leisurely dragon

Chapter 198 Adulthood

Chapter 198 Adulthood
The transformation of the floating tower is relatively smooth, and the cost is not very high.Li Ge's current financial ability is still affordable, with a daily income of more than 100 divine power gold coins and a deposit of nearly [-] divine power gold coins.

After undergoing a large-scale expansion, the Dimensional Dragon Nest has an area of ​​nearly [-] square kilometers.

With the powerful breath of life of the ancient tree of dimension, coupled with the hard work of the natural elf tribe, the whole plane is full of trees.

"Master, you haven't come to see us for a few days." Sisters Lucia and Luvia held Li Ge's hand one by one, with resentful expressions on their faces.

Li Ge felt a little embarrassed. He ate up the elf sisters and didn't come to see them often. This is indeed a bit scum.

Selena was snickering, and this little maid didn't know to come to help the master relieve the embarrassment.

Li Ge coaxed for a long time before making the elf sisters happy.

"Master, over the years, our tribe has added nearly [-] newborn elves," Lucia said proudly.

The natural elf tribe has been Li Ge's family for decades, and Li Ge has grown from a young dragon at that time to an age close to an adult dragon.

Between the branches and leaves of the ancient dimensional tree, there were more than a dozen little elves transformed from elf souls.

Li Ge stroked Lucia's hair that felt so good to the touch, "That's right, the elf tribe has such a fertility rate, but it's much better than those elves outside."

These new elves, who have been influenced by the breath of the ancient tree of the dimension all day long, have been Li Ge's devout disciples almost all their lives. Of course, the more the number, the better.

"These are all thanks to the master and the ancient tree of dimension," Luvia on the other side said happily.

Now after trading a large number of magical plants with Xia Wei, the natural elf tribe has developed a large magical botanical garden.

After some time, Li Ge can even sell magic plant products to the outside world.

Li Ge leaned on Selina's lap and closed his eyes slightly. With this silver dragon maid, he could not think about anything and let his mind relax.

Although Selina has been guarding inside the Dimensional Dragon Nest, she also knows Li Ge's hard work outside, and waved to the elf sisters to let the master take a good rest.

Li Ge's mind was secretly immersed in the consciousness of the ancient tree of dimension.

The two are one, and the ancient tree of dimension does not have any exclusion at all.

Li Ge turned into a towering divine tree, its endless roots constantly absorbing a lot of force from the void, nourishing the entire plane.

At this moment, for some reason, the consciousness of the dimensional master was attracted and moved closer.

"Boom", the three consciousnesses merged into one, Li Ge's complete consciousness reappeared, and various mysterious laws blended with each other.

Li Ge, who originally wanted to explore the ancient tree of dimension, accidentally fell into a strange state.

The dimensional ancient tree moved without wind, several branches rolled up Li Ge's body, and sent him into the lair of the ancient tree.

At this time, in Li Ge's mind, two good fortune patterns emerged, slowly engraved into Li Ge's soul.

Li Ge involuntarily showed his real body of the golden dragon, and the infinite original force surged towards the huge dragon body, and he fell into a deep sleep again, and it came so suddenly.

After receiving the notification from Selena, Laiya, mother and daughter, Elsa, Catherine, and Liyue, regardless of the renovation of the floating tower, came to the Dragon's Nest within a few steps.

After seeing Li Ge's situation, Laiya and Elsa smiled at each other and breathed a sigh of relief, "Selena, don't worry, Li Ge is about to enter adulthood."

"For a giant dragon with great talent like him, it doesn't have to be 100 years to become an adult. The strength and realm are enough, and sometimes it will be a little earlier."

In fact, Li Ge is not too young, and his combined age is almost 90 years old, and he has many adventures. It is not uncommon to be an adult now.

At this moment, in Lige's sea of ​​consciousness, a miraculous scene is taking place.

An infinitely small and seemingly infinite aura, with a weak soul, descended into a world.

The aura carried this weak soul up and down, and finally got into a dragon egg that had cracked and leaked out.

There is a hint of understanding in Li Ge's heart, this is the information that the system is passing through to him.

After Lingguang drilled into the eggshell with the soul, the dragon egg shimmered for a while, the leaking egg liquid slowly flowed back, and the eggshell returned to an intact state, and a brand new little life was resurrected.

"What cruel parents," Li Ge's soul couldn't help laughing bitterly at himself.

This question has been hidden in his heart for a long time, that is, whether to find the parents of his own body.

Now it seems that there is no need at all. He just threw a piece of trash and picked it up by chance.

The real dragon eggs were hanged by his father or mother before they hatched.In this case, the grievances and grievances will be eliminated.

Li Ge didn't think about these boring things that had passed, and he put all his thoughts on the two good fortune marks, which is the essence of the system.

The two divine patterns seem to have remained unchanged since ancient times, but at another glance, they seem to be evolving into endless runes, covering all things in the sky.

Li Ge felt that he had comprehended some mysteries, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt empty and felt nothing.

At the same time, on the outside, Li Ge's body is constantly growing. The original body length of 55 meters has grown to 60 meters, and this growth is still continuing.

Several female dragons are guarded here every day, Liyue immediately manifested the body of a celestial dragon, and fell asleep next to Li Ge, making everyone dumbfounded.

This is not the first time that this mutated spirit dragon took advantage of Li Ge when he was asleep.

What Laiya and others don't know is that a dragon ball in Liyue's mind is also undergoing subtle changes, driving her dragon body to grow rapidly.

The Mage Kingdom and the Business Alliance have already had a real fight with Teresa, the mother of thunder.

After the two juvenile dragons were captured, the Mage Kingdom beheaded them, which undoubtedly greatly angered the mother of thunder, the demigod blue dragon.

In the ensuing battle, the blue dragon Teresa frequently shot herself.

The Pope of the Goddess of Wealth and Thomas, the chief mage of Newport, were also very angry.

The Mage Kingdom clearly intended to provoke the dragons and drag them into the water.So in the battle against the mother of thunder, the two ordered their direct subordinates to retreat.

All of a sudden, the army of the mage kingdom suffered a big loss, and the behavior of the business alliance teammates was similar to that of backstabbing.

The forces at the level of the two human kingdoms have produced huge conflicts.

Madoff, the speaker of the Mage Kingdom, was furious. After condemning the business alliance, he recruited more magic infantry regiments and vowed to fight the blue dragon.

This time, the Rhine Empire couldn't sit still anymore. As the boss of human society, Bien III did not allow such things that were beyond his control and influence to happen.

(End of this chapter)

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