leisurely dragon

Chapter 136 The Great Discovery of the Elves

Chapter 136 The Great Discovery of the Elves
"Catherine, this is not an ordinary ancient tree of life. Its level of life is no lower than that of a branch of the world tree, and it is the core of Li Ge's dimensional dragon nest. The potion made of this material is definitely worth the price, and it is not a lie Your money".

Celia smiled and explained that she and Catherine had a good relationship, and knew that Catherine was not really blaming them.

It was the first time for Selena and Catherine to meet, but Selena had a gentle personality and got along well with everyone, and they got used to it after a while.

The nature elves prepared cakes and drinks for the real dragons, and the red dragon queen Rihanna sat comfortably under the ancient tree.

She didn't expect Li Ge to revive the seed that the high elves thought could not germinate, and it grew to an unbelievable level.

"Now I have more and more confidence in Li Ge", the Red Dragon Queen is very proud of her vision of seeing people.

Rihanna felt that the Dimensional Dragon Nest created by Li Ge was much better than her own half-plane.Although his own demiplane has a large area, it doesn't have as much potential as this already formed independent plane.

Everything here is developing steadily, and finally someone from the Silver Leaf Elf Tribe found something wrong with the Dragon Blood Physique Potion.

As high elves, the birth rate of moon elves is quite touching.But in the past few years, among the three hundred moon elves of the Silver Leaf tribe, moon elves have frequently conceived and given birth.

This apparent increase in the birth rate is remarkable.With just three hundred moon elves, even a trivial matter would spread, not to mention such a big event as the birth of so many moon elf babies.

A few female moon elf priests who had nothing to do started their investigation.It turned out that the Moon Elf families who had children all took the dragon blood constitution potion produced by the Dragon Territory.

Originally, Xia Wei bought these medicines to strengthen the physique of these relatively weak moon elves.

Most of the potions were used by the three hundred moon elves, and they were not distributed to the natural elves, so the benefits were easily reflected.

"What you said is true", Xia Wei was inexplicably surprised.Ever since Angress, the queen of elves, hinted at giving the core of the divine treant last time, Xia Wei guessed that Li Ge might have grasped the source of a new ancient tree of life.

The elf queen with powerful divine power will not do meaningless things.There are still a few bottles left of the one hundred bottles of ordinary dragon blood constitution potion that Xia Wei traded last month.

The elf princess carefully opened a bottle of potion and smelled it. Except for the familiar smell of the tree of life, she didn't feel anything special.

Xia Wei is very cautious about this kind of thing. She took the investigation results from several female moon elf priests who swear by it, and analyzed it carefully.

The result was still the same as several priests, she found that the fertility rate of the moon elves had increased by three times, which was still not fully effective.

The heart of the elf princess was pounding with excitement. If this medicine was widely used, the problem of the decline of the high elves population would be easily solved.

The elven queen Angress has the field of childbirth in her priesthood, and can actually be regarded as the god of life in the elven pantheon.

Xia Wei came to Angress's temple excitedly, enshrined the potion bottle in front of the statue, and began to pray.

Angress is willing to respond to her beloved one.Although the elf god would not directly intervene in the life of an elf, but for such a major event affecting the moon elves, Angress issued an oracle.

Angress is the god of the moon elves, and she loves the moon elves very much.Her oracle clearly pointed out that this bottle of potion contains the breath of the ancient tree of life and a dragon god.

The powerful reproduction ability of the real dragon and the breath of life of the ancient tree of life are perfectly integrated together, endowing the potion with the effect of improving fertility.

The gods affirmed the effect of the potion, which surprised Xia Wei.But the Queen of God pointed out that this involved an unknown dragon god, which made the female elf a little uneasy.

No matter which dragon god is not easy to mess with, the elves should not think about taking away this newborn ancient tree of life.

Even a dragon god with weak divine power is no weaker than other gods with medium divine power in battle.This new ancient tree of life must be the treasure of the dragon god, and it seems that Li Ge is the only one to find.

The elf princess is very clear now that Li Ge and this dragon god must have a close relationship.

This underage golden dragon was unexpectedly powerful, and now it seems that there is an explanation.The greatness of the gods can create many miracles.

The arrival of the elf princess did not surprise Li Ge.From the moment he saw the increase in the birth rate of natural elves, Li Ge knew that he was determined to squeeze out the wool of the elves.

The population problem of the elves, the elves and gods are not impossible to solve, but the cost is relatively high.Coupled with the generally peaceful character of elf statues, they will not interfere too much with the development of elf society.

All Li Ge didn't worry about whether the elves would have the idea of ​​taking away the ancient tree of dimension, and he himself was not without the power to resist.

"Li Ge, the situation is like this. How many dragon blood constitution potions you can produce, the Elf Kingdom will buy them all." Xia Wei was very excited, and she had already requested financial support from the Elf Kingdom.

With the endorsement of the oracle from the Queen of the Elf God, the members of the Council of Elder Elders quickly passed the resolution.The specific matters are still in the hands of Queen Xia Wei.

Li Ge smiled at the corner of his mouth, and he was very refreshed, "Xia Wei, you are my friend, and I am happy to help you. It is possible to increase the production of medicine a little, but the dragon's blood is not enough."

"My spouses all have the potential to improve, and they don't want to waste their strength. If you can get a lot of dragon blood, this problem will be solved. The higher the level of dragon blood, the better."

He directly threw the problem to the elves, and now only the green dragon Krisna is willing to sell dragon blood.The white dragon Elena is only willing to sell the dragon blood she picked up, not a drop of her own.

Xia Wei bit her thin lips, this question was not very difficult for the elves.There are dozens of legends in the elves, and it is not difficult to get some dragon blood.

The few human dragon envoys who were developing in the wilderness received invitations from the elves one after another.During the exchange, the elves promised to buy the blood of the real dragon they contracted with at a high price.

These nobles are now in the stage of investment, and they still need to raise a giant dragon with a huge appetite. They are not overjoyed to receive this business.

Most of the five-color dragons that contracted with them had no potential and ambition, and under some temptation, they all became the source of dragon blood for the elves.

Some metal dragons living in seclusion in the elf forest, some with a milder personality, also sold dragon blood to the elves.

Looking at the thousand bottles of dragon's blood medicine that Li Ge traded for her, Xia Wei was very satisfied.With so many potions delivered every month, the high elves will have a lot more population.

Li Ge was surprised by the reactions of the female dragons. They were only willing to take the proceeds of a hundred bottles as before.

In Laiya's words, although Li Ge is his spouse, he cannot occupy his wealth unprincipled.

The elves trade directly with divine power gold coins, and a thousand bottles are worth 180 divine power gold coins. Therefore, Li Ge earns an additional [-] divine power gold coins every month.

(End of this chapter)

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