Chapter 123
Although Li Ge was going to take care of the demon believers, he would only insist on territorial power, and he had to rely on others to help.

"Catherine, don't you have Rihanna's contact information? No one dares to violate the majesty of the Red Dragon Queen in her territory. Anyway, she is fine now. You can invite her to play for a while, and just ask for advice by the way. up"

Li Ge decisively pushed this kind of power struggle to the Red Dragon Queen. Catherine has a good relationship with her, and she should not refuse such a thing.

Regarding the matter of the demon believers, Li Ge was going to take a look in person. He asked Catherine for some information about the case, as well as the list of nobles who blocked the case.

Catherine's invitation to the Red Dragon Queen went well, and Rihanna arrived that very evening.The two gemstone dragons on her side have already returned to the elemental plane, and they look down on those five-color dragons. There is no one to talk, and they are in a panic.

The Red Dragon Queen only showed her face for a while, and all kinds of turmoil in Jin Qiangwei's collar immediately subsided a lot.After realizing it, Charles also ran over to show his face.

It's only been a few years since the last time the Succubus Queen, Meikanxiet, showed up.Li Ge had some doubts, whether it was the succubus queen who was doing something wrong this time.

There are many admirers of this abyss lord in the main material plane, and many mages summon a succubus to play if they have nothing to do.

Li Ge didn't dare to underestimate things that might have something to do with the Succubus Queen, but she had completely ruined the Demon Prince.

Standing incognito in the sky above Golden Rose City, Li Ge's sword of the real dragon carefully observed the entire territory.

His current magic vision, with the complete integration of the dimensional blood, if he fully activates it, even some low-level magic circles can't stop his vision.

One, two, not only demon believers, but also several evil god believers. The clumsy tricks on their bodies couldn't cover up the red and purple evil aura on their bodies.

Li Ge marked them on the magic map one by one, and sent a magic message to Catherine.

The girl had already prepared. Under the guidance of the Red Dragon Queen, she borrowed three green dragons including the green dragon Krisna, plus the silver dragons Xilia and sisters Yilin, and carried out a series of inspections on these nobles in several ways. arrest.

Although some nobles were still resisting meaninglessly, no one dared to say a word in front of the five real dragons.The clergy of the Orthodox Church are also beginning to pretend to be deaf and dumb, ignoring the pleas of the nobles.

The Red Dragon Queen was lazily leaning on the sofa in the living room of the castle, "Catherine, have you seen that, power is based on strength. You and Irene pay too much attention to noble rules."

"If you want me to say that those big nobles are the biggest breakers of noble rules. They will make whatever laws they want to do. Which of the kings who founded the country came to power through peaceful means? They all rely on strength." .

Catherine and Erin were stunned when they heard this. Li Ge had also told them similar words, but Rihanna's words were not as shocking.

Li Ge didn't chat with them, and came to his mage tower by himself, holding the items that had been found with the aura of demons and evil gods.

After staring at these things for a long time, I didn't see any major problems.But the more this happened, the more worried he became.

All along, his premonition has been relatively accurate, and he is not reconciled if he doesn't know the specific purpose of these demons and evil gods.It can't be that some wandering demon believers are doing things alone. There are more than a dozen nobles involved this time.

"What the hell, it's still going to cost money." Li Ge turned and stepped into the system's miniature kingdom of God.

Before the temple, an adult silver dragon saw him coming, and immediately lowered his head, "Claire has seen a great master."

The three corpse dragons have been crystallized by the god's real body and recast their bodies. In the past year, their sanity has basically returned to normal.

After casually agreeing, Li Ge entered the temple.The god's real body naturally knew his purpose and took those items.

Li Ge then gritted his teeth and exchanged for a legendary spell scroll, the Great Prophecy, which cost a thousand divine power gold coins.There is no way, who said that the gods and spirits are not strong enough.

The scroll is handed over to the avatar of the gods for use. In case of any backlash, the system can help carry it.Li Ge was grateful that the system completely belonged to him, without reason, otherwise he would have greeted Li Ge well.

The avatar of the gods activated the scroll of the Great Prophecy, a legendary spell such as the Great Prophecy, which is rarely mastered by legendary mages. One is that it is too difficult, and the other is that if you see something terrible, you will receive serious backlash .

With the activation of the great prophecy, a picture appeared in front of Li Ge's eyes.In the Noren plane, that is, in a burrow tens of thousands of meters underground in this wilderness, stands a dilapidated huge temple.

The temple was sealed by various gods and gods, and the four demigods occupied a position in the temple.

Elves, humans, orcs, dwarves, and the four forces each occupied a site in the temple, and each sent a demigod to suppress it.

On the altar in the center of the temple, a scarlet multi-faceted crystal is floating and slowly rotating. Even through the screen, Li Ge naturally knows what it is.

"Godhead", as soon as Li Ge's voice fell, the various divine power seals on the temple immediately glowed with divine power, as if they were about to be shot from the air, and the god's real body immediately cut off the connection.

The avatar of the gods glanced at Li Ge, "There is a system to isolate the sight of the gods, and no gods have noticed us."

He is the same body as the god spirit, so he naturally knows it, but it seems to be more reassuring to say it like this. The scene just now is a bit exciting.

Li Ge had heard about the Battle of the Conferred Gods many times, but he still didn't understand what was going on.This time I saw the truth.

From the analysis of the picture just now, the four major gods may not be willing to destroy this godhead, and simply reached an agreement, spending tens of thousands of years to nourish and repair this godhead with blood and souls in the war.

From the perspective of the god's real body, this is a godhead that is biased towards the evil priesthood, and its level is not low. If a demigod gets it, it is estimated that it can immediately be promoted to a weaker divine power and reach the sky in one step.

In the eyes of the gods, the good and evil between gods and spirits does not actually have much meaning.The conflicts between the gods are mostly conflicts of priesthood.

Therefore, it is not incomprehensible that the righteous gods can accept the existence of this godhead and allow it to be repaired.

Like Shar, the goddess of the night, a typical evil deity.But except for her good sister, Luna Su Lun, who is desperately fighting her.I didn't see any other kind gods either, they were full and were going to run to fight Sha'er to death.

"Holy shit, so I was sitting on top of a volcano." Li Ge finally understood now that the land of the wilderness was the place where the ancient god kingdom fell.

Now many demons and evil gods have also set their sights here, coveting that godhead.

(End of this chapter)

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