leisurely dragon

Chapter 195 Moradin's Reconciliation

Chapter 195 Moradin's Reconciliation
"Hurry up and destroy those dragon-hunting crossbows," Yilin's combat sense was very keen, and the Yinlong sisters took the lead in diving.

"Hurry up and install the crossbow." After shooting a round, the dwarf commander hurriedly urged the soldiers to install the crossbow. Unfortunately, this large enchanted crossbow is not so easy to install.

The top of the head went dark, and the icy breath of the silver dragon had already landed on several ballistas, and the soldiers who were manipulating them were also frozen on the spot.

The flames and breath of wind and thunder from the mutated spirit Long Liyue also came one after another, and several more ballistas were finished.

The most poisonous thing is the poisonous breath of the two green dragons, and even the enchanted runes on the ballista have been corroded.

The five-headed real dragon breathed out several rounds, and the dragon-hunting crossbow, which is basically useless in close quarters, was all finished, and a large number of dwarves were killed and injured.

"Bastards, how dare you do this, aren't you afraid of the wrath of the dwarf gods?" the dwarf commander shouted.

He, the commander of the Dragon Hunting Crossbow Troop, is not even a legend, so he can't deal with these giant dragons at all.

The Yinlong sisters ignored him at all, and dared to deploy a dragon hunting crossbow on the edge of the giant dragon's territory, and refused to let others hit it, that would be such a good thing.

There were several roars from a distance, and several figures of dwarves galloped towards them. It was obvious that the legend of the dwarves had come.

Silia let out a clear dragon cry, notifying the green dragon Krisna and the kobold Sass to attack, and these dwarf legends will be dealt with by their sisters.

"Soldiers, fight for the great lord," the green dragon Krisna let out a violent dragon cry, leading tens of thousands of monsters to rush forward.

On the other side, the Dragon Blood Knights and the Golden Rose Knights also urged their mounts to start their first attack.

"Compatriots, it's time to be loyal to the master." The fanatical kobold warlock Sas raised his staff, and a fireball exploded.

The same fanatical elite kobolds kept their formation and charged towards the dwarven army.

Soon there was close combat. Thanks to the rich steel resources of the Golden Rose Territory, Li Ge's army equipment was not far behind the dwarves' expectations, and nearly a thousand dwarves were instantly overwhelmed.

"Get out of the way", the three legendary dwarves, no matter how they roared, they just couldn't get rid of the entanglement of the five real dragons.

The backup of the dwarves in the distance is coming one after another, but they don't know if they can arrive before the dragon hunting crossbow troops are wiped out.

"Master Eve, immediately order the lizards you enslaved to fight," an old dwarf with white beard and hair roared angrily.

The female mage Eve giggled, "Your Excellency, didn't you say that those giant dragons dare not attack great dwarves?"

"Besides, the few giant dragons on our side have not reached the legend, and they are not the opponents of those silver dragons."

The dwarf lord was furious, "Are you ignoring the covenant between the dwarves and the northern nobles?"

The female mage Eve smiled triumphantly again, her proud body kept rising and falling, "Your Excellency, you refused our help earlier, saying that dwarves are enough to handle it."

"Our army is not ready, and if we have to gather now, I'm afraid we will have to wait a day later."

The dwarf lord was almost blown away. This cunning human aristocratic female mage obviously wanted the dwarves and the dragon to fight to the death.

Several other human aristocratic lords surrounded the female mage Eve and said flatteringly, "What Lady Eve said is that the assembly of the army is not a short-term thing."

On the battlefield, less than half of the nearly thousand dwarves were surrounded.The dwarf commander roared wildly, "My fellow citizens, for the glory of Moradin, fight these monsters."

This time the dwarves made a mistake in their strategic judgment. From the establishment of Li Ge's dragon territory to the present, apart from a few battles with the orcs, there has been no large-scale combat operations at all.

Originally, the purpose of the dwarves was to show off their might and disgust Li Ge.In their thinking, as long as they didn't directly attack the dragon's territory, Li Ge would endure it, but they didn't expect the dragon's counterattack to be so violent, which exceeded their expectations.

Li Ge was hovering in the air and observed, this time he was sure of winning, he taught the dwarf a lesson, and it was considered a bad breath.

There are less than one-third of the dwarves' dragon-hunting crossbow troops left.

Although the dwarves have bad tempers, their fighting power and brave fighting spirit are not exaggerated. Not a single dwarf surrendered.

"Stop!" A resounding voice spread throughout the battlefield, and a huge avatar of a god with a height of nearly [-] meters descended.

"Moradin", although he had never seen this powerful god, but Li Ge recognized this god just by taking a look.

Moradin's incarnation waved his hand, and endless divine light fell, and Lige's monster army and dwarf army separated immediately.

"Your Majesty Moradin," the dwarf commander took all surviving dwarves to his knees.

Almost at the same moment, a huge and beautiful dragon descended, and a huge dragon roar sounded.

"Your Majesty Moradin, are you trying to interfere in the strife between the world?" Rihanna also descended into her avatar almost at the same time, facing the mighty dwarf main god without any hesitation.

The Yinlong sisters also took the opportunity to take Liyue and the two green dragons, separated from the dwarf legends, and returned to Li Ge's side.

"Haha, Your Majesty Rihanna, I have no intention of interfering. This battle was initiated by Abashir, not my will," Moradin explained readily.

But Rihanna didn't intend to let it go like this, "Your Majesty Moradin, Abbathor, the God of Greed, has plotted against my spouse several times, and you must give me an explanation."

Facing the aggressive Rihanna, Moradin was not angry, "Your Majesty, Rihanna, I will restrain Abbasi's behavior, and until your spouse is not a god, he will never be allowed to behave like this again ".

"The dwarf pantheon and the dragon god should not be enemies," Moradin looked at Li Ge.

"Li Ge, sooner or later you will become a god, and then you will understand that many fights are unnecessary. There is no unresolvable hatred between you and the dwarves."

"After you become a god, I won't care about the hatred between you and Abbasi. What do you think?"

Li Ge also needs to save face for the other party's powerful divine power to mediate like this, otherwise the pressure will be passed on to Rihanna who just became a god.

"Since His Majesty Moradin intends, then so be it," Li Ge said lightly, and he could avenge his enmity with the dwarf God of Greed by himself at that time.

With a hearty smile, Moradin led the dwarves on the ground and fell into the dwarf tribe, where he didn't know what to say.

Li Ge looked at Rihanna who had turned into a human form with joy on his face, and the Yinlong sisters also leaned forward.

"Sister Rihanna, I haven't seen you for a few days." Several little female dragons chirped around the newly promoted goddess.

Rihanna replied a few words one by one, and looked at Li Ge tenderly, "Since Moradin has agreed to restrain Abbasi, you can rest assured."

Li Ge nodded, took Rihanna's hand and said a few words, "Rihanna, you just became a god, don't delay too long in the secular world, we will see each other for a long time."

It is not a good thing for the gods to come to the world frequently. It consumes the power of the gods and easily arouses the dissatisfaction of the gods.

(End of this chapter)

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