leisurely dragon

Chapter 137 Spirit Dragon Liyue

Chapter 137 Spirit Dragon Liyue

The relationship between Li Ge and the elves began to become friendly.It used to be just an ordinary friendly relationship, but now it is almost an ally.

The elves seem quite arrogant, but once the relationship with them is good, it is quite acceptable, at least much better than humans.

According to the requirements of Elsa, Laiya, and the natural elves, Li Ge bought a lot of magical plants from the elves that are not open to the public.

Xia Wei is also very happy, and has to pay a large sum of money every month, and the elves will also have to bear the burden after a long time.It is best to do business with Li Ge.

Those magic plants are not cheap, and the money Li Ge just got was taken back by the laughing Xia Wei.

The elves have a lot of rare magic plants, enough to trade with Li Ge for a long time.

"Master, the spirit dragon egg is about to hatch." Selina pleasantly informed Li Ge that she had been taking care of this dragon egg.

Finally hatched, Li Ge sighed, this spirit dragon egg has absorbed a lot of force and produced incredible changes.He can be sure that the one hatched from this dragon egg must not be an ordinary spirit dragon.

When Li Ge arrived, Rihanna, Elsa, Laiya mother and daughter, Catherine and Selena, several female dragons, all gathered together, but they had never seen such a rare real dragon.

The white jade-like eggshell cracked into fine lines with the sound of knocking. With a "click", a petite dragon claw tore through the eggshell, and then a celestial dragon that was almost exactly the same as the dragon in Li Ge's previous life came out.

With a green dragon body, tender little horns, and cute big eyes, "Liyue Feng...", a long list of dragon's real names spit out.

The delicate and lovely young dragon, blinking its cute big eyes, looked at Li Ge, "Brother, Liyue pledges allegiance to you."

The young spirit dragon was stamped with the mark of the ancient tree of dimension from the dragon egg, and absorbed Li Ge's real dragon spirit, so he was naturally loyal to Li Ge.

"Hehe, Liyue is so good, eat the eggshells quickly," Li Ge said softly, looking at the lovely Liyue.

The eyes of the female dragons on one side turned into stars, "It's so cute, teacher, can you give Liyue to me to raise?"

Catherine shook Li Ge's arm, how could Li Ge agree, "Catherine, Liyue is the strongest Tianlong among the spirit dragons, and now it has mutated, and it is stronger than ordinary golden dragons. She has her own ideas , you go ask her."

Liyue slowly finished eating the eggshells, and the tender scales and horns on her body also gradually became hard.

Tianlong is a wind-type dragon. It is born to control the weather, breathe water, and breathe fire dragon breath. As it grows older, it will awaken powerful spell-like abilities.

After eating the eggshells, Liyue shook the dragon's body and turned into a five-year-old girl.She has black hair, picturesque eyebrows, and a small lady's dress, so cute.

Li Ge was delighted, Liyue's image was the same as her compatriots in her previous life, and she couldn't help liking her even more.

"Liyue, this will be your home from now on. Come on, let me introduce these older sisters to you." Li Ge lovingly picked up Liyue and introduced a few female dragons to her.

"Liyue, come to me." Rihanna likes this kind of cute creature the most. Seeing Liyue obediently calling her sister, she was immediately elated and took Liyue from Li Ge.

Li Yue is very well-behaved, and knows that they are Li Ge's closest dragons, and feels very kind to them.

Li Ge was quickly pushed aside, "The envoy has failed again," he smiled helplessly.

Such a lovely Liyue, he couldn't bear to let her suffer, and Rihanna and the others would not agree to such a small dragon being an angel.

Li Ge's initial plan was to use divine power to quickly ripen him, but now it seems that he is not willing to do so.

Catherine even generously paid out of her own pocket to buy the dragon's special delicacies from Li Ge, and asked Liyue to eat them.Li Ge didn't want to take money, but according to Catherine, if she didn't take money, it wouldn't reflect her heart.

No matter how smart and well-behaved Li Yue is, she is still a baby dragon, coaxed dizzy by a few female dragons, and soon becomes close and no different from a real family.

Regardless of Li Ge's protest, Liyue's custody rights were jointly taken away by the mother dragons.In Leia's words, "Do you male dragons know how to raise dragonlings?"

Fortunately, Liyue respected and loved his elder brother very much, which made him feel a little comforted.It's just that the gods have to find someone else.

The current spirit dragon is just a baby dragon, sleeping most of the time every day.Every time he wakes up, the female dragons will come forward to feed them in turn, which makes Li Ge envious.

Liyue is a little strange, when she sleeps, she likes to sleep on the ancient tree or something, and sometimes she takes small bites of the leaves as snacks.Li Ge just let her go, since she couldn't eat much anyway.

The kobold's church has almost been rectified, that is, Yilin, the leader of the Dragon Blood Knights, has a little more to do, and the other female dragons don't have much to do.

When Liyue is awake, she will be taken to the lair.The Kobold Sas respects Liyue very much.This strange real dragon has the master's power in its body.

Tianlong is almost a born manager, and the little Liyue will not let go of the kobolds' occasional mistakes. The little body is there, and she has to watch those kobolds who made mistakes to correct them.

Laiya and the others found it very interesting to watch, but those kobolds were quite convinced of the handling of this young dragon.

Catherine looked a little depressed, she only knew how to play at this age, but she was not as good as Liyue.

Happy times always pass quickly, Liyue has only grown up for half a year, and her slender dragon body has reached the standard of a young dragon, and her strength has also followed.

"Flame", "Wind and Thunder", Xiao Liyue's slender dragon body was flying in the air. Although she didn't have dragon wings, her flying posture was extraordinarily elegant.

Liyue is different from ordinary Tianlong, she has flame and wind and thunder, two different dragon breaths, and she is chasing Catherine in the air, her small body is extremely flexible.

A burst of intermittent calls sounded in Li Ge's ears, and Li Ge's expression changed drastically. This was the call of the dragon allies of Charles and the golden dragon Ingrid.

Li Ge sensed the coordinates with all his strength, but as if something was blocking him, the summoning stopped quickly.

"Rihanna, Elsa, Laiya, come quickly, I need your help." Li Ge's face was livid, and if it was not in an extremely dangerous situation, the call would not be interrupted at all.

Several female dragons also noticed this situation, and ran over one after another, returning to the teleportation room of the Mage Tower.

"Rihanna, Leia, Alsa, I need you to adjust the teleportation array quickly. These are the coordinates I sensed." Li Ge didn't dare to delay. The Charles and his wife would not do this unless they were in great danger.

(End of this chapter)

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