leisurely dragon

Chapter 130 Heart Knot and Red Dragon

Chapter 130 Heart Knot and Red Dragon

Li Ge finished his practice in the system game space today and earned nearly a hundred divine power gold coins.He also had a good fight with the adult Li Nenglong who was spawned by the system, and was able to barely maintain his undefeated.

In this way, after 30 years, when Li Ge officially became an adult, he might be able to kill the power dragon, which made him secretly happy.

The space of the system God Kingdom has expanded ten times since it became a god, and the temple is even more spectacular.While comprehending the laws, the avatar of the gods used the power of the kingdom of God to suppress the projection of Gracia, the queen of refining desire demons.

Although the power of this projection is only at the legendary level, its essence is extremely high.Only now is the real body of the god spirit able to refine her without leaving hidden dangers.

Everything was going in a good direction, and Li Ge returned to the mage tower with satisfaction.All the female dragons happened to be there, except Catherine.

Celia blinked, "Sister Catherine, said to go to the Arcane Garden to take a look at the scenery."

Li Ge was a little strange, his student had never done this before.Based on the situation of the past two days, he had some calculations in his mind.

"You play slowly, I'll go up and have a look", and then let Ta Ling teleport him to the arcane garden on the top of the tower.

Sure enough, Catherine sat alone on the floor of the balcony, hugging her curled knees with her hands, her shoulders trembling.

"Catherine, why are you here alone?" Li Ge asked softly, the little girl cried, it seemed that she couldn't adapt to the crowd who suddenly became so strict.

The blond girl hurriedly wiped her eyes without looking back, "Teacher, I'm fine, I just want to take a look at the scenery."

Li Ge came to her and sat down, looking at the girl's slightly red and swollen eyes, he didn't seem to be all right.

"Catherine, your current golden dragon form should look like a juvenile dragon," Li Ge asked softly.

The blond girl nodded, and Li Ge continued, "The Red Dragon Queen has been traveling alone since she was a young dragon. Yilin went out alone when she was also a young dragon."

"Teacher, although I have some adventures, I grew up from an orphan dragon. You know Elsa's growth. Even Silia, who started to be independent when she was a young dragon, lived a standard dragon life since she was a child. , I haven’t received so much favor from you.”

Catherine was a little embarrassed by what she said, and the girl lowered her head in shame, "Teacher, I will work harder in the future."

Li Ge laughed, "Catherine, I am not blaming you for saying this. Every dragon has its own unique way of life and philosophy, and we have no intention of forcing you."

"You should be happy. By doing this, everyone is treating you as a real independent dragon, and no longer a child who needs our care."

"Really?" Catherine raised her delicate pretty face, full of joy. She thought everyone didn't love her that much anymore.

"Of course it's true! Come on, this is what the teacher invited you to eat." Li Ge smiled and took out a plate of giant dragon food.

Catherine wiped her eyes, and took it happily. After training all morning, the girl was indeed a little hungry.

The girl's heart knot was untied, and the subsequent study and training were full of energy, which attracted Rihanna's praise again and again. Among the metal dragons, it is rare to see such a diligent one.

In the golden rose collar, Catherine was lying on the sofa without any image, studying hard for a month, Li Ge finally gave her a day off.

Now the affairs of the territory are managed by professional bureaucrats, she just needs to keep an eye out for trouble.It's rare to rest today, so she needs to take a good rest.

The white dragon Elena walked in, "Catherine, that red dragon is almost dying of hunger, do you want to continue starving?"

Catherine jumped up immediately. The red dragon had been imprisoned for more than half a year and had never been fed.

In the dungeon, the red dragon Piem was already thin and skinny, with one tenth of the scales on his body missing. He was motionless, as if he was about to hang up.Fortunately, the dragon could take the initiative to sleep, otherwise he would have starved to death.

Catherine looked at the white dragon Elena, and somewhat understood why one-tenth of the scales on the dragon's body were missing. It must have been pulled out by the greedy white dragon.

"It's over now. It's impossible for this red dragon to accept the conditions of slavery. Pulling out so many dragon scales is a great shame for any red dragon."

The white dragon Elena stared at the ceiling with dull eyes, as if there were flowers on it, this idiot got into trouble and pretended to be fine.

It seems that I can only ask the Red Dragon Queen and my teacher for help, and Catherine doesn't know what to do.

The six-headed giant dragons who were bored in the mage tower all ran over. Looking at the red dragon with so many missing scales, they were a little speechless.

What the white dragon Elena did was a bit too ruthless, and no matter which dragon is now, if this kind of thing happens, the only choice is to go all out.

"Sister Rihanna, teacher, what should I do now? This red dragon is not bad enough to be killed, but if it is let go, it will definitely treat me as an enemy and take revenge." Catherine is helpless now.

Li Ge has no good solution, he has not killed a real dragon so far, let alone humiliated a proud real dragon like this.

"Then we have to try the power of those two divine patterns." Since no awesome healing technique can immediately replenish the scales of the red dragon, Li Ge wanted to try the power brought by the divine patterns.

Just do what he said, he was fascinated, and communicated with the power of the real body of the gods, and a little power of good fortune condensed at his fingertips.

Under the surprised eyes of several female dragons, the missing scales of the red dragon Piem grew out one by one, and even the scars disappeared.

When the red dragon's scales were all grown, his body had already turned into a skeleton dragon. Li Ge would not be kind enough to provide him with the nutrition for the growth of dragon scales.

"It's all right now, as long as you don't tell me, this red dragon will definitely not be able to figure out what's going on under the shackles of magic," Li Ge said with a smile.

Catherine smiled and untied the red dragon Piem's ​​magic bondage, but after a while, the unlucky red dragon slowly woke up from its deep sleep, with a thunderous sound from its belly.

The red dragon Piem didn't have time to say anything, his body seemed uncontrollable, his big mouth was facing the ground, and the sand and stones on the ground were devoured by him to make a big hole.

He was so hungry, he had never been so hungry since he broke the eggshell, so that his rationality was suppressed by hunger.

The red dragon Piem, who had eaten a stomachful of sand, finally regained his sanity, and suddenly felt something was wrong.Looking up, the nasty golden dragon cub, the white dragon, and the six real dragons were all looking at him.

"It's over, the great red dragon Piem, eating sand was seen by other real dragons, especially a few metal dragons." The red dragon felt dizzy, which was more uncomfortable than beating him severely.

(End of this chapter)

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