leisurely dragon

Chapter 200 Awakening

Chapter 200 Awakening
The world outside is changing, and Li Ge's sea of ​​consciousness is also turned upside down. The two innate divine patterns have been completely integrated into Li Ge's soul.

"Crack", a deeply hidden time and space origin in the soul was completely shattered, and a wordless sense of relaxation emerged in my heart.

Fortunately, Li Ge felt that the time-space orb of the traveler's hometown was not so easy to get, and there was still the last trace of soul imprinted in the core source.

If Arthur really fused and controlled this orb, maybe the traverser would really be resurrected on Arthur, or fused.

This time, the hidden danger was completely eliminated, and he also knew that this time-space orb was a treasure formed by a coincidence of a little space-time power, and it could not be a powerful layout.

The three divinities of void, dimension, and time and space, under the influence of the innate divine pattern, grew rapidly as if they had taken a tonic.

The divinity is constantly absorbing nutrients, the knowledge contained in it is increasing, and the connection between them is getting closer and closer.

Li Ge also comprehended the mysteries of many laws. Many of his previous innate spells seemed to be too rough to use now.

Compared with the changes in the depths of the soul, the changes in Li Ge Jinlong's body are also very large.

The two dragon horns pointed directly at the sky, the dragon scales shone with a sacred golden light, and a little magic rune was faintly formed.

After the golden dragon grew to 65 meters in length, it basically ended its rapid growth.Some of the real dragon's aura he exuded was absorbed by Tianlong Liyue next to him.

"Soon, Li Ge is about to wake up," Laiya said in surprise when she saw Li Ge's physical growth.

These days, the transformation of the floating tower is relatively smooth, and many places only need to add some magic runes.A good foundation has been laid in the previous several investment transformations.

The female elf Xia Wei came here several times, and after learning that Li Ge was asleep, she felt a little regretful when she left.

Finally, after Li Ge fell into a deep sleep for half a year, Jin Long's eyelids moved a few times.

Li Ge's consciousness is divided into three again, the main body, the master of the dimension, and the ancient tree of the dimension, and their respective consciousnesses return to the body.

A long dragon chant resounded in the Dimensional Dragon Nest, and the leaves of the Dimensional Ancient Trees rattled.While Li Ge was asleep, the ancient tree of dimension also entered rapid growth, and the world of the plane became thicker and stronger than before.

"The master is awake, bring the food quickly," Selena ordered loudly, and the maids of the nature elves quickly sent a large amount of food into the dragon's nest.

Not only Li Ge, Li Yue also woke up from a deep sleep.This mutated spirit dragon grew too fast, and in human form it was already a fifteen or sixteen-year-old oriental lady.

"Brother, my strength is stronger and I can serve you better," Li Yue's voice became colder and colder.

Li Ge smiled and patted Li Yue's little head.

His own human form also turned into the appearance of an eighteen or nineteen-year-old human youth, handsome and strong.

After enjoying the perfect meal, the two came to the mage's tower.Immediately, the mage tower was filled with joyful atmosphere.

"Teacher, I feel that you are much stronger." Catherine's sense is very keen, and Golden Dragon Elsa, mother and daughter Leia are also very curious.

Li Ge smiled and led them into the dimensional game world.

After a long day of hard fighting, Jinlong finally completely killed the adult Li Nenglong who had ravaged him for many years with scars all over his body, leaving behind nearly two hundred divine power gold coins.

"Teacher, you are too powerful. This is an adult dragon with a challenge level of 31." Catherine was stunned.

Laiya mother and daughter, Golden Dragon Elsa are all excited, and Li Ge is really too strong now.

Xilia's eyes were tender and tender, and she came to Li Ge who had recovered her human form, "Li Ge, I want to lay dragon eggs for you."

For giant dragons, power is their own charm, and Li Ge's strength makes these female dragons intoxicated.

The joyful party lasted for several days.

Li Ge finally had time to look at the information of the past six months. Human society is now in full swing.

The mediation of Charles and his wife did not work at all.

The mage kingdom and the five-color dragon have already fought real fire. The armies of both sides and the hired adventurers are in conflict every day.

On the contrary, the commercial alliance army, which was fighting in the local area, fell to one side, and occasionally went up to make a profit.

The Rhine Empire has recently executed many criminals. Emperor Peter III proposed many bills in the parliament, and many serious crimes were directly changed to hanging.

As long as the aristocratic councilors are not affected, they will oppose the emperor's bills for civilians.

The harsh criminal laws of the Rhine Empire have caused many civilians to migrate to the nobles in the wilderness to open up territories.

"Master, there have been many people with suspicious identities active in the territory of the Northern Noble Alliance recently. After my analysis, I can basically confirm that they are demon believers."

The green dragon Krisna is now also actively paying attention to these news, and she is doing very well.

Li Ge was somewhat satisfied with the performance of the green dragon, "I reward you with these ten divine power gold coins."

The green dragon Krisna smiled even wider, "I will definitely serve the master better", and happily went back with the divine power gold coin.

Li Ge squinted his eyes and kept thinking, "It seems that the Succubus Queen has no intention of covering up her actions."

"However, the devil's temperament is chaotic and changeable. Those nobles who seek skins from tigers are not afraid of them themselves, so I don't need to worry about them."

Although the situation outside is changing, the adult Li Ge is on two levels from the one before the minor.

If you don't mention the artifact, it is not weaker than Rihanna before she became a god. This is quite an achievement. You must know that Rihanna was of the blood of the iridescent dragon before she became a god.

Thinking of Xia Wei who came to visit him several times in his deep sleep, Li Ge smiled slightly, swiped lightly with one hand, opened a dimensional passage, and walked in.

In the tree house of the elf tribe, Xia Wei frowned, wondering what she was thinking.

A slight dimensional fluctuation woke her up, and Xia Wei was pleasantly surprised to see Li Ge coming out of the passage.

The female elf threw herself into Li Ge's arms like a milk swallow.The Moon Elf, who has tasted the good taste of love, cannot bear the days without her lover.

The sky thunder set off the fire, and the small tree house was full of spring, and no one came to disturb the high priest.

The female elf, who still had a blush on her face, carefully tidied up her appearance, and tidied up for Li Ge by the way.

"Li Ge, your power has grown stronger again. I almost didn't notice it when I opened the dimensional channel just now," Xia Wei laughed and groaned.

As a legendary god priest, such a strong perception can only be detected when Li Ge opens the dimensional channel, which is enough to prove that Li Ge's control of power has reached a new level.

(End of this chapter)

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