leisurely dragon

Chapter 196 Miser Energy Nuclear Repair

Chapter 196 Miser Energy Nuclear Repair
Rihanna kissed Li Ge's cheek gently, and returned to the Kingdom of God with reluctance.

"The strength is still not strong enough. One day I will control my own destiny." Li Ge, who was a little complacent just now, was awakened instantly.

Facing the goodwill of the mighty divine power Moradin, he could only be forced to accept it.Although the result is not too bad, but there is always an evil fire in my heart.

Xilia, who has a delicate heart, noticed Li Ge's grievance, and the silver dragon girl stepped forward to hold Li Ge's big hand.

"Li Ge, no matter how difficult the road ahead is, we will walk with you." Several young real dragons proved with their own actions that they can also share some of the pressure for him.

Yinlong Yilin, Tianlong Liyue, and Catherine also walked over with concern, holding hands together.

"Li Ge, you have to remember that we are your soul contract partners, and we will never leave you."

Li Yue's eyes showed a trace of firmness, "Brother, your will is what my sword points to."

Seeing everyone's concern, the negative emotions in Li Ge's heart were swept away.

Yes, there are so many people walking with me, the momentary setbacks are nothing.

His footsteps will not stop there, even if he is as strong as Moradin, he will bow his proud head in front of him one day.

The monster army of the green dragon Krisna, the two knight orders, and the kobold army led by Sass began to retreat.

This time it was counted as a victory. The dwarves' dragon hunting troops were almost wiped out, and Moradin only took away more than 100 people.

The green dragon Krisna ordered the soldiers not to strip the equipment off the dwarf's corpse. Moradin still had to give face, otherwise it would bring a lot of trouble to the master.

After returning to the camp, Li Ge comforted and visited his subordinates.This time it was a complete crush, with relatively few casualties.

Most of those who died in battle were monsters under the command of the green dragon Krisna, and some were alone, and they couldn't even pay the pension.

Although many monsters who died in battle were intelligent beings, they had no beliefs, or they were general believers.

Li Ge asked the lord of the dimension to integrate their souls into the kingdom of God. Even if they didn't believe in him, they couldn't ignore those who died fighting for him, and they couldn't just watch their souls degenerate.

After all this is done, the rest of the celebration will naturally be arranged by the green dragon Krisna herself, and Li Ge will not participate.

Sister Yinlong paid special attention to his emotions these days, which made him feel much better.

Soon Laiya and Elsa came to the good news that the repair work of the Misser energy core was completed, and Li Ge came to the laboratory in surprise.

The crystal, which is as tall as a person, shines with a charming luster, and from time to time, a little bit of streamer flickers on the surface of the spar.

Laiya was beaming, and Elsa, who had always been calm, was also excited. Being able to repair one of the greatest arcane crystals in the era of the Arcane Empire with her own hands gave them a sense of accomplishment.

"Li Ge, thanks to the relevant knowledge in the inheritance you gave us, otherwise we wouldn't even know how to repair it."

Elsa stepped forward and hugged Li Ge. She and Laiya were able to repair the secret core, which was of great help to their improvement of the Grand Arcanist level.

No matter how good the inheritance is, if you don't practice it yourself, you can't understand the essence of the knowledge inside.

It's not that the desert kingdom doesn't have mages, maybe they haven't even figured out what it is, let alone repaired it.

Laiya clapped her hands and shouted, "Lige, since we have a Miser energy core, let's start building the floating city."

Li Ge trembled in his heart, "Laiya, the floating city can't be built. It can survive tens of thousands of people. In the interstellar floating city, it can't be built without hundreds of millions of gold coins."

Silver Dragon Laiya's excited expression suddenly became sluggish. She, together with the money given by Li Ge, plus the gold coins from Catherine's dividends, was only 200 million gold coins.

Even if Li Ge has more money than her, Li Ge consumes a lot.The last time he was in the world of Avada, Li Ge told them that nearly [-] divine power gold coins were consumed, and all the property he got from the Titan demigod last time was also used up.

If the floating city is built again, it is really not enough to sell Li Ge, and they can only make a small splash with the money of the female dragons thrown in it.

Among other things, those high-level golems cost more than [-] gold coins.If you have a floating city, if you don't build hundreds of golems, your defense power will not be enough.

There are also tens of thousands of residents in the floating city, as well as the daily consumption, which is simply not something Li Ge and his group of dragons can afford.

Seeing Leia's frustrated look, Elsa was also a little disappointed. No great arcanist can refuse the charm of the floating city, just like a mage cannot live without a mage tower.

"Don't you guys be so disappointed, the Floating City is not allowed, but the Floating Mage Tower is fine." Li Ge also couldn't bear it, he couldn't bear the sad little eyes of the two sisters.

As soon as the words came out, Laiya immediately became active again, "This idea is very good, the floating tower is just a little smaller, and it is more suitable for us."

Li Ge's mage tower has been upgraded many times, and it has long been able to fly in the plane for a short time.

Now that there is an almost endless source of power like the Miser Energy Core, there are not so many changes that need to be made when upgrading to a floating tower, and most of the cost is also reduced.

Golden Dragon Elsa also has sparkling eyes, and her soft and pretty face is full of energy.

Jinlong Yujie has been following Li Ge for a long time now, and has entered the adult golden dragon stage from an adult golden dragon.Previously, it even incorporated a bit of divinity. In terms of strength, it is not much worse than Golden Dragon Ingrid.

"Li Ge, we have more important things to do now." Laiya's soft body stuck up.

"These days, we are obsessed with arcane arts, now let Elsa and I accompany you well."

Speaking of this, Li Ge immediately got excited, "There is no one in the laboratory now, why not us...".

Li Ge asked so, Laiya and Elsa have nothing to let go.

The atmosphere in this sacred place for studying arcane arts has become a little bit sluggish, and it is full of joy.

The news that Li Ge was going to build the floating tower was known by several young female dragons, and immediately turned the sky upside down.

"I want a big room with a practice room and a playroom," Catherine shouted.

The Yinlong sisters were not far behind, even Xiao Liyue pulled Li Ge and asked her to arrange her room next to her brother.

Li Ge was dizzy from the quarrel, "Okay, if you have any opinions, you can tell Leia, she and Elsa are responsible for the design. You should think about it, after this time, the layout of the mage tower will be determined , unless there is a demand in the future, it will not be changed."

A few female dragons were making noise there, definitely more noisy than ordinary women, but they enjoyed it.

(End of this chapter)

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