leisurely dragon

Chapter 210 Demigod Meeting

Chapter 210 Demigod Meeting
To be on the safe side, Li Ge used his strongest power to kill the consciousness incarnation of this demon lord who was as powerful as the true god in one fell swoop.

As Li Ge dispersed the three major domains, a source of plane favor that was much stronger than the previous destruction of nearly ten thousand demons fell on Li Ge's body and soul.

At this moment, Li Ge had a feeling that if he cast the golden dragon's innate spell luck, the effect would be astonishingly good.

In Frostwolf City, the female mage Eve's head buzzed, her seven orifices bled, and it took a while to calm down.

At this time, the succubus queen Meicanxiet in the 570th layer of the endless abyss felt that she had lost the connection with her avatar, and she had permanently lost this part of her soul.

"Who is that shameless demon lord plotting against me?" The Succubus Queen lost her former demeanor and yelled crazily.

The gods can't enter the Noren plane now, and the only ones who can prevent her from sending back messages are those demon lords.

"No matter who it is, wait for my revenge." After a burst of impotent rage, the Succubus Queen passed more power to the consciousness possessed by the female mage Eve.

The consciousness of the female mage Eve also became stronger. She wiped the blood on her face and showed a terrifying and distorted smile. "My servant Piem is also dead, and his soul has not returned to the abyss."

The demons from the 570th floor of the abyss in Frostwolf City received the order of the demon lord Meikanshut, and began to frantically seek trouble from other demon legions.

Such is the chaotic nature of demons, they do what they want without thinking about the consequences.

Of course, the other demon lords couldn't be used to the Succubus Queen, and another scuffle broke out in Frostwolf City.

At this time, the old borders of the Rhine Empire were the borders before the northern provinces were occupied. These places had long since recovered from the impact of the orc invasion.

Now, the people here face even greater, devastating challenges.The border guards can only defend strategically important places, and they can't stop these small groups of demons scurrying across the border.

In addition to relying on the imperial government and the church, the nobles in each territory also organized adult males to build self-defense teams.

Among the nearly 5 million people of the Rhine Empire, about [-]% of them are professionals.In addition to serving in various official organizations, there are also a large number of civilians.

Many folk professionals have also formed various adventure teams at this moment to contribute to the fight against demons.

Charles rode on the golden dragon Ingrid, who was equipped with thick plate armor, and his whole body was almost splattered with the smelly blood of the devil.

The divine golden dragon Ingrid is also covered in scars, it seems that she has gone through a fierce battle.

Just now, Charles led the Royal Knights to block the attack of a demon army, and the number of knights with nearly [-] people was reduced by nearly one-third.

Charles himself was also entangled by a fallen demon leader. He and Jinlong's wife worked hard to kill this demon leader whose strength was equivalent to that of a demigod.

"Ingrid, don't cherish the potions, the potions Lige gave are really effective." Charles took a deep breath, and there were more difficult situations to deal with.

Ingrid, the golden dragon, cast a cleansing and healing spell on Charles before landing on the ground. After drinking a bottle of Lige's potion specially prepared from the leaves of the ancient dimensional tree, his injuries slowly began to improve.

"Charles, it's not an option to go on like this. Our knights are about to lose their combat effectiveness, and the reinforcements haven't arrived yet." Ingrid was a little worried.

Charles was ordered to act as a forward to block a demon army. This kind of mission is extremely dangerous, and it cannot be compared with the mission of defending the city.

Charles said in a firm tone, "This is our destiny. We took things from the empire and the church back then, so we can't afford not to do our best. I hope Li Ge can take good care of Catherine."

Now the other armies of the empire, as well as the coalition forces of the church, also have arduous tasks, and this wave of demonic attacks is really too fierce.

Only by blocking this wave of demons can we talk about how to counterattack.If it is not blocked, the demons will directly attack the most prosperous hinterland of the empire, taking a large amount of flesh and soul, and the consequences will be disastrous.

After a battle with the incarnation of the Succubus Queen, Li Ge defeated several large-scale demon groups before returning to the mage tower to rest.

"Li Ge, Xia Wei just sent the news that the Rhine Empire and the Pope of the Church of the Sun God invited all forces with masters above demigods to participate in the meeting."

Golden Dragon Elsa told him the news as soon as he came back, "Xia Wei sent the coordinates of a demiplane, and a day later, the meeting was officially held."

"Xia Wei secretly told me that the forces that did not participate in this meeting will be excluded from the final decisive battle."

Li Ge frowned. It seemed that this meeting had to be watched, otherwise it would be bad to be excluded in the final competition for the godhead.

On the second day, Li Ge made some preparations and prepared to open the coordinates of the demiplane where the meeting was held. This time he went there alone.

With Li Ge's current attainments in space, this coordinate can't help him at all. With a slight movement of his mind, a dimensional channel appears.

Li Ge strode into the passage, and a young and beautiful female mage greeted him at the exit, "Master Li Ge, please follow me."

The female mage was not surprised by Li Ge's arrival, and took him to a tall palace ahead. The style of this building was very similar to the palace of the Rhine Empire.

Along the road, there are knight guards in armor, and a high-level golem puppet stands at a distance.

It seems that this demiplane should belong to the Rhine Empire.The female mage led Li Ge to a lounge in a side hall, which was luxuriously and solemnly furnished, and several beautiful maids waited on it.

"Master Li Ge, please rest here for a while, all the guests attending the meeting have not yet arrived." The female mage's attitude was generous.

Li Ge nodded slightly, then sat on the chair, and a maid came forward to bring tea and snacks.

Accompanied by the female mage, she laughed and chatted with her.

During the chat, Li Ge also learned the identity of the female mage, who turned out to be a collateral branch of the Rhine Empire royal family, and she was Catherine's cousin.No wonder he was so generous in handling things, it turned out that he was used to big scenes.

Accompanied by a seductive beauty mage to chat, the time passed quickly.The female mage's eyes moved slightly as if she had received a magical communication.

"Master Li Ge, guests from all over the world have arrived. The meeting will start soon, please follow me." The female mage smiled sweetly, got up and led Li Ge to the meeting place.

(End of this chapter)

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