leisurely dragon

Chapter 202 Outbreak

Chapter 202 Outbreak
After punishing the arrogant Laiya well and making her cry and beg for mercy, Li Ge finally re-established his authority.

All the preparations for the floating tower have been completed, and you can run away at any time when you encounter an irresistible situation.

In Frostwolf City, the sorceress Eve kicked the red dragon Piemu off the bed, "Things that don't exist are getting worse and worse."

The red dragon Piem has almost no dignity at all. In human form, he prostrated himself on the ground, "Great Queen, Piem cannot live without you" in an extremely flattering tone.

The arrogance that belonged to the red dragon has long been dissipated under the torment of the succubus queen who possessed the female mage.

The female mage Eve opened her coquettish red lips, and laughed arrogantly, "I have no patience to wait any longer, so let me break the plans of the gods."

The curtains were automatically opened without wind, and the female mage Eve came to the window, and her charming voice spread throughout the entire Frostwolf City in an instant.

"My servants, act, let the running dogs of the gods tremble under the power of the abyss!"

As if the fuse had been lit, the entire Frostwolf City fell into chaos.

As the number one heir, Eve has long controlled most of the actual power in Frostwolf City.

Numerous demon believers openly entered and exited the city, and nobles and military officers, large and small, had been wooed.

At this moment, under the order of the Succubus Queen, demon believers or charmed nobles instantly turned into demons.

Countless innocent citizens were killed on the spot by familiar people, and the sudden attack plunged the city into blood.

The demonized nobles, with their subordinates, began to attack the chaotic imperial garrison.

In the huge imperial garrison, many generals have also been corrupted, and many people fell under the charm of the Succubus Queen.

The various temples that have been confused by the attack, facing the state of chaos, the first step is to block the temples and prohibit outsiders from entering.

At this moment, in the void of the Noren plane, Gruumsh, the lord of the orcs, laughed wildly and arrogantly, "Pelor, do you dare to violate the oath that the gods swore with the River Styx?"

The sun god Pelor, bearded and haired, glared at the orc god Gruumsh, "If the devil opens the abyss passage, you orcs will not be able to escape."

Gruumsh didn't care, "You don't have to worry about the orcs. As long as humans, those disgusting long ears and dwarves are unlucky, I'm happy."

The mouth of the orc lord offended several races, and the avatars of Corellon and Moradin appeared one after another, glaring at Gruumsh.

At the beginning, the gods swore the Styx River, and in the decisive battle for the godhead, no god-level existence was allowed to enter the Noren Continent.

No god would dare to violate the power of the Styx River. There was once an unlucky ghost who thought he was right, but was directly invaded by the Styx River water into the Kingdom of God, and his soul was completely wiped out.

More and more incarnations of gods have come to the void outside the world of Noren, wanting to know which lucky one can successfully ascend to the throne of God.

Even if the bloody lord, a god born from the laws of the world, destroys his godhead, after many years, new gods will be born from the laws of the world.

This is also the reason why the gods didn't directly destroy the godhead in the first place. Doing so would not prevent the birth of new gods at all, and would also attract the subconscious disgust of the multiverse.

It would be better to let the secular powerhouses compete for the godhead, so that no matter who seizes the godhead, at least they can be controlled again.

Frostwolf City became more and more chaotic, and many temples did not receive any response from the gods at all.

A lot of wise ones guessed right away, that is, the final decisive battle has already begun, and the gods will not interfere in the human world during this period of time.

The Church of the Gods, who had figured it out, immediately started the retreat procedure, which was planned long ago.After experiencing the initial chaos, many temples began to withdraw from Frostwolf City with their own abilities.

Even the empire's garrison was in disarray, and the churches of the gods also had their own conflicts. They couldn't work together at all, and the situation in Frostwolf City was irreversible.

In the Duke's Mansion of Frostwolf City, the Grand Duke of Frostwolf, who used to be in power, had a ferocious look and was tied to a thick pillar.

The female mage Eve giggled, "Father, you just accept the power of the abyss honestly, why do you struggle in vain?"

Grand Duke Frostwolf was already unconscious and could only let out a roar. The female mage Eve approached the Grand Duke and kissed him lightly.

"I'm curious whether a legendary warrior like you can withstand the test of the queen's kiss." The Succubus Queen left a mark of red lips on the body and soul of Grand Duke Frostwolf.

Grand Duke Frostwolf's consciousness began to struggle violently again, but unfortunately this is not a legendary novel.A hanging wire warrior is powerless against the power of the demon lord.

The iron chain on his body fell off, Frostwolf's big face was full of fanaticism, and he knelt down in front of the female mage Eve, "Beautiful queen, I am willing to give everything for you."

The female mage Eve raised her head, and gave a weird smile, "Lead the army immediately and kill all those who dare to resist. I will open the gate of the abyss here, and let the power of the abyss come to this world."

The depravity of Grand Duke Frostwolf was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. No one could resist the attacks of the demon believers any more.

The whole city was shrouded in an evil aura, and many people who were usually mild-mannered were also aroused evil thoughts in their hearts at this moment.

Killing, robbery, and insulting others are happening everywhere in this city.

Several nobles in the wilderness opened up territories, which was more chaotic than Frostwolf City.

These nobles have long been subdued by the means of the Succubus Queen.Noble soldiers and demon believers began to attack those adventurers and caravans almost without warning.

Ordinary civilians and mining workers don't even have a place to hide. This is the wilderness, and ordinary people have a dead end outside.

Countless people were dying throughout the Northern Noble Alliance, and infinite soul power was constantly gathering towards the Frostwolf City.

"Master, there are servants of other demon lords making trouble here, should we get rid of them?" The red dragon Piem looked like a dog.

"Hey, don't worry about these, the more people die, the better, I need more flesh and soul to open the gate of the abyss."

The female mage Eve's fingers moved slightly, and with the rhythm of her fingers, bursts of blood burst out in Frostwolf City.

Thousands of streaks of blood light were connected together with the turning of the female mage's fingers, forming a scarlet magic circle.

The evil breath soared into the sky, and even the vultures that smelled blood in the sky invaded their bodies and began to turn into a semi-demon.

In the magic circle, a black and evil gate, supported by countless flesh and souls, quickly turned from virtual to real.

With a "boom", the gate opened, and a strong abyssal atmosphere flooded the entire Frostwolf City.Endless demons surged out and started hunting.

(End of this chapter)

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