leisurely dragon

Chapter 186 Avada Guardian Tyrone

Chapter 186 Avada Guardian Tyrone

The whole world of Avada was covered with a faint layer of divine radiance, "My Lord has officially ascended the throne of God", Julie understood in her heart, and her soul was extremely joyful.

The master of the dimension gave Rihanna, the original master, the belief and the control of granting the magic at the moment Rihanna became a god.

In the Pantheon, which is located at the origin of the entire multiverse, a sacred seat shining with flames appeared, squeezing into the positions of weaker divine powers and order camps.

"Your Majesty Rihanna, congratulations on your success in becoming a god." Tamara, Bahamut, Pelor, Tyr, Sune, Corellon and many other gods of the good camp gave their blessings one after another.

Bann, Talos, Gruumsh and other gods who disrupted the situation, saw that the overall situation was settled, and there was no point in continuing to make trouble, so they left with a few strange smiles.

Rihanna, the newly born goddess, smiled slightly, and the ability and domain belonging to the true god had been mastered in a moment.

"Your Majesty Pelor, Your Majesty Corellon, Your Majesty Tyr, Your Majesty Sune, and all the true gods, thank you for your help."

Pei Luo laughed heartily, "Your Majesty Rihanna, you have saved the whole world, and we, the gods of the good camp, should help you."

After talking briefly with the gods and accepting invitations from some gods, the gods also dispersed. This new dragon god must have a lot of personal affairs to deal with.

Rihanna said goodbye to the gods, and then happily took Li Ge's arm, came to Tamara and Bahamut, and made a big gift, "Your Majesty, if there are no two dragon gods to assist you this time, , I will not be so easy to succeed in becoming a god."

Tamara stopped Rihanna's movements, and said with a smile, "Rihanna, now you are also a true god, and your status is equal to ours, so you don't need to be so polite."

Bahamut is also extremely happy, and he is very willing to help if there is another new dragon god with the same camp.

Rihanna smiled, and thanked the void, "Your Majesty the Guardian Dragon God, Your Majesty the Ruby Dragon King, Rihanna thanks the two seniors for their help."

A huge ruby ​​dragon showed its figure, smiled slightly, and then disappeared. This neutral dragon king obviously came with good intentions.

"Haha, Rihanna, you've done a great job, just come and see me as an ancestor when you're free." A sacred dragon chant came from afar.

Rihanna treats these dragon gods just like her own family, without so much restraint.

In front of the gods, in order to prevent Li Ge from being overly concerned by so many gods, she was not so close to Li Ge, and now she doesn't care so much.

Bahamut glanced at Li Ge appreciatively, "You are really willing this time, ordinary strong people will never give up such a good opportunity to become a god to others."

The two dragon gods are very clear about how Rihanna became a god this time. Without Li Ge's help, Rihanna would not have this once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity.

Rihanna's beautiful face bloomed, "Your Majesty, Li Ge and I have signed a soul contract, and my lover will share the glory of the true God with me."

Li Ge was also happy in his heart, "Rihanna, I finally fulfilled my promise." For his spouse, he was really happy for her.

"Those gods who have harmed you, I will not let them go." Rihanna's eyes were full of evil, and she glanced at the kingdom of some gods in the distance.

"Soliem, the true god of frost giants, and Tiamat, the mother of dragons, these two evil gods almost made me lose my love, wait for my revenge"

Bahamut and Tamara looked at each other and smiled at the newborn dragon god's fierce aura. Those two evil gods would be in trouble in the future.

Li Ge smiled lightly, he understood his spouse's intentions, "Rihanna, there is no rush, I will teach them a lesson sooner or later."

Only then did Rihanna suppress her evil spirit. Since her spouse is so confident and wants to avenge herself, then she should cooperate.

"By the way, Your Majesty the Dragon Gods, I want to specialize in the priesthood of flame and new life, and I want to hand over the priesthood of the guardian of Avada to others."

"What, if the guardian priesthood of this entire plane is developed, it will be enough to support your promotion to medium divine power, why are you giving up like this?"

The two dragon gods were very surprised. They still remembered the grand occasion of the Avada world back then.With the merits of saving the entire world, when the Avada world is prosperous again, there is a great possibility of being promoted to a medium-level divine power.

Rihanna and Li Ge glanced at it. This is what they discussed. It is not a good thing to have too many priesthoods. It is better to specialize.What's more, the priesthood of the guardian of Avada is only a regional priesthood, which is too restrictive, and it was not in their plan at first.

Seeing that Rihanna had already made up her mind, Tamara stopped talking.Under the leadership of Rihanna, the two dragon gods came to Dragon Island.

Tai Long has led all the true dragons back to Dragon Island, waiting here, "I have seen His Majesty Tamara, Your Majesty Bahamut, Your Majesty Rihanna, and Your Highness Li Ge".

"Talon, you have made great contributions to protecting the world and continuing the blood of the real dragon, and you are worthy of the priesthood of the guardian of Avada." When the two dragon gods saw Tailong, they understood Rihanna's chosen goal.

On this ground, there is the blessing of the entire Avada world, as well as the blessings of all living beings in Avada.

Rihanna took a step forward, "Tyrone, are you willing to take on the important task of protecting the world of Avada?"

Although he already knew Rihanna's plan, Tyrone was still very excited, "Your Majesty Rihanna, Tyrone is willing to take on the important task of protecting the whole world."

Rihanna smiled with satisfaction, and only heard a "click", and the priesthood of Avada was stripped out, condensed into a level four godhead, and fell into Rihanna's hands, emitting a beautiful light.

Rihanna, who was originally at level seven, dropped to level six, barely maintaining her status as a weaker divine power.

The goddess waved her hand, and the godhead fell into Tai Long's body, and Tai Long's illusory body shone brightly, rising into the sky.

There is no need for the help of believers at all. The care of the world and the thoughts of all living beings for thousands of years have allowed Tai Long to merge with the godhead in an instant.

"Wu Tailong conferred God today as the guardian of Avada", a sacred platinum dragon god appeared in the sky above the world of Avada.

"It is His Majesty Tai Long who conferred the gods." A kind of enlightenment rose in the hearts of all living beings in the Avada world. At this moment, almost everyone recognized this Dragon King who was born thousands of years ago and continued the destiny of the world.

"Hey, Tai Long, you are also my descendant, come and join my camp, I can promise you the seat of chief spouse."

Tiamat, the mother of dragons who didn't know where it came out, descended on the dragon island.

Tai Long, who was immersed in the joy of conferring the gods, suddenly felt disgusted as if he had eaten a fly.This mother of dragons was invisible when he needed help, and now she is out to disgust people.

"Tiamat, Tailong is the dragon god of the younger generation after all, can you show some face," Bahamut scolded.

The mother of the dragon also let out a strange laugh, "Bahamut, mind your own business, I'm communicating with my younger generation, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Tai Long glanced at the Mother of Dragons. Although the Mother of Dragons is the main god of the five-color dragons, he still couldn't agree with her ideas.

"Sorry, Your Majesty Tiamat, I agree more with Your Majesty Bahamut, His Majesty Tamara, and Your Majesty Rihanna."

"Haha, don't be shy, Tiamat, your evil ideas will not be recognized," Bahamut laughed.

"Hmph, wait for me," the Mother of Dragons said harshly, then turned to look at Li Ge again.

Rihanna stood in front of Li Ge, her pretty face turned frosty, "I haven't settled with you for plotting against Li Ge last time, do you want to fight?"

The mother of dragons giggled, "Little girl, you are still too young, take care of your little lover, I will always keep an eye on him", and then disappeared into a phantom.

"It's time for us to go too. You have a lot of work to do compared to the newly promoted gods." The two dragon gods also turned into gods and returned to the Kingdom of God.

Rihanna glanced at the void in the distance, "Your Majesty Tyrone, my believers have already explained in advance, and I will trouble you to take care of them in the future."

"This is the divinity I promised to Arthur, please pass it on, we still have a lot of things to do in Noren World", Rihanna threw a trace of divinity to Tyrone, and dragged Li Ge to run through the void the way.

Tai Long took over the divinity dumbfounded. Rihanna and the others obviously didn't want to deal with the gods who came to congratulate them, so they ran away because they thought it was troublesome.

He was canonized by the goddess Rihanna, and with such a great favor, he had to deal with trivial matters for this wayward goddess.

There is another god seat in the pantheon, ranking in the forefront of weak divine power, which amazes the gods. It is also unprecedented to promote two new dragon gods in one day.

Many gods sent incarnations to congratulate, and Tai Long had to receive them one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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