leisurely dragon

Chapter 165 Civil Unrest and Demonization

Chapter 165 Civil Unrest and Demonization
The huge movement even alarmed the Ice and Snow Elf tribe in the distance.All elf soldiers were summoned.

"Li Ge has gone to the Frost Giant Tribe to investigate, let's wait for his news." Facing the nervous Avelia, Xia Wei had no choice but to explain.

She guessed in her heart that this turmoil might have something to do with Li Ge.He also knew Li Ge's character. He was good to his friends, but he was always unscrupulous to his enemies.

It's late at night, and if you go into battle rashly, a careless word may cause extremely serious consequences.

Neither Xia Wei nor Saint Avelia dared to take any risks.From the current point of view, this war is already a sure thing, and there is no need to risk the lives of the people.

The old priest Dam turned into a berserker mage, smashing the heads of one enemy after another with his hard bone staff.

The Frost Giant has a brutal and indifferent personality, no matter how close the clansman is, standing on the opposite side is the enemy of life and death.

"Brothers, today is a game of success or failure." The old priest Dam's bone staff pierced the chest of an adult frost giant, and that damned Sebas was right in front of him.

"Dum, your opponent is me." A legendary frost giant warrior who was half the height of ordinary people stopped in front of Dam.

Old Dam's eyes were bloodshot, "Bastard, have you forgotten how to express your loyalty to His Majesty Solem in front of me when you were a child?"

The legendary frost giant smiled ferociously, "Old Dum, whoever asks Lord Kostchurch to give us more, I will use your head as a sacrifice to the Lord of Wrath."

The old priest almost went mad with anger, swung his hard bone staff, and killed the legendary warrior.

This bone staff was made from the hardest bone in the giant dragon after he killed an adult white dragon in the past.

Today, he will use this bone staff to take the lives of these traitors and restore His Majesty Solem's faith.

"Old Dam, your doomsday has come, capture him alive," Sebastian grinned, casting more than a dozen demonic curses on the old priest.

Old Dam's body shrank immediately, like an exhausted boar, and his feet were so soft that he couldn't hold it.

The legendary frost giant warrior laughed like an eagle catching a chick. He mentioned the old priest and shouted loudly, "Old Dum has been captured alive. You traitors, surrender immediately, or the whole family will die."

The general situation is gone, except for those diehard loyalists who persisted a few times and were killed by Sebastian's spell, the other frost giants surrendered one after another.

In just one night, the powerful tribe of frost giants, large and small, had killed more than 200 people, and nearly a hundred of Old Dum's subordinates were captured.

Listening to Li Ge telling what happened last night, Xia Wei and Avelia were overjoyed. This time, the threat to the Ice and Snow Elf tribe was much less.

"Li Ge, you did a great job." Seeing the beloved, just a little bit of tricks caused the enemy to have internal strife.

Regardless of the presence of other people, the wayward Moon Elf kissed her lover lightly to express her gratitude.

Avelia, the Ice and Snow Fairy Saintess, looked envious. It's not that no one knows about her and Bailong Monroe.

Originally, the saintesses of the ice and snow elf tribe, according to the requirements of the first generation leader, if they inherited the Frost Orb, they had to never marry for life, unless they gave their power to the next generation of saintesses.

Avelia and her contract partner Bailong Monroe have developed a deep relationship during nearly 200 years of getting along.

It's just that because the tribe has not produced a new legend, she dare not let go of the power of the saint immediately, because if the new saint does not have the protection of the legend, the tribe will not have the protection of high-end combat power before it grows up.

The higher-ups in the clan also understood this, and acquiesced in her relationship with Bailong.Bailong Monroe was brought up by the elf tribe, and he was also willing to silently support Avelia to protect the tribe.

Seeing Avelia's envious expression, Bailong took the hand of the elf saint to comfort his partner.

"Ahem", the Great Elder Mugur couldn't stand it anymore, Bailong and Avelia didn't care about it in private.But it's a bit too obvious now. Once it gets out, they don't seem to be confessing to the tribe. There are many stubborn guys in the elves.

The white dragon glared at the old elf, and retreated behind Avelia's signal.

The middle-level members of the Ice and Snow Elf Tribe have a high fighting spirit, and they all propose to completely defeat the Frost Giant Tribe with the help of the special envoys of the Elf King Court.

Avelia is not so fanatical. The ancient frost giant Sebastian is not dead, and this tribe of frost giants is still a huge threat.

In the end, Xia Wei and the Ice and Snow Elf Tribe discussed and decided to wait and see what happened for the time being. Guys who believe in demon lords often have abnormal brains.

Among the tribe of frost giants, Old Dum was pushed down on the demon altar, and the legendary frost giant warrior raised his battle ax and fell heavily.

Later, more than 100 old Damm's supporters were all beheaded, even those underage cubs were not spared.

"Powerful angry lord, you are the protector of the frost giants. I enshrine you with these powerful souls, and pray to give my warriors great strength." The ancient frost giant Sebastian prayed fanatically like the demon lord Kostchurch.

The flesh and soul under the demon altar was completely absorbed, and an evil laugh came, "As you wish".

Black smoke rose from the altar of the devil, sinking into the frost giants who worshiped the devil.

These frost giants roared in pain immediately, scales and demon skin began to grow on their bodies, and they began to evolve like demons.

Sebastian has changed the most, with a pair of demon horns growing on the top of his head, the blood of the Frost Titan is more obvious, and there is a faint layer of frost armor on his body, which can almost become a Fallen Titan.

"My warriors, go and slay those elves, and dedicate their flesh and soul to the great wrathful lord."

Sebastian accepted the power of the demon lord, his whole body was in a state of madness, and his head began to go crazy again.

The remaining nearly 600 frost giants in the entire tribe, big and small, set off towards the ice and snow elf tribe while roaring.

The sentries monitoring the tribe of the frost giants retreated while issuing a stern alarm, but unfortunately they lost their lives when they were hit by Sebastian's demonic spell.

"Assemble all, the frost giants are attacking", the saint Avelia lost her former composure, and the overwhelming demonic aura in the distance already showed the seriousness of the situation.

"Princess, Your Excellency Jinlong, I and the tribe need your help." Avelia also ignored the etiquette.

Li Ge nodded at Xia Wei, "I'll go and weaken the strength of the frost giant's army first." After that, the golden dragon soared into the sky.

Xia Wei has always been kind-hearted, and she doesn't want to see the casualties of the elves, so Li Ge wanted to help her.

(End of this chapter)

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