leisurely dragon

Chapter 180 The Arrival of the Red Dragon Queen

Chapter 180 The Arrival of the Red Dragon Queen
The communication channel of the magic circle is two-way, and the establishment of the power of faith channel is equivalent to building a communication bridge between the multiverse and the world of Avada.

More than 1 years ago, the world of Avada was originally a part of the multiverse.As if hearing his long-lost daughter calling for help, a surge of original force headed towards the world of Avada through the channel of power of faith.

Under the boundless power of the multiverse, the passage was rapidly solidified and expanded, and the world of Avada instinctively moved slowly towards the way home under the traction of the multiverse.

In the magic circle in front of Li Ge, more than 1000 perfect magic gems shattered together, and a huge original force gushed out.

Tai Long's excited illusory body almost dissipated, and Li Ge quickly sent a little divine power to prevent the dead Dragon King from hiccupping.

"Li Ge, the world of Avada is saved. I feel the world consciousness of Avada cheering. It tells me that my mother is calling it to go home."

Tai Long, who is already a ground only, can feel the fluctuation of world consciousness.A little world force was rewarded to Tai Long by the world consciousness, and the dragon king's body immediately became a lot more substantial, without that sense of transparency.

Li Ge understands Tai Long's mood very well. The world he gave his life for has been reborn, and the excitement can be imagined.

"Tailone, you can take a rest now. The return of the world of Avada is a foregone conclusion."

Tai Long lay beside the magic circle, "I want to protect this magic circle, and I won't rest assured until Avada fully returns."

Li Ge smiled and stopped persuading him.In fact, when the consciousness of the multiverse intervenes, no one can destroy this magic circle except the gods.

One of the benefits of opening up the channel with the multiverse is that Li Ge can now use the system to communicate with many female dragons at home, without spending divine gold coins.

The moment the call was started, Li Ge heard the voices of his family members who had been apart for several years, and his mind suddenly calmed down.

Laiya and other female dragons, as well as Catherine and Liyue, asked Li Ge about the situation in the world of Avada, and shared their thoughts
However, the current contact still needs to go through the power conversion between the Dimensional Lord and the Dimensional Ancient Tree. In order to save power, we can't gossip.

When Li Ge learned that Ms. Mercy and Platinum Dragon God had shot for him successively, his heart warmed up. The two Dragon Gods regarded him as a real fellow traveler.

In the half-plane of the multiverse Red Dragon Queen, Rihanna and several female dragons looked solemn, with two statues of gods, Bahamut and Tamara, in front of them.

After careful consideration and discussion with Li Ge, they decided to invite the two dragon gods to come and participate in the affairs of the Avada world, even if they paid some benefits.

"His Majesty Tamara"

"His Majesty Bahamut"

Soon, the two dragon gods came in their avatars. Rihanna, Elsa, Laiya and several other dragons hurriedly saluted.

"Your Majesty Tamara, I guessed that Li Ge, the younger generation, did another big thing." Bahamut laughed.

Tamara still descended in the form of a high elf, "Bahamut, I didn't expect Lige to try to save a world."

"Rihanna, you don't have to be restrained. You have a spouse like Li Ge to help you. This time you will succeed in conferring the gods, and the dragon clan will have a new dragon god."

Bahamut also looked at Rihanna appreciatively, "Fortunately, you are more cautious. Please come down with His Majesty Tamara. This time, the news will not be hidden from the gods sooner or later. By then, there will be many true gods who will snatch the results or destroy them." .

Tamara's beautiful smile bloomed, "You have so much trust in our two dragon gods, then His Majesty Bahamut and I will also block all enemies for you, and the righteous gods will not allow anyone to destroy the multiverse to make up for their own loopholes actions".

Rihanna finally settled down, they and Li Ge's idea is not wrong, these two kind-hearted dragon gods are really trustworthy.

"Rihanna, I will use this channel to send you to Avada, and your demiplane will also be protected by my will until you ascend to the throne," Tamara promised.

"I will also protect the safety of the real dragons left behind, so that you have no worries." Bahamut also gave enough kindness.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Rihanna said gratefully. The two dragon gods seem to be inconspicuous among the gods, but no god dares to deny their power.

And according to rumors, Ms. Mercy has other vests, maybe a real god will pop up one day and say that she is Tamara's trumpet.You said, can such a weak divine power be distinguished by the level of godhead?
The Red Dragon Queen, Rihanna, quickly packed up the necessary items. Laiya and the others asked her to bring gifts to Li Ge. Li Yue was a little teary, and she couldn't go to see her brother together this time.

"Your Majesty the Dragon Gods, I'm ready." Rihanna stood in the center of the circle.

Tamara and Bahamut looked at each other, each emitting a little divine light, a faint space-time passage opened in the magic circle, and Rihanna stepped in without hesitation.

After the two dragon gods sent Rihanna away, they each left a little will in Rihanna's demiplane, and then returned to the Kingdom of God.

Laiya and Elsa discussed with each other, and decided to concentrate the main force on the half-plane of the Red Dragon Queen and the dimensional dragon's nest, to ensure that nothing would go wrong before the success of the Conferred God.

The control of the Demigod Mage Tower and the command of the Red Dragon Queen's family have all been handed over to Laiya and Golden Dragon Elsa.

Among the dragon islands in the Avada world, Li Ge had already been waiting in front of the magic circle.When Rihanna waited for the transmission to end, she saw Li Ge standing in front of him with a smile at first glance.

"Rihanna, long time no see, I really miss you," Li Ge tightly held the queen's tender little hand.

The proud Red Dragon Queen, in front of her beloved, also lost her former arrogance, and took the initiative to send a sweet kiss.

Tai Long, who was an eyesore, had been invited outside by Li Ge a long time ago, so as not to disturb the reunion of the two real dragons.

After being intimate for a while, Li Ge took Rihanna out and introduced Tyrone to her.

Rihanna also respects this old dragon king who is willing to dedicate his life to the world.

Tai Long also has sharp eyesight, feeling the powerful power contained in the Red Dragon Queen, even far above Li Ge.

This is the power of the flame artifact that has become one with Rihanna, and it is not much different from the real god.

"Li Ge, your vision is really good, Your Royal Highness the Red Dragon Queen, this time you can confer the gods and be promoted to the real god of flame and new life, there is no problem."

The old dragon king Tyrone gave Rihanna a very high evaluation.

"Your Excellency Tyrone, I swear by my real name, after I become a god, I will definitely give you a suitable reward," Rihanna solemnly promised.

(End of this chapter)

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