leisurely dragon

Chapter 166 The Great War

Chapter 166 The Great War
The golden dragon's flapping dragon wings burst into thunderous waves, and it went straight to the demonized frost giant army.

The mixed dragon's breath of overwhelming flames and lightning drowned the dozens of frost giants in the front.

Sebastian roared, and the last two legendary warriors of the frost giant tribe rushed forward, one left and one right.

Li Ge's body flashed, and he appeared at a height of several hundred, and another dragon's breath just landed in the middle of the frost giant army, sweeping across a large area.

The two legendary warriors whose minds were basically eroded by the breath of the abyss kept jumping and slashing, but it was a pity that they were just a little bit short.

"Yang Yan Explosion", the infinite positive energy light shines on these half-demons, making them scream like being corroded by sulfuric acid.

"Dimensional dragon's breath", accompanied by invisible dimensional fluctuations, a legendary warrior's tough physique couldn't bear the cutting and pulling of the dimensional space, screamed, and exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

At the moment when Li Ge was fighting the legendary frost giant warrior, Sebastian had already teleported to the defense line of the elf tribe.

Under the strengthening of the breath of the abyss, the Titan blood of the ancient giant Sebastian has fallen, his strength has greatly increased, and his body size has exceeded 15 meters.

Not a single elf soldier could withstand his blow, and the ice and snow elf saint was furious.

"Summon ice elementals", Avelia waved the magic circle, and more than a dozen ice elementals appeared.

Sebastian grinned grinningly, and slapped him several times, not one ice element remained.

Those frost spells fell on the fallen half-titan with little effect.

"Moon God's Arrow", Xia Wei's divine arrow can also bring no small threat to this ancient giant.

But the female elf didn't dare to get too close, and now she regretted not bringing her legendary white tiger.

"Monroe, stop for me, I want to stretch high-level spells." Avelia, the legendary frost mage who was promoted with the help of the frost orb, was a little watery.

The adult white dragon let out a roar, and stopped in front of the ancient frost giant. A blast of ice dragon's breath sprayed over, leaving only some minor wounds on the giant.

The frost resistance of the fallen Frost Titan's blood is too strong, and the strength of the white dragon is not enough.

Sebas rushed up against the dragon's breath, laughed loudly, hugged the white dragon, and knocked him to the ground.

A dragon and a giant rolled and wrestled on the ground. The white dragon was obviously defeated, but still remembered Avelia's words, and fought desperately there.

Xia Wei concentrated her arrow and shot Sebas in the vest. The ancient frost giant roared in pain and went mad.

Regardless of the injury in his vest, he exerted force with both hands, and one of the white dragon's wings was torn off by the root, and hot dragon blood gushed out.

"Monroe," Avelia yelled in pain, shooting a ray at Sebas.

Sebas was taken aback, then roared, let go of the white dragon and rushed towards Avelia.

"He is actually exempt from the dissociation technique." Avelia's face changed drastically. Hundreds of arcane missiles hit Sebas's body, except for shattering the thin layer of frost armor, it had almost no major effect.

Saint Avelia's legendary sorcerer practice is a bit tricky. Facing this fallen half-titan with high magic resistance and teleportation, he can only dodge and dodge non-stop.

The meat-tanning white dragon is half useless and has no fighting power. Now Xia Wei can only desperately contain Sebastian and rescue Avelia's crisis.

Sharp arrows made of moonlight bloomed bloody flowers on the giant's body.Helpless, this guy is too rough and fleshy, and he has already turned into a semi-demon.

Xia Wei's strongest combat power can only be brought into full play when she prays for the power of the Queen of the Elven God, Angress.

It's just that this time the ice and snow elf priest was in danger, and Angress didn't react at all. The moon elves knew that there was little chance of borrowing Angress' power in this battle.The gods don't like those favored by the gods who casually cause trouble for themselves.

"Dimensional Storm", Li Ge's violent magnification move, killed the last legendary frost giant warrior, and killed a group of semi-demonized frost giants by the way.

The situation on Xia Wei's side may be urgent, and Bailong's roar became weak.Sebastian, who has accepted the power of the abyss, has become a more terrifying opponent.

Without the help of the power of the gods, Xia Wei can barely deal with a high-level legend. Even with Avelia, she probably can't deal with the ancient frost giant.

Li Ge spread his wings and headed for Sebastian.

The current situation is a bit tragic, Bailong Monroe bites Sebas' thigh tightly, and has been beaten into a dragon shape.

Avelia was anxious, and desperately approached to attack. Her body was already infected with the devil's curse, and she was in poor condition.

Xia Wei's long-range attack is quite effective, but Sebastian, who has become more and more demonized, recovers super fast from the wounds on his body under the influence of the power of the abyss and the blood of the Frost Titan.

Waves of golden sacred lightning and dragon's breath fell on Sebas's body, which was not comparable to the attacks of Xia Wei and the others.

The abyssal aura on Sebas's body suddenly weakened by more than half. Li Ge took the opportunity to move away the dying white dragon with the power of the dimension, and a magic scroll for healing serious injuries fell on him.

Li Ge was impressed by Bai Longmenluo's performance, so he decided to save him so that this guy would not die.

Seeing Li Ge coming, Avelia breathed a sigh of relief, blessed Bailong with a levitation technique, and led him away from the battlefield.

Sebastian was not as arrogant as before. The attack strength of the golden dragon was not comparable to that of Avelia's parallel legendary mage.

The dragon breath of the legendary dragon species is simple and crude, but very effective. The dimensional imprisonment has blocked the teleportation ability of this demonized ancient frost giant.

Xia Wei doesn't have to pay attention to Bailong's master and servant all the time to prevent them from being killed, so she can hold back her big moves with confidence.

"Yang Yan exploded", a small sun fell on Sebas's head, and the abyssal breath on his body almost disappeared.

With the protection of the dimensional shield, Sebastian's demon curse could not fall on the golden dragon at all.

Sebastian, who has been rampant on the ice for hundreds of years, finally met his real nemesis.

After all, he wasn't completely brainless, Sebastian ran away after a roar, and now his life was at stake.

Li Ge looked at the battlefield, and the ice and snow elves had already gained the upper hand.

Therefore, he would follow behind Sebas in a hurry, and from time to time, a dragon's breath would fall on the body of the ancient giant, and clean up the miscellaneous soldiers by the way.

Sebastian, who had exposed many bones on his body, finally ran to the demon altar in the tribe of frost giants.

Apart from anything else, this ancient giant with the ice and snow titan dripped his blood on the altar, and the vicious abyss demon language sounded.

"Damn it, it's too much fun, right?" Seeing the posture of this ancient frost giant, it goes without saying that he knew the backstage demon lord who was actually summoning him.

Li Ge suffocated his magic power, and a mixed dragon's breath landed on the demon altar, but a phantom of the demon waved his hand, and the infinite power of the abyss emerged, unexpectedly resisting the attack of the golden dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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