leisurely dragon

Chapter 185 Avada's Chapter Return and Conferred God

Chapter 185 Avada's Return and God Conferment

Without the support of the sorceress Eve, the nobles of the North Land suddenly became more honest. The green dragon Krisna won a complete victory, and restrained her actions when she saw that the nobles were no longer provocative.

All these things were told to Li Ge by Laiya and other giant dragons, and he knew what was going on after he simply thought about it.

The Succubus Queen is ready to start making troubles, and Sia, the sorceress next to the Emperor of the Rhine Empire, is probably unwilling to be lonely.

But these naturally have headaches for the gods, he just needs to wait for Rihanna to become a god with peace of mind.

Under great pressure from Arthur, the church, and the Dragon Clan, the emperor of the Orman Empire had no choice but to announce that the Church of the God of Flame and Rebirth was allowed to preach in the empire.

Arthur can be considered to have initially achieved his goal, occupying a part of the territory of the Orman Empire, and he did not make a fuss in vain.

On Julie's side, after manipulating a little artifact power to purify the land of the dead, some scattered small principalities around them almost lost their sense of resistance.

Those nobles were almost eager to curry favor with Julie and the church. They were not as powerful as the Orman Empire, and of course they were not as strong.

On Dragon Island, Red Dragon Queen Rihanna felt the power of faith that was rising wildly every day, and she was in a very happy mood.

Some true dragons who were assisting in Dragon Island could get some pointers and small benefits from Rihanna from time to time, and almost all surrendered to this powerful true dragon.

Tai Long couldn't help sighing, if he had such a great charm back then, maybe he wouldn't have been seriously injured and dying if there were fewer people holding him back.

As the Avatar world gets closer and closer to the time and space where the multiverse is located, the fluctuations caused can no longer hide the eyes of those great beings.

As if feeling the prying eyes of some true gods, a beautiful silver dragon and a huge platinum dragon's phantom appeared in front of the world of Avada, blocking the malice of some malicious existences.

"The salvation of the world of Avada is something worthy of celebration. My sun god Pelor supports the return of Avada." A little light of the sun god travels through time and space, and also turns into a phantom of a god to provide protection for the return of the world .

"We, the spirit gods, also welcome the return of the Avada world." Corellon, the lord of the elves, laughed, and a seed went towards the Avada world.

In a certain forest in the world of Avada, the last elf tribe in this world lives here.

The decline of the world for thousands of years has made the life span of elves only more than 100 years old. Most elves and humans intermarried, and traditional elf tribes disappeared one after another.

Only the last elves who believed in the elves and gods formed a new tribe here, looking forward to the rebirth of the elves kingdom one day.

On this day, a holy light fell directly on the center of the tribe.

The blood of all the elves resonated, and they knelt down one after another, "Great elves and gods, your people have finally ushered in salvation."

In that ray of light, a sacred seed quickly germinated, and it grew into an ancient tree of life in an instant.

The huge breath of life from the ancient tree of life was infused into the bodies of all the elves present, and the old ones regained their youth.

The weak blood of those young elves became thicker at this moment.

"This is the great god's compensation for our ten thousand years of insisting on faith," all the elves prayed devoutly.

Pelor, the god of the sun with a powerful level of divine power, and Corellon, the god of elves, expressed goodwill, and the rest, such as Sune, the goddess of love and beauty, Vol'jin, the goddess of wealth, Lathander, the god of dawn, and Tyr, the god of justice, expressed their goodwill one after another. goodwill.

"Jie Jie, you disgusting fellows, don't get out of my way." The incarnation of Bane, the god of tyranny, landed in front of the world of Avada.

"Ban, I will absolutely not allow you to destroy the return of the world of Avada," and an incarnation of the sun god Pelor also descended.

"Hey, incompetent Bane, let me, the Lord of Storms, Talos come." Talos, the God of Storms, fanned the flames.

"Talos, you bastard, go away." The god of tyranny, Bane, has a bad temper.

Before the two evil gods started fighting with the gods of justice, they had their own troubles.

A black light took the opportunity to descend towards the world of Avada, and the orc god Gruumsh smiled strangely.

"Gruumsh, your opponent is me." Corellon, the god of elves, stopped in front of Gruumsh, the god of orcs.

"Corellon, you are looking for death." Seeing the appearance of the enemy, Gruumsh couldn't hold anything else in his mind, and the two enemies would fight when they met.

The gods of other evil camps were either watching the show or adding fuel to the flames. There were no real shots. I didn't see the two powerful dragon gods Tamara and Bahamut still waiting there.

Tiamat, the arch-rival of the Platinum Dragon God, is being blocked in the Kingdom of God by an incomparably huge iridescent dragon.

"Guardian Dragon God, are you going to disobey His Majesty Io's order and intervene in the dispute between the Dragon Gods?" The Mother of Dragons roared after being so angry.

"Haha, Tiamat, don't be so angry. This time it's one of my descendants who became a god. After so many years, there is only one descendant of my blood. Are you sure you want to disrupt the situation?"

The attitude of the incarnation of the guardian dragon god seems peaceful, but the mother of the dragon knows how powerful this guy is, otherwise, how could the treasure plane of the nine-faced dragon god Io be occupied by this guy.

In the Dragon Island of Avada, Li Ge held the hand of the Red Dragon Queen Rihanna, watching the gods fighting in the distant starry sky.

"Fortunately, we notified the two dragon gods, otherwise the situation would have gotten out of hand," Li Ge said with a smile.

Conferring gods has never been based on one's own conditions alone. Without reliable allies, there are many true gods who want to pick peaches.

"Rihanna, are you ready?" Li Ge asked solemnly again.

Red Dragon Queen Rihanna was in high spirits, "Don't worry, Li Ge, I will succeed this time."

In the world of Avada, all the dioceses of the gods of flame and newborn are all ready, just waiting for the last moment to come.

"Crack", as if something sounded in the hearts of all the creatures in the Avada world. After more than 1 years, this exiled world returned to the multiverse again.

"All believers, prepare to start praying for the goddess," Julie and other clergymen began to chant piously.

"Great goddess, you use the holy flame to purify the world of filth. Bring light, hope and new life to all beings."

"You are the guardian of the Avada world, saving the world that is about to fall."

A strong force of faith and the force reward from the multiverse pushed Rihanna to take the final step.

A beautiful giant dragon shining with dreamlike nine-color divine light issued a sacred dragon chant, "I am the god of fire and new life, the guardian of Avada, the dragon god Rihanna, today I am here to ignite the divine fire and ascend to the god position".

Without any extra words, a little divine fire ignited in Rihanna's divine soul, and the entire dragon body was instantly transformed into a divine body. A beautiful and sacred godhead was successfully condensed and thrown into Rihanna's mind.

The god of fire and new life, the guardian of Avada, the red dragon queen Rihanna officially ascended to the throne, and with the support of huge force and faith, she was promoted to the weaker gods in one fell swoop, and the godhead level was seven.

This is the reward that the goddess deserves after saving a world, the entire multiverse and all beings of Avada.

(End of this chapter)

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