leisurely dragon

Chapter 178 The prototype of the abyss plane

Chapter 178 The prototype of the abyss plane
After receiving the message from Li Ge again, the eyes of the Red Dragon Queen Rihanna sparkled.Li Ge actually established a church for her on a distant alien plane, and developed a lot of believers.

According to Li Ge's suggestion to her, at the right time, she will be taken there to complete the great cause of becoming a god in Avada.

Liyue blinked her big eyes, "Sister Rihanna, can you take me to see my brother?"

"Xiao Liyue, I can't do anything for the time being." Rihanna herself now has to rely on Li Ge to find a way.

Through his own understanding of divinity and the exploration of the dimensional master in the field of time and space, it will not be difficult for Li Ge to use the power of the system to send the Red Dragon Queen Rihanna here in the near future.

During the journey along the way, Li Ge found many similar places of the dead and other places where filth was concentrated on the planet Avada.

The dead souls of countless intelligent creatures have no destination, their resentment cannot be poured out, and endless negative atmosphere gathers all over the world.

When it erupts, if there is no salvation from the gods, the entire planet will inevitably die.

Li Ge has been thinking about how to save the fate of this planet.Facing a world that is gradually dying, he cannot remain indifferent.

The belief in the God of Flame and Newborn, like a spark of fire, began to grow continuously in this world.

Julie has unified the beliefs of more than a dozen nearby villages, and even the nobles nearby had to give in under the light of the true God and let the church organized by Julie preach.

On the Shenzhen-Hong Kong side, Pastor Barbara and Red Dragon Aleph have formed a church organization together.

Prince Arthur regretted it. Fortunately, it was not too late. He almost devoted most of his energy to the new church.

In this world without a true god, the Church of the God of Flame and Newborn can simply reduce dimensionality.

In a world without even legends, how can it compete with the Church of the True God who can descend at any time incarnate.

Prince Arthur believes that as long as he has the support of the church, he can occupy a nominal advantage.

Now his contract partner, Aleph, and the priest Barbara, who is very grateful to him, are all key members of the church, and Prince Arthur will not give up this good opportunity.

At Li Ge's speed, he has seen all the weird places in this world in almost a year, and the development of things is not optimistic.

Now there is only the last one left, which is the battlefield for the final battle with the demon, the burial place of the demigod level demon.

This is a desolate plain, on which no grass grows, and no living things survive. The seal of thousands of years ago has long been destroyed by the ravages of time.

Li Ge stepped into the demon battlefield step by step. Although this place is desolate, it is strange that there is no countless filth like other places.

If something unexpected happened, there must be something unusual. Li Ge didn't dare to be careless, and his mental power was like a grate, passing through the ground over and over again.

In the end, they came to the center of the battlefield. In the tens of thousands of years, the bones of the demigods and demons had already sunk into the ground.

Li Ge's expression was dignified, and he could perceive with his divinity that the negative atmosphere of this planet was constantly gathering in a certain space here.

He operated the divinity of time and space to the extreme, and finally grasped a little space-time fluctuation.

"See what you are", Li Ge entered this space from the interdimensional gap.

This is a complete demiplane, with a strong abyssal atmosphere inside, and occasionally a few little devils flash past.

"The endless abyss is really the biggest cancer in the universe. Even if there is no connection with the abyss, the bones of the demigod and demons have evolved into the prototype of an abyss plane after countless years of absorbing negative energy."

Li Ge broke into a cold sweat. If he was a few years late and let this demiplane evolve into an independent abyss plane and communicate with the endless abyss, then this world would be completely hopeless.

The boundless flames flooded this demiplane, and some abyss worms and imps were all reduced to ashes.

With his divine power, Li Ge completely sealed the core of the demiplane.

To say that destroying this demiplane can be done with the ability of the Lord of Dimensions, but this is a temporary solution, not a root cause.

If the degenerate trend of this world is not reversed, this planet still cannot avoid the fate of death.

Hurry up to pick up Rihanna, the Red Dragon Queen. If she purifies the filth of the entire planet with the power of an artifact, she will be favored by the consciousness of the Avada plane.

Purify the filth of the whole world with flames and bring light, hope and new life to the world, then Rihanna will succeed in lighting the fire.

After receiving the oracle, Julie, Barbara and the red dragon Aleph immediately took action.

Julie has already controlled a belief area with a population of more than 5 people, and has twelve priests under her command. She has also been promoted to a thirteenth-level dragonborn warlock and a sixth-level priest.

"Brothers and sisters, the goddess issued an oracle, and the threat of the abyss came again. If the glory of the goddess' status cannot spread throughout the world, the devil will definitely destroy the world again."

"In order for our world to be reborn, and for our relatives and future generations to continue their lives, we must act, unite all forces that can be united, and spread the belief of the goddess."

Julie changed her strategy of slowly advancing, and the church's armed forces have grown to a certain size.Under the dual coercion of the crisis of annihilation and force, whoever dares to block the glory of the goddess will surely usher in the fate of destruction.

"I'm really the most unlucky traveler. I have just passed a year of comfortable life, and I am facing a crisis of annihilation," Prince Arthur complained.

"Bishop Barbara, Aleph, and Lorraine, I have decided to seize the throne immediately. Only in this way can the belief of the goddess be spread to the whole world as soon as possible."

In order to survive, Prince Arthur didn't care about the opinions of other nobles. If he didn't fight hard, wouldn't he be waiting to become a worm in the endless abyss?

"Arthur, you should have done this a long time ago, the strong should occupy a higher position." The red dragon Aleph is now a strong master at the master level.

Bishop Barbara's face shone with divine light, "Prince Arthur, you will be an excellent king, and the Church of the Goddess will fully help you."

After the poor girl was redeemed, her entire life was dedicated to the Church of the Goddess.For the goddess, she can give everything.

The silver mage Lorraine's beautiful eyes stared at Arthur, since Tina became Prince Arthur.The former disciple has become her lover, the most important person in her life.

The nobles and soldiers in Shenzhen and Hong Kong were also mobilized. With the help of the Red Dragon and the True God, they were full of confidence in Arthur's seizure of the throne.

(End of this chapter)

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