leisurely dragon

Chapter 197 The Blood Lord's Conspiracy

Chapter 197 The Blood Lord's Conspiracy
In the kingdom of mages, Madoff, the legendary chairman of the mage council who has not shown his face for nearly a thousand years, publicly appeared in the city of arcana.

For many years, many doubts about whether the speaker was dead were immediately resolved.

Madoff publicly declared that he did not show up for thousands of years to heal the trauma he suffered from the war with the orcs.

Now not only has his injury healed, but his strength has improved further, comparable to that of a demigod, and his lifespan has greatly increased.

As soon as the speaker Madoff came out, with the help of the demigod-level mage tower, he immediately grasped the real power of the mage kingdom.

The other seven mages in the legendary mage council are far from being the opponents of this long-famous speaker.

The legendary mage council passed a new resolution, and the speaker Madoff publicly condemned that the five-color dragon led by Teresa, the mother of thunder, should withdraw from the territory of human society immediately, otherwise the mage kingdom will definitely intervene.

This decision reminded people once again of the fiery temper that the speaker Madoff dared to fight desperately with the Pope, the orc god, in order to protect the interests of the human race.

It seems that after thousands of years, the temper of this legendary archmage has not changed at all. In order to protect the interests of the human race, he is not afraid of any forces.

It's just that no one noticed the bloody glint in the eyes of the legendary archmage.

"The gods in the wilderness are watching closely. If I don't start a war, how can I have enough blood and soul power to re-condense my divinity."

The revived Blood Lord can't wait to regain his strength, and launching a war is the best way.

The speed at which he actively absorbs blood and soul power is much faster than the speed at which the godhead can be passively repaired.

"War is a large-scale blood sacrifice. When I re-condense the blood, soul, and several major priesthoods in the blood field, that godhead will definitely belong to me."

The bloody lord who had completely controlled Madoff's body couldn't help laughing horribly in the mage tower.

The documents of the Mage Kingdom were quickly delivered to Teresa, Mother of Thunder.

"Haha...", Mother of Thunder laughed wildly.

"Little mage, go back and tell Madoff that the blue dragon is never afraid of any threats. If you want the blue dragon to give up the fruits of victory, you can come to the battlefield to take it back yourself."

The young sorcerer who came to deliver the documents, under the might of the blue dragon demigod Teresa, could hardly even stand still, with sweat dripping down his forehead.

Upon hearing the blue dragon's answer, the young mage couldn't bear it any longer, and stumbled back, causing wild ridicule from the five-color dragons watching.

The envoy of the mage kingdom was treated almost humiliatingly by the blue dragon.

The speaker Madoff was furious, and sent an elite battle mage group, plus a magic infantry group from the mage kingdom, to the border city of the business alliance for support.

The structure of the business alliance is very loose, and several cities on the border have not been able to wait for domestic support for a long time.

At this time, the mage kingdom, the second strongest human being, took the initiative to send elite troops to support them, which made them overjoyed.

These days, in order to deal with those greedy five-color dragons, they broke their fortunes.

The active intervention of the Mage Kingdom made those in power in Xingang City, the capital of the business alliance, sit in wax.

Brother cities in my own country could not be rescued by my own people, and now the power of the Mage Kingdom was introduced.

Mage Kingdom, this is not voluntary labor.Those shrewd mages are no less powerful than the big businessmen of the business alliance in terms of strength, wealth, or social influence.

Once the intervention is successful this time, these cities may fall into the arms of the Mage Kingdom.

Under the pressure of the actions of the aggressive mage kingdom.The Pope of the Temple of the Goddess of Wealth, Thomas, the chief mage of Xingang City, and other high-level officials had quarreled with councilors from other cities for several days.

In the end, the business alliance also organized a coalition army, and at the same time spread krypton gold, recruiting mercenaries from the entire plane to fight against the five-color dragon.

Adventurers in the entire human society, lured by huge wealth, went to the business alliance one after another, preparing to participate in the war against the five-color dragon.

The most surprising thing is that the business alliance is willing to accept even those orcs who have crossed the border.

The situation deteriorated rapidly, and the Mother of Thunder, who was assisted by more than 50 five-color dragons, was not afraid of the two human kingdoms at all.

In the end, large and small battles spread across the border of the commercial alliance, and Madoff's plan succeeded.

Li Ge squinted and enjoyed Xilia's massage, which was very serious.

The girl Liyue at the side read the information from the business alliance in a crisp voice.There is no need to search for these, just find some newspapers in the Magic Kingdom.

Catherine blinked her eyes wide, "Teacher, why do I feel that something is wrong, but I can't say it."

Li Ge changed his posture comfortably, and hummed twice, "Catherine, you can feel it too, right?"

"It's been nearly a thousand years, but the Mage Kingdom has such good intentions and took the initiative to help other countries resist the five-color dragon. Even if the Speaker Madoff was born again, it is not so simple."

"I suspect that it is your destined enemy who is making trouble in it."

Ever since Catherine sensed the resurrection of the new evil god, Li Ge has been vigilant against this secret enemy.

Catherine clapped her little hands, "Hmph, I just said that this war is a bit strange, according to the previous practice. These merchants will negotiate with the blue dragon."

"And the Goddess of Wealth Temple has some friendship with this blue dragon family, so they wouldn't be so reckless."

Once you understand these problems, you will know how to deal with them.

The blood lord was still a little impatient at this time.In the communication between Li Ge and Xia Wei, all the elves and gods already knew about the resurrection of the evil god, and now this war may have fallen into the eyes of the gods.

At this time, Li Ge just needs to be steady, and he can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

The bloody lord is so eager to start a war, isn't it just to replenish his strength, does he really think those righteous gods are blind?
Catherine basically listened to Li Ge, seeing his arrangement, this chick didn't bother to think about it, and went to Laiya's side to join in the fun.

The scale of the battles between Blue Dragon and the two kingdoms was not large, but the number of battles was high. It seemed that neither side had any plans for a decisive battle.

Transformed into Madoff's bloody lord, this patience is still there.Under his orders, the Battle Mage Corps and the Magic Infantry Corps of the Mage Kingdom, under the lure of high subsidies and a lot of knowledge, frequently took the initiative to attack and dealt a big blow to those five-color dragons.

There were even two young dragons who were beheaded after being captured by the battle mage group. This was the order of the speaker, and no one would be left alive for those monsters.

"Haha, it's really delicious." The bloody lord absorbed the blood and the power of the soul on the battlefield, and his strength was increasing step by step. The whole person looked evil during the blood sacrifice.

(End of this chapter)

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