leisurely dragon

Chapter 201 The Floating Tower Completed

Chapter 201 The Floating Tower Completed

Xia Wei and Li Ge also briefly exchanged the basic information of their respective forces to see if there was anything missing.

The nail set by the Silver Leaf Elf Tribe in the Orc Empire also secretly sent a lot of information about the Orcs.

Only then did Li Ge know that the Orc Empire was also unwilling to be lonely, "It seems that the time for the decisive battle is approaching."

The female elf leaned gently on Li Ge's shoulder, "This decisive battle is mainly between the orcs and humans. The dwarf kingdom is far less powerful than these two parties, and it is likely to ally with humans."

"Our elf kingdom doesn't have any big ambitions, as long as the godhead doesn't fall into the orc empire."

Xia Wei smiled slightly, "And this decisive battle, the gods have decided that all gods are not allowed to participate, and even the incarnation cannot be lowered. Otherwise, a large-scale battle of gods will definitely destroy this world."

"You have such a strong strength, you should be able to protect yourself, and I don't have to worry about your safety."

This is the first time for Li Ge to hear that the gods have such an agreement, and it should be right after thinking about it, otherwise, with the conflicts among the gods, how many worlds would have been destroyed long ago.

The last battle between Solem and Ms. Mercy's incarnation should have been relatively small, so that the gods did not interfere.

It seems that there has been less jumping around recently. In case of revealing his true strength and being attacked by those guys, it would be a bit funny to eliminate him first.

Li Ge never doubted the strength of a large empire with a population of hundreds of millions, maybe they didn't even have the confidence to deal with the gods.

After briefly discussing the details of mutual care with Xia Wei, Li Ge quietly left the Silver Leaf Elf Tribe.

It's not suitable for any big moves now, so Li Ge simply followed Laiya and Elsa to help transform the mage tower.

Now Li Ge's understanding of the law has improved a lot, and he is a legendary warlock, so he can help a lot.

Laiya was very serious in doing business, "Li Ge, your rune drawing is a little crooked, please redraw it immediately."

Li Ge looked left and right, "This should be okay, it doesn't hinder the flow of magic power in any way."

I didn't expect Laiya to criticize her head and face, so that Li Ge had no choice but to obediently erase it and re-draw it.

"Li Ge, the 30-meter-deep foundation below the base of the tower needs to be completely petrified. Your magic power is strong, so I will leave it to you."
"Li Ge, the room over there needs to be expanded, which is what you are good at, so you can work overtime."

For several days in a row, Li Ge was ordered around by the female dragon who had entered the working state.

The Yinlong sisters and Catherine, who were watching the excitement, didn't think it was a big deal.Pointing at where, something is not done well here, and there is almost something there, which makes Li Ge's teeth itch with anger.

"Ligg," Laia yelled again.

Li Ge hurried over, "Laiya, is there anything else I can do?"

Laiya helped her gold-rimmed glasses, and said gracefully, "I'm hungry, and this is also a matter of your work."

Jinlong Elsa on the side laughed again and again, Jinlong Yujie still felt sorry for Li Ge, and sometimes came to help.

Tired of heart, Li Ge paid for several delicacies, and the other female dragons watched eagerly there, so he couldn't favor one over another.

In fact, the most troublesome part, the two great arcanists Leia and Elsa have already completed, and Li Ge only did the finishing part.

The rest is the arrangement of the respective rooms.

The space of the floating tower has been expanded by the magic circle, and no major changes can be seen from the outside, but the space inside is actually much larger.

Li Ge's own room didn't change much, he just enlarged the space a bit to facilitate future practice and life.

The other female dragons got together and didn't know how they would arrange it.Anyway, these female dragons are rich women now, and their rooms are decorated at their own expense.

It's just that the room of Rihanna, the Red Dragon Queen, is a little difficult to deal with. Li Ge thought about keeping this room for the time being, and then figured out a solution when Rihanna came.

Unexpectedly, Catherine made a grimace, smiled at Li Ge, took out a portrait of Rihanna, saluted pretendingly, and shouted, "Sister Rihanna, come down quickly."

Li Ge was a little speechless. What he didn't expect was that Rihanna, the flame and newborn goddess who had just become a god, actually came.

"Sister Rihanna, we haven't seen each other for a long time," Catherine hugged Rihanna's avatar coquettishly.

"Didn't Rihanna just come a few days ago?" Li Ge interjected.

Rihanna doesn't have the air of a goddess at all, "There are many small things in the kingdom of God, but you can take your time. The gods have a lot of time, so you can't waste much time when you come down and look."

The Red Dragon Queen's eyes looked at Li Ge, and Li Ge also understood the meaning of it, which meant that he asked her to come down often to have a look.

After understanding this, Li Ge realized that he was limited by the thinking of ordinary creatures.For the gods, especially the ancient gods, time is not a problem at all.

He always thought that it would take time for Rihanna to build the Kingdom of God now.

Now Rihanna's divine kingdom is in the heavens, not with other dragon gods.Most of the dragon gods are like this, and they don't stay close to the kingdom of other gods.

Rihanna is like an ordinary female dragon, laughing and pulling everyone to decorate the room together.

But at night, it was Li Ge's time.Rihanna's avatar didn't leave, and she and Li Ge haven't been close for some days.

The taste of the goddess, Li Ge tasted the taste again today after tasting it last time, and it still has endless aftertaste.

"Lige, if you have time, go to the world of Avada once. Tyrone told me that Prince Arthur is not easy."

Listening to Rihanna's words, Li Ge was a little surprised that Arthur, a fake time traveler, lost his treasure and still had a secret.

Thinking of the imprint of the soul hidden deep in the Orb of Time and Space, Li Ge couldn't help feeling vigilant. Could it be that Arthur not only fused the memory of the traverser
These can only be discussed after arriving in the world of Avada. The most important thing now is to hurry up and enjoy the delicacy of the goddess.

At this level, the floating mage tower has basically been completed, and it is not a problem to take hundreds of people on interstellar travel.

In the power pool of the mage tower, Laiya has connected the secret energy core to the magic net of the multiverse.As long as you're in the multiverse, there's no lack of motivation.

"Okay, it's finished." Laiya's pretty face blushed with excitement. This time, she successfully built a floating tower, allowing her Grand Arcanist level to break through to level 26.

After finishing the business, Laiya took off her golden eyes, "I'm so tired, I haven't had a good rest for more than a year."

"Humph", a sneer came from behind Laiya, and Li Ge approached with malicious intentions.

"What's wrong with you?" Leia asked stupidly.

Li Ge grabbed Laiya who was retreating, "Laiya, you were very arrogant in front of me before."

Laiya couldn't break free from her embrace at all, "Li Ge, don't blame me, he is working."

Li Ge laughed strangely, "I don't care what state you are in, now you have to pay the price for your arrogance."

(End of this chapter)

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