leisurely dragon

Chapter 194 Conflict

Chapter 194 Conflict
After returning from the elf tribe, Li Ge gave an order that the troops under Baron Kaman and the green dragon Krisna immediately entered a state of combat readiness.

The power of the Dimension Lord Church has also begun to act. Yilin has gathered the Dragon Blood Knights and expanded it to 100 people.

Celia organizes priests among the kobolds, ready to go to war and provide support to soldiers.

Sass excitedly mobilized five hundred elite kobold professionals, this is the great master, and for the first time mobilized the kobold power to prepare for the battle.

"Teacher, are you going to fight?" Catherine was very excited.Since merging with divinity, the golden dragon girl has become more and more belligerent.

Li Ge smiled and nodded, "When I was plotted against, when the incarnation of His Majesty Bahamut came to rescue, I was blocked by the dwarf god of greed, Abbathor."

"It is precisely because of this delay that the mother of dragons took advantage of it and almost killed me."

Speaking of this, Li Ge's eyes showed a cold light. If the dwarf tribe behaves a little too much this time, he will give a thunderous blow. Do you really think he is so calculating?

"Dare to assassinate brother, damn it." Holding a long sword given by Li Ge, Li Yue, who already looked like a girl, had a cold expression, her thin lips were clenched.

These actions shocked Elsa and Laiya, who were obsessed with studying Mither's nuclear energy.

However, Li Ge didn't want these trivial matters to delay the repair process of Mither's energy core, so he persuaded the two female dragons to continue their research.

Catherine's Golden Rose Collar did not move. It was too involved with officials, soldiers, and the Rhine Empire, so it should not be used.

Only the Knights under Catherine's direct command, those led by Cohen's children, can be used.

Charles and his wife had conflicts in their hearts, and Li Ge didn't want to embarrass them. After all, the empire, which had fought for it all his life, wanted to fight against it, and it was difficult to accept it for a while.

The two couples stayed at the Golden Rose Territory to maintain the tranquility of the territory.

The current Golden Rose collar has become much deserted, and the underground minerals have been exhausted due to intensive mining.The output can only maintain the basic agricultural tool manufacturing industry.

Catherine almost snatched a huge profit of nearly ten million gold coins from it, and the female dragons who participated in the shares also made a fortune.

"Brother Li Ge, why don't you call me if you have something to do?"

"Yes, Brother Jinlong, we are all real dragons, so we can help to some extent."

Cohen and the brass dragon Alba came over together shoulder to shoulder, and these two guys got mixed together for some reason.

"It's not a big deal. If you really want to make a big move, I will never forget you." Although the two dragons are not so reliable, Li Ge is somewhat relieved by their attitude.

The green dragon Krisna led the monster army and set up defenses [-] kilometers away from the territory, which was the limit that Li Ge could tolerate.

The armed forces of the dwarf tribe, if they dare to approach here, they will be beaten.When he came to the wilderness, he didn't even say hello to Li Ge, one of the forces, and the opponent's hostile attitude was very obvious.

The military action taken by Li Ge did not hide anyone at all, and the businessmen who came and went had already been spread by the news.

If the dwarves and the northern nobles wanted to avoid conflicts, they would be wise not to challenge the limit of Li Ge's tolerance.

Many years after the war between orcs and humans, the great powers in the wilderness are once again facing the threat of war.

This time Li Ge, as the protagonist, became the focus of attention of the major forces.

The dwarves were really tough, and issued a statement, claiming that an unusual geological phenomenon had been discovered nearby, and an armed force of nearly a thousand people confronted the monster army of the green dragon Krisna.

"Master, the dwarf army has deployed fifty enchanted dragon hunting crossbows, which pose a great threat to us," the green dragon Krisina handed Li Ge a report.

The enchanted dragon hunting crossbow is the nemesis of large creatures, and its power is also worthy of the high cost.According to legend, there are not a few giant dragons who died under the dragon hunting crossbow.

"This is determined to challenge me," Li Ge's eyes glowed coldly.

Arranging so many dragon-hunting crossbows near the dragon's territory is equivalent to placing a knife next to Li Ge's bed.

Xilia, the good-tempered silver dragon, was also irritated. She was almost an adult, and she was already a legendary dragon mage.

"Li Ge, I must teach those dwarves a lesson this time. I will personally use the dragon language secret method to let those dwarves know that the dragon is definitely not something they can threaten."

Catherine is also angry. She has just tasted the sweetness of love, where she can tolerate others being unfavorable to her spouse.

Li Ge smiled and shook his head, "Catherine, you should stay behind this time, that evil god is probably watching the situation in the wilderness at any time."

The girl was downcast all of a sudden, it seemed that she would not be able to go to the battlefield.

At the border of the territory, the green dragon Krisna who received the order quickly ordered the army to enter a combat state.

Sass also quickly advanced to the front of the position with five hundred kobold elite troops, and the battle was imminent.

"Li Ge, just watch our sisters fight this time, we can't hide under your dragon wings forever"

Sister Xilia and Yilin said in unison, Liyue also stood behind Sister Yinlong without saying a word, only Catherine was left envious, but now is not the time to be willful.

Li Ge had no choice but to agree, but since the Yinlong sisters knew the danger of the enchanted dragon hunting crossbow, they must be sure to deal with it.

Two newly grown silver dragons and a mutated juvenile spirit dragon roared towards the dwarves' camp.

The green dragon Krisna will command the army, and two legendary green dragon tool dragons will guard the two wings of the silver dragon sisters.

The two sides have basically torn their faces, and they are no longer hypocritically arguing.

"Turn on the dragon-hunting crossbow," the dwarf commander roared loudly. This time, the tribe secretly received an oracle from the dwarf god of greed, and wanted to teach those giant dragons a lesson.

Rihanna killed the demigod of Abbathor, the greedy dwarf god, and Li Ge killed his successor, Gondor, and took away his divinity.

Abasuo became furious and used the frost giant god to murder Li Ge, but he didn't expect that since his enemy became a god in one fell swoop, Li Ge's strength would also improve greatly.

The god of greed of the dwarves has made an enemy for himself, and the provocation of the dwarf tribe this time is exactly the instruction of Abbathor.

"Dimensional Shield", "Distortion Field", the Yinlong sisters added protective spells for themselves, Liyue, and the two green dragons.

With the speed of the giant dragon, it reached the sky above the dwarves position in almost an instant.

"Shoot", the dwarf commander ordered, and fifty thick enchanted crossbow arrows shot towards the five real dragons like lightning.

"Multi-gravity field", Xilia let out a long dragon chant, and used the nine-ring dragon language magic that had been prepared for a long time.

The crossbow arrows are all made of metal, they are extremely heavy and extremely fast.

But as soon as he entered the multi-gravity field next to the five-headed real dragon, the sharp arrow swayed, and he didn't know where it went.

As a spellcaster, Xilia had already set her true dragon as an immune target in the gravity field, otherwise she would also be crushed by gravity, wouldn't it be a joke.

(End of this chapter)

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