leisurely dragon

Chapter 209 Great Destruction Technique

Chapter 209 Great Destruction Technique
Just at that moment, the lord of the dimension intercepted nearly ten thousand demon souls, and stored them all in the Kingdom of God.

The souls of these demons, after being purified, are of great use whether they are used to create guards of the kingdom of God or to enhance the strength of petitioners.

"Who is it, since you dare to attack the great dragon?"

An angry dragon roar came from below.

"Hey, there's actually a big guy." Li Ge took a deep breath, swooped down, and flooded the entire city with a huge breath of fire and lightning.

A dark and ferocious abyssal dragon was sprayed by Li Ge's super powerful dragon's breath, and the demonic dragon scales all over his body could not stop the power of the dragon's breath.

Countless dragon scales fell off from his body, and the black keel was exposed in some places.

The pain, the pain that penetrates deep into the soul, the abyss dragon Piem, whose strength has greatly increased, feels that his soul is melted by the positive energy in the dragon's breath.

"Roar", with a loud roar, the endless breath of the abyss gushes out from the body of the demon dragon, and the demonized dragon scales continue to regenerate.

Moments later, an intact abyss dragon soared into the sky, with a body length of 50 meters and hideous bone spurs all over its body, like a war machine.

"It's you again, you golden dragons are disgusting, I will tear you apart, and let your soul suffer endless torture in the abyss."

When the magic dragon Piem saw this familiar golden dragon, he was furious.Since he was a red dragon, he has been bullied by the golden dragon.

When he became an adult, he was actually enslaved by a young golden dragon. This endless shame can only be washed away by the blood of the golden dragon.

"And what I hate the most is that if I hadn't been caught by the golden dragon, I wouldn't have been enslaved and tortured by the succubus queen and degenerated into an abyssal dragon." Piem's ​​mind was almost insane.

"Come on, you disgusting golden dragon, I have integrated the power of a demon lord, this time I must kill you."

The power given to the red dragon Piem by the Succubus Queen is enough to deal with ordinary demigods, which is why he is confident.

The demon dragon's already demonized dragon wings spread out and rushed towards Li Ge above. A mouthful of flame dragon's breath containing the breath of the abyss, with endless resentment, spewed out from the dragon's mouth.

"A fool with no power", Li Ge glanced at the fallen red dragon contemptuously.Even if the Queen of Succubus gave her this face power, it was still not enough to threaten Li Ge.

The golden dragon turned gracefully and appeared on the back of the demon dragon Piem. With the power of dimensional cutting, the huge dragon claws cut off a large piece of flesh with dragon scales on Piem's ​​back.

"Ah, you're courting death." Piem trembled in pain in the air, and fell several hundred meters before regaining his balance.

Before the magic dragon could attack again, the golden dragon struck the dragon with a breath of lightning again, and this time Piem fell straight down.

"Dimensional storm", countless dimensional fragments, directly wrapped the abyss dragon, and the dark blood fell like a waterfall.

If it weren't for the powerful vitality of the abyssal demon, Piem would have been punished by now.

"The queen save me", even though the demon dragon Piem fell, he still had a trace of clarity.If he dies this time, even if he is resurrected in the abyss, he might degenerate into an ordinary little devil.

Thinking of this, Piem, who was the face leader, couldn't help asking for help from his master.The torment of the Succubus Queen has made him lose the dignity of a giant dragon.

"What a waste, I wasted my power for nothing." A powerful force descended from the void and landed on Piem.

The abyss dragon's injury immediately recovered quickly, and Li Ge's dimensional storm was also disintegrated by powerful forces.

The huge dragon's body shrank rapidly, and turned into a beautiful succubus, holding a long whip.

"Hehe, what a strong golden dragon, are you the consort of Rihanna, the god of fire and new life?"

The incarnation of the Succubus Queen's consciousness landed on the body of the dragon Piem, with a charming smile and a flick of the long whip, ignoring the distance in space, and firmly locked on to Li Ge.

Li Ge has been on high alert since the idea of ​​the succubus queen Meicanxiet came. Although this demon lord is famous throughout the multiverse for his charm and beauty.

But its own strength and wisdom should not be underestimated. This is a powerful succubus who defeated his competitors one by one, and even managed several demon lords.

Facing the attack of Meicanxiet, Li Ge's divinity was activated a little, and he got rid of the lock of the long whip.

When he turned his head, he spewed out a mouthful of dragon's breath, spread his wings, and immediately rushed to the succubus queen with the dragon's breath, and the huge dragon claws grabbed the relatively petite succubus.

"Hehe, it's really much stronger than the idiot Piem. Do you want to follow me, the succubus under my seat, and even Sister Hui Yao are up to you."

With a flick of the long whip, Meikanxiute defeated the dragon's breath with great force, and separated from Li Ge's dragon claw with one blow.

Regarding the strong golden dragon in front of her, the Succubus Queen couldn't help her own nature, and wanted to turn him into her face.

Li Ge didn't pay any attention to Mei Canxiet's words, "time and space are imprisoned", the three divinities burst out with the greatest power, and immediately imprisoned the succubus in front of him.

"Dimensional domain, time-space domain, and void domain", the three major domains of the golden dragon opened together, and the magic power poured out like a flood.

"Lord of Dimension, fully cooperate with me," Li Ge shouted violently, and the powerful divine power of the Lord of Dimension surged out, supplying Li Ge's consumption.

"You died under my strongest power this time, so you can rest in peace." In Li Ge's huge golden dragon pupils, two divine patterns of fortune were faintly visible.

"For good fortune, one is for creation and the other is for destruction. For the first time, the power of vitality is used to restore the scales of the red dragon Piem. The power of destruction for the first time will also be used on Piem. it's fate".

Li Ge thought in his heart, but he didn't stop the movement in his hands. Now he is sure to use part of the power of the God of Creation without being discovered.

On the huge dragon claws, a bit of power that can swallow even light is condensed.The incarnation of Meicanxiet, who was imprisoned in Li Ge's domain, showed terror in his eyes.

Just looking at this power, even the soul will be destroyed, this consciousness incarnation of the succubus queen is frantically trying to extract power from the body.

"It's too late." Li Gelong tapped his claws lightly, and a force that destroyed everything fell on the Queen Succubus who descended on the body of the dragon Piem.

Without any struggle, the incarnation of Meicanxiet disappeared without a trace, leaving only a pure soul crystal in place.

This is the condensed part of the consciousness of the Succubus Queen and the soul of Piem, the dragon of the abyss.

The destructive power of good fortune wiped out the degenerate aura of the abyss above, as pure as the soul born when the world was first born.

"This trick is called the Great Destruction Technique." Li Ge picked up this beautiful soul crystal, and the harvest this time is not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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