guy Charles was preparing for a retreat.However, I didn't see any supernatural gold coins. It seems that the major forces are really controlling the circulation of supernatural gold coins.

In the space of the ancient tree of the dragon's nest in the dimension, in Li Ge's dragon's nest, the soul fluctuation of the spirit dragon egg became stronger and stronger.

Li Ge looked at the dragon egg, and with a thought, a little aura from the ancient tree of dimension fell into the hazy soul of the dragon egg, and they merged perfectly.

He didn't want the dragon egg he worked so hard to save to have the possibility of betraying him in the future.Otherwise, I will be taken advantage of.

In the Dimensional Dragon Nest, Selina and Lucia, sisters Luvia, served Li Ge while telling about the development of the Dimensional Dragon Nest and the elf family.

"Master, the Dimensional Dragon Nest has expanded to almost [-] square kilometers, and it has stopped growing, but the strength of the demiplane is constantly strengthening."

Selena has the authority of a part of the demiplane, and she is very aware of all this.

"Well, this is the accumulation of foundations in the ancient tree of the dimension, and the next step is to promote to a real independent plane." Li Ge, as the master of the dragon's nest, knew exactly what to do next.

Sister Lucia squeezed Li Ge's shoulders, and the other peeled a crystal purple grape, pinching it with her slender fingers and feeding it into the master's mouth.

Lucia fed Li Ge a grape, and said with a charming smile, "Master, more than ten babies have been born in the tribe recently, and everyone says it's the master's credit!"

Li Ge spat out the grape seeds with a "poof", "Don't talk nonsense, this is the credit of the ancient tree of dimension. It is easy to be misunderstood if you say that."

(End of this chapter)

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