leisurely dragon

Chapter 131 Conquering the Red Dragon and the Church

Chapter 131 Conquering the Red Dragon and the Church

The most embarrassing moment in the life of the unlucky red dragon Piemlong was at this time, even if he wanted to kill the dragon, he didn't have the ability.

"Hehe, can the arrogant red dragon eat dirt too?" Catherine, the girl who had been beaten by the red dragon, couldn't help but gloated and laughed.

"You are just a baby dragon, what do you know. Eating sand and soil can effectively improve the defense ability of dragon scales. This is the exclusive inheritance of red dragons. You idiot metal dragons can't understand the mystery of this inheritance", Hong There was nothing wrong with Long Piem's ​​face covered with red scales.

"By the way, I seem to be imprisoned by magic, and I feel that someone is pulling out my scales." The red dragon Piem quickly turned his long neck, looked up and down for a while, and found that he had no missing dragon scales.

This must be the hateful metal dragon, who tried to make me succumb with illusion magic before, and the red dragon Piem found a reason in his heart.

"Red Dragon, you dare to rob the caravan in my territory, violating my property and life safety. According to the practice among giant dragons, you are now captured by me, and you must serve me as hard labor." Catherine smiled triumphantly .

The red dragon Piem stood up like a skeleton dragon, "Impossible, you actually want to enslave the great red dragon, have your metal dragons' brains been eaten by brain-eating worms?"

Hearing the red dragon's taunt, except for the red dragon queen Rihanna and the white dragon Elena, Li Ge and several female dragons' dragon power was fully activated for a while, and the dust in the entire dungeon was repulsed by the majestic dragon power. row out.

The red dragon's mouth was closed immediately, facing the two golden dragons and three silver dragons' warning Longwei, Piem's ​​legs trembled a little.Especially the dragon power of the male dragon made the red dragon feel as if he was facing an abyss.

"Ahem, this is not negotiable. If there is a suitable salary, servants to serve and sufficient food, the great red dragon can also be hired."

The dragon had to bow his head in the dungeon. After careful thinking, the red dragon Piem had to accept the reality and put forward his own conditions.

Of course, it was impossible for Catherine to agree to this condition, so she immediately asked the teacher to help.

Li Ge laughed and turned into a real golden dragon. The dragon's claws held down the skinny red dragon and beat him up without saying a word.

The red dragon Pierre was completely unable to move under the suppression of the legendary dragon species that was nearly twice his size, and was beaten to the point of wailing.

The red dragon who likes violence the most will often only succumb to violence.The red dragon Piem, who was beaten black and swollen, had to sign an unequal treaty in humiliation.

In the treaty, the red dragon Piam must serve Catherine for 100 years without compensation, and Catherine should provide the red dragon with basic living conditions.

In the end, Catherine also asked Elsa and Laiya, two great arcanists, to plant a profound magic binding rune on the red dragon at the price of [-] divine power gold coins, so as to prevent the cunning red dragon from escaping.

"This is a serious distrust of the reputation of my real dragon," the red dragon Pierre secretly slandered his new master.

"It's really boring. I thought you were a hard bone, so I can ask the teacher to make you a tool dragon." Catherine was very envious of Li Ge's subordinates, the tool green dragon who worked hard at both ends and didn't need to eat.

The red dragon Pierre secretly remembered the word tool dragon in his heart.It wasn't until later when I started patrolling that I met those two legendary green dragons that looked like puppets, and I was so frightened that I scolded my new master for being cruel, not like a metal dragon at all.

The surrendered red dragon was released, and after almost a whole day of eating, the poor red dragon was full, and his body recovered a bit, and he was no longer skinny.

From then on, the Golden Rose collar also had a red dragon patrolling, which greatly increased the sense of security for those merchants.

Li Ge will not interfere too much in Catherine's territory, he is just wearing the name of a lord.

Golden Dragon Elsa and Laiya's mother and daughter have almost completely let go of the management of Lige's territory since they became priests of the Lord of Dimensions.

Most of Baron Kaman and the residents of the town are followers of Bahamut.These metal dragons still respect this great god, it is impossible to rob its believers, and it is inevitable to let go.

Not to mention the monsters under the Green Dragon Krisna's hands, they are in a state of chaos, at best they can be used as cannon fodder when necessary.

Therefore, Li Ge's lair became a place where several female dragons often go.

There are more than 2 kobolds led by Sass.After decades of teaching by Sass and the feedback of the power of faith from the avatar of the gods, all of them became believers.

Moreover, the kobolds of this tribe, in terms of physical fitness and wisdom, are obviously much stronger than those of their fellow wanderers.The proportion of professionals is close to one tenth, and there are nearly a hundred dragon vein kobolds.

Several female dragons regard this place as the belief base of the lord of the dimension. In their eyes, these kobolds are treasures, no worse than human believers.

Li Ge also let them do it. Although belief is not necessary, it is better than nothing.He was also very happy when several spouses wanted to do something for him.

Pastors Elsa, Laiya, Helia, Erin and Sass are the members of this newly established church.

Elsa, who had been an archbishop, was elected as the archbishop of this small church, Laiya and Helia were bishops, and Yilin recommended herself as the head of the knights of the church.

Sas directly held the secular power and continued to teach the kobold tribe for his master.Sass readily accepted this important responsibility.

The members of Yilin's Knights were also easy to find. Among her nearly [-] dragon blood soldiers, excluding believers of other gods, there were nearly [-] reliable soldiers.

She secretly baptized these twenty dragon blood soldiers, making them the first batch of half-elven believers of the Lord of Dimensions.

Then 50 dragon-born warlocks and ten dragon-born kobold fighters were selected from the kobolds, a total of [-] people formed the church knights of the lord of the dimension.

In order to grab these places, the kobold professionals almost broke their heads.

After Yilin's Dragon Blood Vase, Li Ge named it the Dragon Blood Knights. This is the first regular armed force of the Church of True God.

Although the church is small, the four female dragons are very serious.In this world, everything that involves the true god must be respected, and Li Ge gradually accepted this concept.

In the Dimensional Dragon's Nest, Selina also formed a branch of the church, and she served as the bishop herself.The nature elves also built a wooden church.

Apart from these people, no other forces know that from today onwards, there is another Church of True God in this multiverse.

Li Ge's gaze also began to slowly turn to the entire multiverse. For a true god, this is an inevitable choice.

(End of this chapter)

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