leisurely dragon

Chapter 208 Take the initiative

Chapter 208 Take the initiative
Compared with the temporary relative safety on Li Ge's side, all the relatively large cities in the northern provinces of the Rhine Empire fell one after another.

This time is not comparable to that orc invasion. All visible life, their souls and flesh and blood have become victims of demons.

The prosperous hinterland of the Rhine Empire is about to face unprecedented catastrophe, and this time there is no exception.

From the gate of the abyss in Frostwolf City, demon legions of different levels spewed out. After a scuffle, driven by their respective demon lords, they dispersed towards four or eight.

This world has a large population, so if you attack in any direction, you can get a lot of sweet flesh and soul.

The orc empire in the north, the elf forest in the west, and the dwarf kingdom in the east all have a large number of demon legions marching towards their respective goals.

With the support of the huge abyss gate, the infinite abyss breath spread to the entire plane with the support of several demon lords, and the demons actually got a certain home court advantage.

Before long, the whole world, including the Sea Clan, will be attacked by demons.

Charles and his wife also kept sending magical communications, and the Rhine Empire had re-appointed him as the commander of the Imperial Royal Knights, and he was about to go to the front.

The strongest trump card of the Rhine Empire also appeared at this time. Three top demigods led a powerful high-level puppet army and came out from a hidden demiplane.

These three demigods are the strongest three among the emperors of all dynasties, and they can also be regarded as the direct elders of Charles.

The leader of this high-level puppet army is a demigod-level Titan puppet, whose power is no less than a weak divine power.

"Wow, so my ancestors actually hid so many things," Catherine's eyes widened.

Li Ge smiled lightly. He had long expected that the Rhine Empire must have a strong hole card, and maybe not everything was exposed this time.

Other elf kingdoms, dwarf kingdoms, and orc empires must have their own trump cards, and they will not fall so easily.

The gods are not fools. This incident is obviously abnormal. With so many powerful gods, will they just watch the demons subvert their beliefs?

Li Ge did not believe now that the gods simply waged such a big fight for a godhead.

According to Li Ge's conjecture, it should be a battle between the gods and many demon lords using the Noren plane as the battlefield.

The population of the Noren plane is large, believers have not experienced large-scale disasters for many years, and the entire society is seriously commercialized.

If these secular empires are allowed to develop, it will be impossible to grow into a super power across planes, and how will the gods deal with themselves at that time.

The example of the Arcane Empire back then is still in the memory of the gods.Once mortals are strong enough to rebel against the gods, they plot to overthrow their rule.

At the right time, letting mortals experience disasters can not only interrupt the progress of civilization, but also allow the gods to take this opportunity to harvest a large number of believers.

Of course, this is Li Ge's personal idea.

In Charles' letter, it was mentioned that the church of the gods had formed a powerful coalition army, and many nobles brazenly disregarded the order of the empire and openly stood in the camp of the church.

This phenomenon made Emperor Pien III furious, but there was nothing he could do about it. At this special moment, the church had the right to recruit any believers, not to mention that these nobles were voluntary.

Li Ge couldn't understand these calculations, and he didn't know what these people were trying to do.

What he has to do now is to do things at his own pace, not to be disrupted by other people's actions.

"I have already explained to you clearly about killing demons and gaining the favor of the original plane."

"In this situation, there is no way out for passive defense. Everyone can attack freely within a certain range from the mage tower, but don't run too far."

"Now no one knows whether there are incarnations of demon lords mixed in the demon army. If they run too far, if there is no time to rescue them, it will be difficult for their souls to fall into the hands of demons."

Li Ge didn't hide the favor of the original plane, this is a great opportunity to improve his strength and background.

The female dragons around him are eager to try, and the green dragon Krisna, Korn and the brass dragon Alba are not honest masters.

Li Ge himself had to attack more. With his strength, it didn't matter how far he ran. Even if he ran into the incarnation of the demon lord, he would have to fight to know who would win.

The Mage Tower is now the key point. Laiya, Elsa, and Celia are the three legendary legal systems. If they want to sit here, they can't leave even a step.

Yilin had no time to command the army defense of the territory.Catherine and Liyue, the two young dragons, are very aggressive now, and the two little female dragons are also very strong.Especially Catherine, after merging divinity, her strength is second only to Li Ge.

The two little female dragons excitedly formed a team and took Catherine's subordinate, the white dragon Elena, to hunt the demons.

The green dragon Krisna took two tool dragon followers, and also chose a direction, intending to give it a try.

"Brother Cohen, shall we go too?" Alba, the brass dragon, looked at Cohen from the tail of the crane.

"Of course I'm going, but remember my brother's words, I specialize in placing orders, otherwise it won't be worth it if I lose my life."

Seeing everyone acting independently, Li Ge also took the scroll and potion.There are a few powerful real dragons guarding the mage tower, so you can rest assured.

Laiya manipulated the mage tower, and added a positioning information to each real dragon that took the initiative to attack, so that they could be quickly rescued in case of an accident.

Outside the warning range of the mage tower, there are large and small demon squads everywhere.Those who dared to enter the warning area were all wiped out by the spells of the mage tower, or were wiped out by soldiers sent by Yilin.

For those low-level demons, Li Ge was lazy.These little devils are fighting countless monsters in the wilderness.

The monster, which is usually super annoying, has now passively become a member of the protection of the Noren plane.

After a while, the Golden Rose collar appeared in front of the eyes, and the densely packed demon army almost filled the entire city.

"What are these demons doing, what are they doing destroying a deserted city?" Although Li Ge was curious, he still shuttled to the sky above Jin Qiangwei's collar in an instant.

"Super enhanced version of Yang Yan Explosion", he is a golden dragon's innate spell when he makes a move. After being strengthened by his powerful magic power, it is comparable to the power of a legendary spell.

A small sun rose above the city, and Li Ge quickly rose to avoid being hurt by his own spell.

Under the strong positive energy of light and heat, many low-level demons were reduced to ashes on the spot, and only some high-level demons barely survived under the strong resistance.

(End of this chapter)

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