leisurely dragon

Chapter 199 The Choice of Two Emperors

Chapter 199 The Choice of the Two Emperors
Madoff was satisfied with the changes in his soul. After absorbing the bloody power of these battles, the priesthood in the bloody field had taken shape.

As an evil god who switched camps, the Bloodlord valued the blood domain more than the blood and soul domains.

The history of any civilization is full of blood and blood.As soon as the resurrected evil god condensed the bloody priesthood, he felt that traces of bloody power in the plane were slowly gathering towards him.

This is much faster than the progress in the field of blood and soul. The laws of blood and soul must be comprehended hard and comprehended the mysteries in the laws in order to make progress.

Li Ge's deep sleep continued, and Laiya and the other female dragons didn't panic.

It was Charles and his wife who came to find Li Ge on their own initiative, "What, Li Ge is asleep," Charles said in surprise.

"I also want to ask about his attitude towards the war between the two human kingdoms and the five-color dragon."

Charles has been appointed by the Emperor of the Rhine Empire as the mediation ambassador to mediate the conflict between the two parties.

The demigod knight is not an idiot. This war is obviously a bit weird. The Mage Kingdom has taken some wrong medicine and insists on fighting the five-color dragon.

Catherine's face straightened, and she took her mother's hand and sat down, "Mom and Dad, this time it might be the evil god who revived and caused trouble. You must be careful. Once my identity is revealed, he will definitely attack you."

Charles stood up suddenly, "What, it's like this", the demigod knight's daughter is his reverse scale.

This matter involved the safety of his daughter, and Charles' eyes were fierce, wishing to tear that evil god into pieces immediately.

Looking at her father's worried eyes, Catherine smiled lightly, and pulled up the legendary talisman hanging around her neck, "Dad, Li Ge gave me a precious legendary talisman, as long as I don't take the initiative to expose it, that evil god can't Find me. When he shows up, we will find a chance to give him a fatal blow."

Golden Dragon Ingrid quickly pressed Catherine's hand, "Put on the amulet quickly", she was no less worried about her daughter than the demigod knight.

Charles and his wife left with full of thoughts, just be careful, the evil god can't do anything to them.

In this mediation, Charles is the ambassador with the highest status on the surface, but it is his subordinate officials who talk about various affairs in detail. He only needs to do a good job on the surface.

But if it is really the evil god who is in the way, then there are only a few people who have the status of this person.

Who is this person? After a little analysis, Li Ge and a few female dragons locked on a target, but they couldn't be sure until they saw it.

In the wilderness north of the Hengduan Mountains, the Orc Empire was undergoing drastic changes at this time.

The emperor of the orc empire, Meng Ge, has been sitting on the throne for decades, and his rule over the orc empire has become more and more stable.

Under his throne, the old wolf king Talon, chief of the Frostwolf Tribe, was already graying.

Talon is more than 100 years old this year, and he has suffered many secret injuries from years of fighting.If there is no accident, the remaining life of this old wolf will not exceed 30 years.

The lifespan of a legendary fighter is short, and a legendary fighter like Talon who doesn't cherish his body will not live long.

"Your Majesty, the small tribes around the Frostwolf Tribe are willing to submit to His Majesty's rule," the old wolf king Talon stepped forward and reported loudly.

The orc emperor Meng Ge stood up in satisfaction, "Very well, Talon, I will never forget the contribution of the Frostwolf Tribe."

"I promise, as long as my Behemoth tribe is the orc royal family, the Frostwolf tribe will always be our brothers."

Ever since the last race war, the emperor of the orc empire, Meng Ge, has realized that the loose tribal system of the orcs has become a shackle for the development of the orcs.

With his own Behemoth tribe as the main force and the eight major tribes including the Frostwolf tribe as the core, Meng Ge swept away most of the orc tribes north of the Hengduan Mountains.

These orc tribes were all integrated into the nine core tribes.The eight major tribes are subject to the strongest royal family, the Bimon tribe.

The orc emperor Meng Ge accomplished the feat that all orc emperors have not accomplished, and initially established a unified orc empire.

"Pass my order, the eight major tribes will hold a martial arts tournament immediately, and each tribe will select [-] elite orc warriors to form the main force of the orc empire."

Meng Ge once again launched his plan. He planned to gather the elite of the entire orc empire into the hands of the emperor.

The eight major tribes will also share the power in the army, but it will never be possible to return to the previous situation where the tribes fought independently.

"Pope, how noble!"

Meng Ge said with a mocking smile.

"Unfortunately, these moths will only use the power of the great Gruumsh to dominate."

"When my army is reorganized, these wastes will no longer be able to control the power of the Orc Empire."

"And I, the greatest emperor of the Orc Empire, will definitely win the final victory, pick the fruits of victory under the eyes of the gods, and ascend to the throne of God!"

Meng Ge has never concealed his ambition, what is the emperor of a mere orc empire.

What he pursues is eternal immortality, just like other orc gods, they are the real masters of the entire orc race.

The other races in the Noren plane were still fighting for power, but they did not expect that the orc empire, which they looked down upon, was undergoing earth-shaking changes at this moment.

When the plan of the orc emperor Meng Ge is completed, no country can resist the power of the orcs.

In the palace of the Rhine Empire, the obese King Bien III has now returned to his youthful and handsome appearance.

"It's nice to be young," Peter III clenched his fists, feeling the almost infinite power in his body.

"Your Majesty, we can give you more than the miserly gods."

"No matter how well you do, you can only live a few more days in the kingdom of gods, and your status is just the same as other believers. Sooner or later, you will usher in complete death in the kingdom of gods."

The seductive red lips of the sorceress Siya kept seducing the emperor of the human empire.

"Have you felt the power of the origin of hell in your body? With this power, you can immediately become a high-level devil in hell and enjoy eternal life without doing anything."

Peter III's expression gradually calmed down, "Siya, I bought this power in exchange for countless human souls, not from you."

"If hell can help me succeed in ascending to the throne, I will become a loyal ally of the Queen of Erinia."

"Otherwise, let's stop mentioning everything." Peter III's eyes were fierce, and he was not at all obsessed with the beauty of the sorceress as rumored by the outside world.

The female sorceress Sia clung to the young Bien III, "Your Majesty, you can rest assured that the devil will never break his contract."

It's just the power of hell, is it really so easy to get?

"Stupid mortals, no one has ever been able to take advantage of the Lord of Hell for nothing."

(End of this chapter)

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