leisurely dragon

Chapter 179 The Faith Channel to Communicate Multiverses

Chapter 179 The Faith Channel to Communicate Multiverses
Li Ge asked the lord of the dimension to keep an eye on the situation of the church, and when necessary, God would send support at any time.Now the ability of the Dimensional Lord is much stronger than when he was conferred the gods just now, so the consumption of such a little divine power is nothing.

He himself went to Dragon Island. According to his observations in the past two years, Li Ge found that Dragon Island was the core area of ​​the planet's force. No wonder Avada Dragon King Tai Long chose to merge with this island.

From this point of view, Tai Long may not really have died.

While Li Ge was thinking, he flew towards Long Island. With such a distance of [-] kilometers, under his full flight, he arrived soon.

The huge golden dragon landed on the most core area of ​​Long Island, raised its head and let out a thunderous dragon chant, "All the true dragon people, I am Li Ge, the golden dragon, and I have a big matter to discuss about the world crisis."

"Each real dragon that arrives can receive a divine gold coin, and those that exceed the scheduled time will be gone."

Giant dragons are guys with personalities. Even if Li Ge is much stronger than them, there are still real dragons who ignore him, so they have to make a bad move to lure them.

Immediately, all the real dragons on Long Island responded with dragon chants, and even those sleeping real dragons were woken up by the words divine power gold coins.

"Lord Li Ge, where is my supernatural gold coin?" the nearest white dragon came the fastest, and asked cautiously.

"Here you are", Li Ge kept his word and gave a divine gold coin.

"Please wait here for all the real dragons to arrive, there are important things to discuss," Li Ge added, otherwise the real dragon might take the money and run away.

More than [-] real dragons arrived one after another, and even the baby dragons were carried by their parents. The most outrageous thing was that a green dragon brought a dragon egg.

Seeing that the dragon egg was full of vitality and was likely to hatch into a real dragon, Li Ge had no choice but to hold his nose and gave the proud green dragon an extra gold coin of divine power.

"Master Li Ge, all the clansmen are here, except those who are outside," Ulysses stepped forward and said.

"Okay, before I say anything, I need to ask the owner of Dragon Island to come out, Your Highness Tai Long, don't you want to know what I'm going to say?"

Li Ge shot a burst of divine power into the underground of the core of Dragon Island. Under the gaze of more than 20 real dragons, an inexplicable existence absorbed some of the divine power and condensed into a phantom of a platinum dragon about 60 meters long.

"This clansman from the multiverse, I didn't hide on purpose. It's just my remnant soul who survived by faith after it was transformed into a land only. It has no ability to manifest at all," Tai Long said softly.

"I have seen His Majesty Tai Long", all the giant dragons on Long Island lowered their heads to show respect.

Seeing that Tai Long's attitude was very good, Li Ge couldn't help but feel confident about the next plan.

"Your Majesty Tyrone, I found this at the location of the Demon War." Li Ge projected the prototype of the abyss plane with magic.

"There are also filthy places all over the world. If they are not purified, the planet Avada will be destroyed, and the souls of all creatures will not be able to rest in peace."

Tai Long sighed, "I expected this result back then, but unfortunately I couldn't reverse this situation."

"His Royal Highness Li Ge, I can barely see that you are connected with a god. As long as you can save this world, you can sacrifice my remnant soul."

More than 20 real dragons were also excited, "Master Li Ge, the world is at stake, and our metal dragon clan is willing to give everything."

"We, the five-color dragons, don't want to be buried with this world either, Lord Li Ge, give an order."

The metal dragon and the five-color dragon also expressed their willingness to cooperate with Li Ge's plan.

"Your Majesty Tai Long, fellow clansmen, my plan does not require sacrificing everyone's lives."

"I have a way to communicate with the true God, and use the power of belief in the planet Avada as the driving force to re-establish the connection with the multiverse."

"At that time, not only will the world of Avada be reborn, but fellow clansmen will also be able to restore the true power of the true dragon, and share the glory of the dragon clan with the clansmen of the multiverse."

"As for Your Majesty Tyrone, everything you have done for this world will definitely be valued by His Majesty Bahamut and Tamara, and you may be named as an obedient god at that time."

"Haha, Your Highness Li Ge, I don't dare to expect extravagance from God, but if I can be resurrected, I don't want to die either." Tai Long laughed.

Li Ge, Tai Long and many real dragons swear by their real names and make a covenant on Dragon Island.

"All clansmen, if anyone is willing to go to the mainland to help the Church of the God of Flame and Newborn spread the faith, I will reward you with ten divine power gold coins every year."

"Whoever is willing to stay and assist me in establishing the magic circle, I will also give the same reward."

In order to stimulate the enthusiasm of these giant dragons, Li Ge also distributed gold wantonly. In the past two years, he has accumulated nearly 200 divine power gold coins, and giving more than [-] gold coins is just a trivial matter.

These real dragons were overjoyed. They thought they were fighting for their own survival and the survival of the world, but they didn't expect to get such a generous reward now.

This time, Li Ge will not give any money to those young dragons and the cunning green dragon's eggs.

Then came the distressing moment. Li Ge spent [-] divine power gold coins tremblingly to buy a magic circle that uses the power of faith to communicate with the multiverse.

"A blueprint is so expensive." Li Ge spent another thousand divine power gold coins to send the blueprint to the ancient tree of the dimension. This blueprint requires the cooperation of both parties.

"Li Ge's progress is so fast", Rihanna, Queen of the Red Dragon, beamed with joy. It is conceivable that her spouse can take her affairs so seriously.

"Sisters, I need you to help me set up the magic circle." This magic circle is too complicated, and the Red Dragon Queen is unable to do it alone, so I have to ask Laiya and the others for help.

Regarding Rihanna's request, everyone said nothing, "Sister Rihanna, Liyue can also help", Xiao Liyue raised her hand high and said.

Rihanna hugged Liyue and kissed her, and said with a smile, "Then sister, thank you little Liyue first." Liyue's magic talent is much stronger than Catherine's.

As the recipient of the power of faith, Rihanna decided to build the magic circle in her demiplane, where the level of security and confidentiality is the highest, and it is most suitable for her.

Li Ge's side is also beginning to depict the magic circle, and one kind of magic metal after another is melted and carved into a circle pattern.

Although Li Ge's magical attainments are not very good, but there is a real god, the Lord of Dimensions, with super calculation ability, and the progress is not slower than that of Rihanna.

After half a year, the magic circles on both sides have been established, and Li Ge has agreed on a time to start them together.

"Sisters, put these perfect-level magic gems on the magic nodes," Rihanna moved out of her inventory of gems.

For the sake of her great cause of becoming a god, the Red Dragon Queen also had to endure this distressing feeling.

"Hee hee, Sister Rihanna is so rich." Li Yue held a magic gem in her small hand and carefully placed it on the magic node.

Soon more than 1000 magic gemstones were placed, and several adult female dragons checked them carefully, "Rihanna, the magic circle is perfect," Laiya said confidently.

Li Ge was also placing magic gems here, and he dismissed the real dragons, leaving only Tai Long to help.

Fortunately, last time the Titan demigod Aonon contributed more than 1000 perfect-level magic gems, otherwise this time it would be troublesome.

"Li Ge, you are really rich. If I was still alive, I might rob you of your treasure." Tai Long was already familiar with Li Ge, and he joked with a smile.

"Okay, I'm going to activate the magic circle." Without paying attention to Tailong's teasing, the lord of the dimension checked the magic circle and it was basically qualified.

A little bit of Li Ge's divine power was injected into the magic circle, and the power of faith belonging to the fire and newborn gods in the entire planet was absorbed and gathered in the magic circle.

The full power of all the perfect level magic gemstones in the magic circle is injected into the magic circle, attracting the power of faith towards the goddess body in the multiverse.

Li Ge, the lord of the dimension, and the ancient tree of the dimension located in the multiverse also exerted their strength at the same time, fully assisting the magic circle to establish a channel of faith.

The Red Dragon Queen Rihanna also activated the magic circle at the same time, and all the magic gems were reduced to ashes.At the same time, in the center of the magic circle, a little pure power of faith emerged, and the channel of faith was successfully established.

(End of this chapter)

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