leisurely dragon

Chapter 129 Reminding Rihanna

Chapter 129 Reminding Rihanna

The accidental ascension of the god's real body this time has no major impact on real life.Except for one more hole card for survival and a few more priests, there is no big effect.

After Li Ge woke up, the first thing he did when he returned to the territory was to frighten more and more five-color dragons nearby.

So on this day, a powerful golden dragon with a body length of 50 meters patrolled the vicinity of the territory for a whole day.

The thick dragon chant made several underage five-color dragons flee in a hurry, and those adults had no intention of touching Li Ge's territory.

Peaty, the seven-headed real dragon that demonstrated a while ago is already something they can't afford to mess with.Today, such a perverted golden dragon came again, making them lose their minds at all.

Li Ge also sent a magic communication to Rihanna and Catherine, telling them that he had awakened.

As a result, the Red Dragon Queen and Catherine arrived almost immediately after receiving the communication.

"Teacher", I haven't seen her for two years. Catherine has grown into a standard beauty, and her old youthfulness has faded a lot.

Li Ge greeted the students with a smile, "Catherine, you've grown so fast, you're already close to a master fighter." From his eyes, he could see Catherine's strength right away.

Rihanna walked around Li Ge, looked at Li Ge suspiciously, and then looked at the faint priest aura on Laiya and other female dragons.

"Li Ge, tell me, where have you come, and what's going on with Laiya and the others?" The Red Dragon Queen couldn't restrain her curiosity.

"I was just in a deep sleep, comprehended some mysteries of the Dragon's inheritance, and condensed the second divinity," Li Ge didn't hide anything.

"As for Laiya and the others, they believed in an unborn god and became its priest."

Hearing Li Ge's answer, Rihanna gritted her teeth, "You lucky idiot, you actually condensed your divinity according to my nonsense method. I haven't condensed a trace of my divinity for so many years, all of it was taken away."

As for the unknown god, the Red Dragon Queen didn't ask too much, if she can bestow the level of a priest, she is a true god.Laiya and the others are not fools, so there is no need to study them carefully.

The angry Red Dragon Queen ate and ate extravagantly during the next banquet, wanting to vent her depression.

Li Ge doesn't care either, isn't it just a little divine power gold coin? Now that the gods have become true gods in their real bodies, with the extra divine power every month, it is not a problem to make [-] divine power gold coins.

It's just that he won't do this, so as not to delay the promotion of the god's real body, it's more comfortable to go to the game space to collect the wool of the system, and now it's relatively easy to get a hundred coins a day.

Listening to Rihanna's words, Catherine was a little curious. Her mother was also a divine golden dragon who had fused divinity.

"Sister Rihanna, is there any difference between the divinity condensed by oneself and the divinity fused from outside?" Catherine asked.

The Red Dragon Queen ate and drank for a while, and her depressed mood improved a lot. She was more willing to answer Catherine's questions.

"If you can fully integrate and understand the mysteries of foreign divinity, there is no difference. The problem is that no one can do it. The divinity condensed by yourself has no such problem at all."

Rihanna is really envious of Li Ge, no matter whether he has an adventure or the help of other gods, being able to achieve this step shows that Li Ge has great potential.

Hearing this, Li Ge smiled and shook his head, "Rihanna, when you ignite the magic fire, you will understand how powerful your backstage is."

The Red Dragon Queen immediately became curious and grabbed Li Ge's arm, "Quickly tell me, do you know the identity of my blood ancestor? I can't even remember it myself."

Regarding this question, Li Ge can only point to the end, who knows what the consequences will be if he violates the rules set by the Nine-faced Dragon God.It's not like Rihanna has Goldfinger to help.

"Rihanna, I really can't say any more. You should understand that some things are taboo, as long as they are good for you." Li Ge looked at the Red Dragon Queen who was holding his arm and smiled.

Rihanna breathed a sigh of relief, relaxed her body, and smiled, "The more something goes wrong, the more I tend to think about it. This matter has puzzled me for a long time, thank you, I can rest assured now."

Thinking about this powerful female dragon, she is also deeply puzzled and curious about the part of her memory that is missing.Li Ge also didn't want Rihanna to have a lack of heart when lighting the fire, so he woke her up.

The other female dragons were dumbfounded, but only understood that Rihanna had a very powerful ancestor.

Catherine's big eyes smiled at Mimi, and brought all the delicious food to Rihanna, and said flatteringly, "Sister Queen, you must take care of me in the future."

Rihanna straightened out her full chest, trembling, and smiled triumphantly, "Little Catherine, don't worry, with me here, no one will bully you."

Seeing that Rihanna really let go of her worries, Li Ge couldn't help being a little happy, and his reminder still had some effect.

The host and guests had a good time, and after the banquet, the Red Dragon Queen simply stayed at the Jin Qiangwei collar.According to her, some of her five-color dragons have left a lot now.

Those five-color dragons were also very envious when they saw that their own clansmen were flourishing and making a fortune on the mainland.

They are all just taking refuge in Rihanna, and they are not enslaved.After leaving one, the others couldn't bear it anymore.

The proud Red Dragon Queen doesn't care about these evil-minded guys, they can't deal with the Red Dragon Queen together.

Coupled with the existence of the demigod-level mage tower, the territory of the Red Dragon Queen is as stable as a rock, and the rest of the small things will naturally be handled by the dependents, so Rihanna has nothing to do.

Next, Catherine's hard life began.Today's Li Ge, although he has not practiced martial arts for two years.But with the concentration of the second strand of divinity, the spirit and power became stronger, and the martial arts improved greatly.

Catherine returned to the days when she was beaten. Now that she is an adult, Li Ge is even more merciless. She often comes down all morning with tears in her eyes.

Charles and Ingrid were not as fond of her as they were when they were young, and they kept asking Li Ge to be stricter.The last time Catherine challenged the Legendary Red Dragon beyond her control, she surprised them.

The poor countess had no comfort in her own parents.

Yilin taught her the professional skills of a dragon dancer, and she was not as polite as she was when she was a child. With one claw down, the golden dragon girl couldn't get up for a long time.

What's even more pitiful is that the Red Dragon Queen sometimes gets involved, and the attack is also fierce, and Catherine is sometimes beaten.

Elsa and Leia, the magic lessons over there are also indispensable.She also has to understand the dragon language magic on Xilia's side.

(End of this chapter)

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