leisurely dragon

Chapter 203 1st place

Chapter 203

The evil breath shocked most of the planes, and the tower spirit of the floating tower sounded a rapid alarm, and Li Ge and several female dragons were shaken.

"It's over, Frostwolf City is hopeless." Li Ge stood at the observation point on the top floor of the floating tower, looking at the abyssal aura soaring hundreds of kilometers away.

"So many people have been devoured by demons just like that," Laiya's voice trembled a little.

Golden Dragon Elsa couldn't help the anger in her heart, "These demon lords are too rampant, why didn't the gods respond?"

Li Ge remembered what Xia Wei and Rihanna told him, the gods would not end when the decisive battle started, it seemed that it was really time.

"Prepare for the worst. I'm afraid the major forces are really going to encounter a crisis this time," Li Ge said in a deep voice.

Li Ge and Xia Wei made an urgent magical communication, and the female elf also discovered the abyssal aura rising into the sky, and the Silver Leaf Elf tribe has entered a state of full alert.

After the two told each other to be careful and pay attention to safety, they both entered into intense work.

Shrill sirens rang out from the Dragon Territory and the Golden Rose Territory, and Baron Kaman and the monster army of the Green Dragon Krisna took action immediately.

The small town of Baron Kaman is mainly populated by believers of Bahamut, and all civilians agree to be stationed in the fortress of the Mage Tower.

The remaining territorial guards and monster legion built a high wall again outside the fortress, with the help of many legendary dragons, and it didn't take much effort.

Under the leadership of Yilin, the Dragon Blood Knights officially took over the defense of the territory, with the assistance of Baron Kaman and the green dragon Krisna.

Li Ge came to his lair again and looked at the more than 3 kobold tribes below the mountain. These are his loyal believers who cannot give up.

"Sass, order all the kobolds to assemble quickly. Everyone is only allowed to bring the necessary food and weapons, and preparations must be completed within half a day."

Li Ge roared and uttered a deafening dragon cry, Sass and all the kobolds understood the seriousness of the matter.

Sass gathered all the kobold soldiers, as well as the kobold priests of the newly trained masters of the dimension, "You immediately arrange for the assembly of the clansmen, and you are not allowed to bring any extra things."

After decades of development, the kobold tribe has basically entered a civilized society, but they remain obedient to the strong.Therefore, under Li Ge's order, not much time was wasted.

Seeing more than 3 kobolds gathered at the foot of the mountain, Li Ge shouted loudly, "Abyss demons have invaded on a large scale, and the world is in crisis. I will arrange all kobold civilians to enter a safe plane."

"Other kobold professionals, and members of the church of the Lord of Dimensions, must participate in the war."

Sass raised the staff in his hand, and took the lead in shouting frantically, "The kobold tribe is willing to fight for the great master and pledge their allegiance to the master." Almost all the kobolds followed suit.

Li Ge stopped talking nonsense, and opened the dimensional channel of the dimensional dragon's nest, "All the kobolds will enter my dragon's nest plane and wait for the arrangement of the real dragon Selina."

The kobold tribe dragged their families into the Dimensional Dragon Nest quickly, and now there is no problem in accommodating these kobolds in the Dimensional Lair of more than [-] square kilometers.

Inside the Dimensional Dragon Nest, Selina and the elf sisters are resettling the kobold tribe.For these loyal believers of Li Ge, the natural elves who also believed in Li Ge did not discriminate.

As soon as they entered the Dimensional Dragon's Nest, under the nourishment of the strong breath of the Dimensional Ancient Tree, several Kobolds awakened their blood on the spot and became Warlocks.

"Sister Selena, our sisters decided to ask the master to let us go out to fight," sisters Lucia and Luvia said.

Over the years, the two sisters have reached the peak master level, and their elf guards have never let up.

Selina shook her head, "The Dimensional Dragon Nest is the master's last fortress, your task is to protect this place for the master, don't think about other things."

The clever Selina immediately rejected the request of the elf sisters, which made them a little frustrated, but it is also very important to guard the master's dragon lair.

Li Ge, who returned to the Mage Tower, released Sass and the three thousand Kobold professionals, and put them under Yilin's command.

At this moment, Catherine has teleported back to the Golden Rose Territory, and the situation here is much worse than Li Ge's Dragon Territory.

Since the decline of mineral mining, the population of the Golden Rose Territory has rapidly dropped to around [-].

Compared with Lige's territory, the contacts and personnel exchanges with the pioneering noble territories in the wilderness are closer.

The chaos in the domain of the eight pioneering nobles also fell into the eyes of the Charles couple and Catherine.

"Those aristocratic territories are basically hopeless," Charles slammed the table and cursed bitterly.

"Did those nobles have their brains eaten by brain-eating worms, and they turned to the devil? What's the difference between this and courting death?"

Catherine looked at her father, and continued, "The female mage Eve is probably possessed by the consciousness of the Succubus Queen, and those nobles have the ability to fight against a demon lord known for his charm."

Charles slumped down on the chair, "It's a pity that nearly ten million people in the northern provinces will all become victims of the devil."

There is more than one demon lord secretly promoting such a large-scale demon invasion. What can he do with a small territory here? It is good to be able to protect himself.

"Have the churches of the gods been blind before? So many people in the northern provinces have been bewitched by demons, and they didn't respond at all," Golden Dragon Ingrid said angrily.

Catherine looked at her mother bitterly, "Mother, the church of the gods should have their own plan, but unfortunately they didn't figure it out. With the devil's chaotic nature, it is impossible to follow their plan."

Charles' face seemed to have aged a lot. "Those guys are usually good at fighting for power and profit. They thought everything was under their control. Now they're off-line."

At this time, Cohen and the brass dragon Alba also quickly stepped into the lord's mansion, "Charles, there were a few demon believers outside the city who made trouble just now, and I have already killed them. What to do next, you have to make up your mind ?”

Cohen's entire tribe of more than 300 people is here now, so he can't help but worry.

Charles stood up and looked at his daughter, "Catherine, this is your territory, and you should make the decision."

Golden Dragon Ingrid also came up to hold her daughter's hand, and said softly, "Catherine, no matter what you decide, we will support you."

Catherine looked at everyone present, "I have decided to give up the Golden Rose collar and join forces with the teacher's territory, otherwise the Golden Rose collar will not survive."

(End of this chapter)

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