leisurely dragon

Chapter 167 Revenge of the Frost Giant God

Chapter 167 Revenge of the Frost Giant God
The appearance of the demon phantom blocked the mixed dragon's breath, which seemed easy, but Li Ge could sense that the phantom power of this abyssal demon lord had consumed a lot.

Sebastian roared, and the power of the demon lord merged into his body.The frost giant's body is completely demonized.

"Little lizard, you dare to offend the great angry monarch." The one who dominates this body is no longer the frost giant, but the demon lord, the king of the frost giants, Koschurch, the angry monarch.

Li Ge was waiting for him, and it was useless to solve only one Sebastian. Only by fighting the incarnation of the demon lord and frustrating his plot could the crisis be fundamentally resolved.

The golden dragon let out a wild roar, as if it had returned to the moment when it was a life-and-death battle with the adult power dragon in the monster map.

Not only did Li Ge not have any fear of this relatively weak incarnation of the demon lord, but he showed boundless fighting spirit.

"Devil, suffer death", the golden dragon swooped down with a howl, the dimensional space around him continued to grow and die, and a much stronger dragon's breath than before fell on the incarnation of the demon lord.

This was the unreserved blow of the golden dragon. The demon lord let out a painful cry. Almost half of the flesh and blood on his body disappeared, but it was restored by the power of the abyss in a blink of an eye.

The ugly king of frost giants suffered a big loss as soon as he appeared on the stage, and he wished to kill this golden dragon on the spot.

The two sides fought in the camp of the frost giants, and the camp was turned into ruins in the blink of an eye.

After comprehending the divinity of the dimension, Li Ge was not afraid of the transmission of the demon lord's incarnation, and he could often interrupt the transmission of the demon lord.

In the abyss, among the countless demon lords, Kostchurch's power is relatively weak.

This incarnation didn't take advantage of Li Ge, but suffered a lot.

However, the golden dragon was not without damage. Several dragon scales of Li Ge had been damaged, and blood was oozing from his body.

The pure strength of the demon lord is very strong. In close combat, the golden dragon will inevitably get hit a few times, but it is much better than the demon lord.

Among the injuries on Koschurch's body, the power of the dimension was preventing the power of the abyss from recovering from his injuries. The demon lord paid the price for his contempt.

The female elf Xia Wei has already felt the battlefield, but she can't intervene in a battle of this scale.

The beautiful eyes of the elf princess looked at her lover anxiously, and at the same time, there was a trace of pride in her heart. Few people could fight the incarnation of the demon lord and gain the upper hand.

The battle between the two sides has reached a fever pitch, and there is no time to use the large-scale legendary magic slowly. Li Ge fully utilized the advantages of the giant dragon.

The dragon's breath, innate spells, and tyrannical body all became the capital of the golden dragon, and it firmly gained the upper hand in the contest with Kostchurch.

On the main material plane, it is difficult for the incarnation of the demon lord to replenish his strength, and the more he fights, the more he is at a disadvantage.

Although Kostchurch is known as an angry monarch, he is not a pure idiot. Faced with this situation, he is already considering retreating.

The arrival of the abyss lord's incarnation has begun to attract the eyes of many true gods, and the power of Li Ge, the golden dragon, is also officially displayed in front of the gods for the first time.

Looking at the Jinlong who was injured a lot, Xia Wei couldn't bear it, and began to pray silently to her gods.

Li Ge also noticed Kostchurch's actions, and raised his vigilance in his heart to prevent the incarnation of the demon lord from going all out.

The death of an incarnation will not hurt the root. If Li Ge is killed by the demon lord, it will be a lot of fun.

"Boom", a divine punishment fell on the incarnation of the demon lord, "Haha, Kostchurch, you who stole my faith, go to hell."

Li Ge traveled through space and left the battlefield, only to see an incarnation of a god descending in the appearance of a tall frost giant.

"Soliem, the God of Frost Giants", Li Ge recognized this bastard at a glance. He was very good at picking peaches if he didn't come early or late.

"Li Ge, how are you? Are you seriously injured?" Xia Wei came to Li Ge and asked eagerly.

Li Ge turned into a human form, and now he should not need to make a move, "I'm fine, these minor injuries are nothing."

The moon elf girl was still worried, and gave him several healing spells. The corners of Li Ge's mouth rose slightly. This silly girl was not afraid of being blamed by the gods for wasting her divine power.

The two stood on a high place hand in hand, watching the two god-level incarnations fight there.

The Lord of Wrath, Koschurch, didn't want to leave either, and the main body far away in the endless abyss desperately transmitted power over.

The existence of these two true gods, there is a dispute of belief, and they can't wait to kill each other on the spot.

The combat level has risen by one level from before, and the surrounding terrain has also changed accordingly.

The Ice and Snow Elf tribe in the distance has already lost all their belongings, and those who drag their families leave first.

"Li Ge, this god has a lot of malice towards you." Xia Wei is not a fool.

Li Ge smiled slightly, "I snatched his sacrifice, and later his revenge was blocked by Ms. Mercy for me."

Solem, the god of frost giants, is greedy and cruel, and does nothing when his old Dum, who is devoutly devoted to him, is sacrificed to the demons.

This time, when Li Ge had consumed a lot of the demon lord's power, he came out to pick up the bargain, which made Li Ge vigilant.

If Solem stared at him, Ms. Mercy would always be negligent. At that time, she might have to face this god directly.

There are more and more eyes of the true gods watching this battle, and the battles between gods are not frequent, and the true gods are sometimes boring, and they are eager to have a show.

After all, this is the main material plane, and the demons were suppressed too much. After a fierce battle, Solem cut off the head of the incarnation of the demon lord, and the soul of the unlucky Sebas was also destroyed.

The victorious God of Frost Giants, Solem, laughed wildly. Li Ge couldn't help feeling a warning sign, and he hugged Xia Wei's soft waist and was about to back away.

"Haha, you nasty little lizard, it's already too late, let's die together with your little lover! Try my hundred years of accumulated supernatural power."

A huge storm of divine power enveloped Li Ge and Xia Wei, and the surrounding time and space were shattered.

"Damn Solem." Li Ge didn't expect Solem to spend so much effort to deal with him under the watchful eyes of many true gods.

What Li Ge didn't know was that Solem tried to settle accounts with him many times, but was beaten up by Ms. Mercy. The opponent was strong and had many friends, so Solem had no choice.

So all the anger fell on Li Ge's head, and the strength Li Ge showed this time made him a little frightened.Solem didn't want to have another terrifying enemy in the future, so he simply spent a lot of money to wipe out the grass and roots.

(End of this chapter)

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