leisurely dragon

Chapter 135 Assassination of the Demon Queen

Chapter 135 Assassination of the Demon Queen
The Red Dragon Queen is progressing smoothly, and her understanding of the priesthood has reached a new height.When she came to Li Ge's territory again, it was already half a year later.

"Sister Rihanna, long time no see", Catherine was very enthusiastic.Now, except for managing the territory, she spends half of her time studying in Lige's mage tower.Anyway, the cost of teleportation is nothing to her.

Elsa and Laiya mother and daughter, the four female dragons also greeted them with smiles, and now they are all partners of the same camp.

Here are all insiders, and Li Ge didn't shy away from it, and said with a smile, "Rihanna, how is your progress?"

The Red Dragon Queen raised her willow eyebrows proudly, "Is there anything that can be difficult for this queen, with your help, just wait for the right time, and I will be able to ignite the divine fire."

Everyone was overjoyed. It would be a big deal to add a true god to one's own camp.The Red Dragon Queen is not like Li Ge's divine body who can't show up. She is a god, which is definitely the most shocking event in hundreds of years.

It's been a long time since the multiverse added a true god.Rihanna, who possesses artifacts and a promising priesthood, will definitely surpass those gods who are at the tail of the crane, such as the typical hedonistic goddess of the unicorn goddess.

Li Ge smiled, since the Red Dragon Queen knew it well, he didn't ask any more questions.He has absolute confidence in the Red Dragon Queen.

Leaving these female dragons here to play, he has more important things to deal with.There was a message from the avatar of the gods, that the projection of Gracia, the Queen of Desires, had been completely refined.

Li Ge thought of a pretty good idea. Once successful, the income can be quite high.He is very interested in pitting that hell demon god.

In the temple in the center of the Kingdom of God, a group of hell origins emitting a gloomy light are firmly bound by the real body of the god.

Once the source of hell is brought to the outside world, it will be sensed by the queen of hell, and then use the power of hell to take it back.

Li Ge let out a sneer, and spent all the divine power gold coins he had accumulated during this period of more than 2 pieces, and the avatar of the gods even used the divine power to create some.

A total of [-] divine power gold coins were collected, and a soul imprint was created by using the mighty power of the system.After thinking about it for a while, the two divine patterns of good fortune each gave out a bit of power and got into the soul imprint.

Then the avatar of the gods injected all the images of the temple seen by the great prophecy into the soul imprint, and finally the soul imprint and the source of hell merged into one, without any tampering.

"Go", the real body of the gods and Li Ge joined forces and shouted violently.The source of hell travels directly through the void and appears in the underground cave where the temple is located.

"It's that big devil that has descended." The four demigods in the temple opened their eyes at the same time, and they were overjoyed immediately when they saw the trace of the origin of hell.

No matter where the origin of this hell comes from, if you snatch it, you can analyze a trace of the law of hell, which is very helpful for igniting the divine fire.

As for whether they will fall into the evil camp, at their level, they don't care much at all.

The four strands of divine power instantly restrained that trace of the source of hell, and began to desperately snatch it.They didn't have the idea of ​​notifying the gods. Once the gods knew about it, the benefits would not fall on them.

In the distant Bator Hell, Gracia, who had been grumpy for a while, was overjoyed. The trace of her original aura that had been split from her reappeared.

The Queen of Desires mobilized the power of the Demon God, intending to recover her origin through the air, but was unexpectedly blocked by several forces.

"Hehe, you dare to attack me. This is courting death." The Queen of Desires laughed angrily, and used the power of this layer of hell under her control.

A picture appeared in front of Gracia, the temple and the four demigods entered her eyes.

"Hehe, it turns out that the gods still have this kind of secret here. This is an unexpected harvest. You ants, I remember you."

The four demigods smirked amidst the laughter of the Demon Queen, watching the source of hell being taken back by the demon god.This time, not only did he not get any benefits, but he was also missed by a big devil.

In hell, Gracia carefully checked the source, and found that the memory inside had completely disappeared except for the part of the temple.

She didn't understand at all that her own projection stirred up wind and rain in a small plane, why she suddenly appeared in Noren, and whether there was any conspiracy in it.

This effect is exactly what Li Ge wants to achieve, the more you do, the more mistakes you make.He simply erased all other memories and let the Queen of Erin Demons guess.

Gracia checked it over and over countless times, but found no problems.The greatness of the power of the divine pattern of good fortune, even if it is just a trace, is not something she can see.Unless it's Astimore, Lord of Hell, her father is unlikely.

"Could it be that he was accidentally teleported there and was trapped by the sealing power of the gods, causing a problem?" After much deliberation, this is the only possibility.

She will not give up this trace of origin, every trace of the devil's power is very precious.

In the end, the Queen of Demons still merged with this trace of her origin, and that trace of soul imprint with the power of creation also silently merged into the soul of the demon god.

Li Ge and the real body of the gods laughed at each other, and the plan was successful.Although it is impossible to control the demon god with this soul imprint, it can be slowly and imperceptibly influenced. When Li Ge becomes stronger, nothing is impossible.

Moreover, under the blessing of the power of creation, the imprint is constantly stealing the mysteries of this hell plane controlled by the Queen of Eriny.

The growth of dimensional laws requires not only comprehension, but also the ability to actively absorb the laws of the dimensional planes of the heavens to grow.

The plane of hell is one of the most powerful forces in the multiverse. Mastering the dimensional laws of the plane of hell will benefit Li Ge unimaginably.

Another additional purpose is to make a little trouble for the gods.The four major gods regard mortals as leeks and consumables, and Li Ge is also among them.Now that he has the power to resist, his thoughts will not be clear without adding a little trouble.

After doing these, Li Ge didn't need to do anything else.He didn't believe in the Demon Queen, so he would give up the chance to fight for this godhead.

When Li Ge reappeared, Laiya was leading Rihanna and Catherine to visit the Dimensional Dragon Nest.

Now Rihanna is not an outsider, and Catherine is also a member of the church.As the church's secret base, the Dimensional Dragon's Nest can be opened to them.

"Wow, the ancient tree of life, it smells so familiar." Catherine was very surprised when she saw the thousand-meter-high dimensional ancient tree.

"Xilia, you have earned me a lot of gold coins by relying on this." The girl is not an idiot, and she immediately understood how the super version of the dragon's blood potion she drank before came from.

(End of this chapter)

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