leisurely dragon

Chapter 122 Demon Believer

Chapter 122 Demon Believer
In short, the development in Dimensional Dragon Nest is going well.It's just that there is a pair of elf sisters who always want to rebel against the master and suppress the master. Selina, the leader of the dragon's nest guards, is still watching jokes.

The peaceful life is very comfortable. The most important thing for Li Ge every day is to hone his ability and fight monsters to make money.

The golden dragon Elsa and the silver dragon Laiya, the two great arcanists, have become a little obsessed with arcane research.Except for the time of laying dragon eggs, the two female dragons gather together to study arcane arts at other times.

Yilin and Catherine are basically the same type, and they are more concerned about the territory.The elf tribe trusts Yilin more, and their business dealings with the Golden Rose Territory often rely on Yilin to intervene and negotiate with Catherine.

The remaining silver dragon girl, Xilia, was stuck in the realm of the twentieth-level dragon magician for a long time and could not be promoted.

Li Ge was tired from fighting monsters, so he took time every day to accompany the silver dragon girl Xilia.To be honest, Li Ge hasn't been alone with Xilia for a long time.

These days, the two often hold hands, wandering in the territory or in the wilderness, and there is nothing here that can threaten them anyway.

"It's so good now", the silver dragon girl Xilia was in a good mood.She is not in a hurry to break through the legend, at her age, having such strength is already very powerful.

Xilia has a lot of wealth coming into her account every month.However, Li Ge let the four female dragons distribute all the monthly income of [-] bottles of dragon blood constitution potion and the financial surplus of the territory.

According to the news from Rihanna, more than half of the metal dragons in the Noren plane have withdrawn.Some of the remaining nearly a hundred giant dragons have not been in this plane for a long time.

In other words, Li Ge's current batch of giant dragons are relatively powerful metal dragon forces in this plane, and they will receive more and more attention.

"Li Ge, the golden and silver dragons are almost gone now, and all the five-color dragons are left behind. Do you think we will be in trouble?"

Xilia was a little worried, Li Ge had offended many five-color dragons.Now on this plane, there are no less than two thousand five-color dragons, large and small, and the balance between metal dragons and five-color dragons is broken.

Guys above the young dragon among the five-color dragons are all idle and painless.Now that the enemy's strength has been greatly reduced, it is not a wave of doom.

"Xilia, don't be afraid. The five-color dragons are all bastards with eyes above the top, and it is impossible to get together. If they are scattered, I am not afraid."

Li Ge was not worried about Xilia's worries. His own strength was steadily increasing day by day, which gave him the confidence to fight against difficulties.

Li Ge's idea is correct.The green dragon Mulu lost face in front of the mother of dragons and was severely punished.

Now, this ancient dragon is desperately trying to win over the five-color dragon, trying to deal with Li Ge.

But what he didn't expect was that the story of Li Ge beheading the dwarf lord Gondor had spread throughout the continent, and many five-color dragons knew about it.

Gulong Mulu's words can't impress those cunning guys, especially when he promises to divide Lige's property after he succeeds, making those giant dragons look like he wants to look like a fool.

What the hell, how could it be possible to want the dragon desperately without money.If you really want to do it, you don't know who will kill whom.

Although the five-color dragon is arrogant, it is not a fool.What made the green dragon Mulu most angry was that those adult red dragons laughed at him as a useless guy. As an ancient dragon, he couldn't even deal with a young dragon.

Without the restraint of the metal dragon, the five-color dragons began to spread throughout the continent, and from time to time there were reports of giant dragons kidnapping and extorting.

However, none of these affected Li Ge's life, and another year passed.The reputation of the Golden Rose collar has resounded throughout the Rhine Empire, and refugees continue to seek refuge.Fortunately, here is the wilderness, there is enough land to house the population.

After all, Catherine is still just a girl, and she is a little flustered.She went to beg the teacher and asked if it was possible for Yilin to work part-time to help her manage the territory.

It doesn't matter to Li Ge, anyway, Yilin doesn't have many things to deal with every day, and the two territories also have teleportation arrays, so it's convenient to travel.

Yilin herself couldn't stay idle, and she was happy to get an extra salary. She happily went to Jin Qiangwei to get help every day after handling political affairs.

It seems that looking at the [-] divine power gold coins stored in the system mall, Li Ge is really happy, but he has never had so much money.

It's just that Li Ge, who has just been happy for a year, will soon have troubles.

The Golden Rose Territory is now the largest population gathering place in the wilderness, with more than [-] inhabitants, plus the number of merchants and adventurers coming and going, the number is even greater.

Several Orthodox Churches took advantage of the opportunity to settle in, and Catherine was not embarrassed.Although she is a believer in Platinum Dragon God, she does not exclude believers in other righteous gods.

Moreover, the presence of the Orthodox Church can stabilize the city's law and order and provide residents with various services such as prayer and treatment.

But unfortunately, many believers of evil gods and some demons, worshipers of devils, also came to this city one after another.

Catherine's domain developed rapidly and lacked enough officials.In order to maintain the operation of the territory, she absorbed many noble children from the Rhine Empire to join the bureaucracy.

Most of these nobles are small nobles without fiefdoms, or the second sons of nobles.

In the beginning, it was more loyal.But as time went on, many people's thoughts were revealed.

In their eyes, Catherine was just a little girl and an upstart, who didn't deserve to own this rich territory at all.

So in order to fight for power and profit, these aristocrats showed their own abilities, and they didn't care about the people.

Today, when Catherine and Yilin reviewed another murder case, they found many loopholes.

The little nobleman didn't even bother to do a good job in copywriting, so he pushed the responsibility to the deceased.

Catherine saw the flaw and ordered the guards to search the little nobleman's house, and found evidence of his dealings with the abyssal demon.

The little noble was killed on the spot by the angry Catherine.But when Catherine was about to investigate to the end and find out other demon believers, she was blocked intentionally or unintentionally by other nobles, and she couldn't do it at all.

"Teacher, I'm sure that many of those nobles are not clean." Catherine was a little angry. She couldn't fully control the territory she developed by herself. This feeling is really bad.

It's not that the girl didn't think about asking the Orthodox Church for help, but the various requests made by these clergy were also seeking power or benefits, and their appetite made Catherine unacceptable.

Regarding this situation, although Li Ge thought that it would happen sooner or later, he did not expect it to happen so soon.

Officials protect each other, theocracy erodes secular government, etc. These are all routines that Li Ge has seen or heard in his previous life.

Now that Catherine is begging her teacher, she can't just ignore it.

Moreover, if the evil forces like demon believers are not eradicated for a day, who knows what troubles will arise.

(End of this chapter)

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