leisurely dragon

Chapter 222 The Killing of the Bloody Lord

Chapter 222 The Killing of the Bloody Lord (Two in One)

Li Ge, who was in the mage's tower, felt a slight twitch in his heart. Could the devil in hell not help but step up his intervention?

The Central Legion of the Rhine Empire officially arrived at the front line, and other flanking legions, as well as reinforcements from the Mage Kingdom, the Merchant Alliance, and the Dwarves also arrived one after another.

The armies of the major tribes directly under the orc empire also formed a face-to-face confrontation with the human coalition forces.

In the void outside Noren, the rolling force of war kept falling on the God of War Campas, making him laugh from ear to ear.

In the royal tent of the orc army, the orc emperor Meng Ge held up the milk wine in his hand, "Brothers, life or death is a game of fate, and the orcs will win!"

The great chiefs also raised their wine bowls and shouted loudly, "The orcs will win", and they all drank their wine in one gulp.

The rumbling drums sounded, and on the long front, the orcs did not keep a strategic reserve at all, and the troops, including the logistics corps, launched a full-scale attack on the human coalition forces.

Most of the priests of the Orc Church also participated in this decisive battle in their personal capacity.

The decisive battle of the first battle, the final battle of the decisive battle, the orcs have put all their capital into this decisive battle.

The few remaining demigods of the orcs, and more than a hundred legendary professionals, did not hold back any more, and almost came out in full force.

The ferocity unique to the orc race was fully revealed at this moment, leaving no way for others to survive, and no possibility of retreating for myself.

The orc emperor Meng Ge took out a bone whistle from his arms, put it in his mouth and blew it vigorously.

"Wuuuuu..." A long and ancient whistle came out, and a half-plane in the void split open, and two huge bone claws stretched out.

A undead Beamon beast with a height of more than 100 meters jumped out of the gap and landed in front of Beast Emperor Meng Ge.

The Beamon Tribe of the Beastman Empire became the royal family's biggest trump card to show up, an undead Beamon beast with weak divine power and fighting power comparable to ordinary ones.

"Brothers of the orcs, with the help of Beamon beasts, the orcs will win, attack!"

Beast Emperor Meng Ge let out a loud roar, and leaped onto the shoulder of the undead Beamon Divine Beast, holding the divine weapon Hell Battle Axe.

The beast Beamon let out an earth-shattering roar, jumped and landed in the human camp, and the huge aura of undead was activated.

In a short while, all the nearby human soldiers were cursed by the undead, and the weaker ones even died directly.

"Haha, human beings, have you seen that our clan is stronger than the monstrous beasts?" Beast Emperor Meng Ge roared angrily, splitting a senior human officer in half with an axe.

With the attack of Beamon Divine Beast, countless orcs also received the signal to charge at this moment.

The war drums of the Rhine Empire also sounded at this moment, and the human cavalry corps in front also charged towards the orcs at this moment.

The ground shook under the hooves of countless heavy cavalry, and the howls of various orc cavalry resounded throughout the battlefield.

In an instant, countless human cavalry and orc and monster cavalry met each other.

A large number of humans and orcs fell down during the charge, and were trampled into flesh by the following cavalry.

A human cavalry's lance had just pierced into an orc's chest and broke. Before he could change his weapon, he was thrown off his horse by an orc wolf cavalry next to him and submerged under the horse's hooves.

After the cavalry of both sides pierced through the opponent's army formation, they were surrounded by the opponent's infantry regiment, and there was no possibility of escape.

Beast Emperor Mengge laughed out loud, incomparably carefree. With the support of the huge divine power of this undead Beamon beast, the divine weapon Hell Battle Ax really exerted its power.

As long as the Beast Emperor Mengge doesn't leave the Bimon Divine Beast, no human legend can withstand the blow of the Beast Emperor's artifact.

"Boom", a huge titan demigod puppet landed in front of Beamon, pulled his hand, and a huge lightning spear appeared in his hand.

"Puff," the next second the lightning spear flew out fiercely, and plunged into the body of the beast.

"Roar", the undead Beamon's body surged with endless undead aura, drowning the thunder and lightning on his body.

The two giant beasts fought together frantically, and the huge energy fluctuations caused ordinary soldiers who approached to be shocked to death by accident.

The 20 reinforcements from the dwarf kingdom in the east also entered the battlefield amidst the roaring drums.

The strength of dwarf warriors is also world-renowned, and the level of individual combat power is still higher than that of humans.

The [-] elites from the Elven King's Court in the west also started to besiege the orcs at this moment.

The elves and the orcs are blood feuds, how could they not intervene in this kind of thing.

In the distant sky, under the leadership of the Mother of Thunder, giant beasts approached quickly.

"It's time for these orc dregs to experience the power of the powerful five-color dragon."

Teresa, the mother of thunder, roared, and thunderbolts descended from the sky and landed on the battlefield, turning into coke together with the human orcs.

More than 200 five-color dragons began to have fun, and hundreds of dragon breaths breathed out regardless of the enemy or ourselves.

These evil dragons are now wantonly venting and demonstrating their power, regardless of the thoughts of mortals.

From time to time, five-color dragons excitedly swooped down to grab an orc or human, and threw them down high.

"Damn big lizard", a master orc threw his battle axe, and hit a young black dragon in the neck.

The young black dragon fell down with a wail, and was instantly hacked to death by the surrounding orc soldiers.

The death of the first five-color dragon finally made these rampant five-color dragons calm down a bit, but as the battle progressed, more and more five-color dragons continued to die, and they paid the price for their greed and ambition.

The battle mage group of the mage kingdom, the magic infantry group has also joined the battle.The army built at a large price has also become a consumable at this moment.

Madoff, the chairman of the Mage Kingdom, the old god freely tore scrolls one by one, but his mind was constantly communicating with the wreckage of the kingdom of God underground.

The divine kingdom of a god is so huge. The area where the underground temple is located is the core area of ​​the divine kingdom. It used to be the hiding place of the god's real body of the bloody lord.

The countless secrets hidden inside are known only to the bloody lord himself.

As the blood and souls of countless elite fighters were continuously absorbed, countless runes invisible to the naked eye began to circulate.

"Just a few more deaths is enough." Madoff, the bloody lord's eyes are already bloodshot, and he is only a little short of the last bit. A profound lesson.

The orc emperor Meng Ge showed his supernatural power, and with the cooperation of the undead Beamon beast, he had already chopped off one arm of the Titan demigod puppet of the Rhine Empire.

The damage suffered by the undead Beamon beast itself was recovered by the huge amount of undead breath accumulated in the body for thousands of years, and the fighting power was still brave.

"Pion III, let your three old immortal demigods come out, let's make a clean break," Beast Emperor Meng Ge roared triumphantly.

He deliberately controlled the battle within the camp of the human coalition forces. The aftermath of the battle between the two behemoths, as well as the power of the artifact that Meng Ge deliberately swung from time to time, had already caused the death of tens of thousands of human soldiers.

Surrounded by the royal guards, Peter III remained unmoved at all, as if the dead soldiers were numbers.

The three top human demigods were nowhere to be seen, and they didn't know what they were doing.

None of the court nobles and staff near Peter III dared to ask more questions, and some people have already disappeared due to meddling in their own business.

The fighting of millions of people has reached a fever pitch, and thousands of soldiers die every moment.

More than 30 of those legends who usually stand tall in front of ordinary people have died in battle.

Moreover, most of the dead were legendary fighters. None of the legendary shamans, legendary warlocks, legendary mages and other mages died in battle.

"Pean III, you are finished", Beast Emperor Meng Ge roared, taking advantage of the undead Bimon God Beast biting the remaining hand of the Titan demigod puppet, he swung the divine weapon Hell Battle Ax to draw the divine power of the beast, Beheaded the titan demigod.

The huge body of the titan demigod puppet over a hundred meters fell down like a hill, killing hundreds of human soldiers.

Seeing that the human demigod hadn't appeared yet, Meng Ge laughed loudly and struck a legendary human priest with an axe. The human priest who was caught off guard died in battle.

The No.1 legendary law system who died in battle appeared on the battlefield, and Beast Emperor Mengge had no opponents, and he had already started to attack the legend of the human alliance.

A human high-level legendary warrior had just stabbed an orc priest to death with a single shot, before he was slapped to death by the claws of the undead Beamon beast.

Following the unscrupulous attack of Beast Emperor Meng Ge, more than a dozen legends died in battle. The brutality of the battle is shocking.

"Your Majesty, please let the demigod take action. If this continues, the elite of the empire will be wiped out." A grand duke knelt down in front of Bien III in a kneeling salute that had never been done before, his eyes had already flowed out. blood and tears.

"I beg your majesty to put the empire first and order the demigods to fight." The dozen or so court nobles serving beside him couldn't help but knelt down on one knee.

Peter III was like a stone statue, "You don't need to say much, I am sure of victory", and sent all the great nobles away with one sentence.

No one knows what the emperor is planning in his heart, so that he can ignore the death of a famous legend like this.

The people of the Rhine Empire are helpless, but other races are not fools.

The Elder Elder, the commander of the elite army of the elves, has ordered the elves army to slowly leave the central battle formation and move to the side.

Peter III allowed Beast Emperor Mengge to wantonly slaughter his own legends, and he would not let the three top demigods take action.No matter what the reason, this kind of thing chills the allies.

If you are so cruel to your own people, it won't be much better to your allies.

Xia Wei rode the legendary white tiger and led the Silver Leaf tribal guards who were fighting with the main force, and also began to fight back and retreat.

The army of the dwarf kingdom on the eastern flank of the coalition forces, under the command of the dwarf king, is also moving eastward, breaking away from the central battle formation, and only fighting the orc army on the edge.

The two allies of the Human Empire both had deep doubts about the actions of the Emperor of the Rhine Empire, Bien III.

The battlefield is like a huge meat grinder, soldiers fall down every moment and turn into corpses.

The blood of humans and orcs seeped into the ground strangely. No one paid attention to this situation, or deliberately ignored it.

Beast Emperor Mengge killed with great joy, watching the earth absorbing blood at an accelerated rate, knowing that the moment of birth of the godhead was about to come, he couldn't help but feel more and more excited.

With the unscrupulous attacks of Beast Emperor Meng Ge, human legends were constantly killed or seriously injured in battle. Many people did not understand until their death why Bien III did not come to rescue.

The morale of the human coalition continued to drop, but the orcs actually gained the upper hand against the trend and saw the dawn of victory.

"Successful", Madoff is the ecstasy of the Lord of Blood, he has re-communicated with the wreckage of the previous kingdom of God.

Nourished by the blood and souls of countless elite fighters, the means that have been hidden for thousands of years can finally be reused.

In the [-]-meter-underground temple space, layers of scarlet divine light shot up into the sky, filling the entire space.

"Not good", just as the four demigods were about to react, they were already wrapped in infinite scarlet divine light, and could only use the means bestowed by their respective gods to struggle hard.

"Hahaha, it's been ten thousand years! My bloody lord has finally waited for the day when he returns." Madoff no longer hid himself, and the bloody aura all over his body exploded, like a demon.

The bloody lord raised his hands high, "You ants, use your life as the nourishment for me to rekindle the divine fire!"

The bloody light that soared to the sky broke out from the ground, and there were huge vibrations, as if something was constantly rising.

Under the huge shock, the soldiers, whether human or orc, couldn't stand still and fell into chaos.

"Ah, what is this?" An orc was horrified to see a gleam of blood seeping into his body, and before he could say a word, the blood from his body was sucked dry, turning him into a mummy.

Countless things like this spread to all directions with the Bloody Lord as the axis.In just an instant, nearly [-] soldiers died under the blood.

The more people died, the blood light was nourished, and more and more people continued to split. Soldiers below ordinary legends could not resist at all.

"Bastard, what are you doing?" Seeing that he was about to win, he was suddenly attacked by the bloody lord. Beast Emperor Meng Ge was so angry that his eyes were bleeding, and most of the dead were orc warriors.

"Jie Jie, Brother Beast Emperor Meng, you should stay too," the bloody lord laughed wildly, the blood essence and soul power from the fighters on both sides continued to gather on him, and his aura suddenly rose to an unimaginable level.

"Boom boom boom", the ground shook violently and cracked continuously. As a mountain top rushed out of the ground, almost in the blink of an eye, a mountain with a height of one thousand meters and an area of ​​tens of square kilometers stood erect in the wilderness.

There are so many warriors of several tribes in this range, there are millions of them.Under this irresistible natural disaster, he lost his life in an instant.

Only those legends, those who can fly, and those who are outside the mountain range, escaped with their lives.

The bloody lord stood on top of a huge temple on the top of the mountain, laughing strangely, surrounded by endless bloody aura.

"I, the bloody lord, a noble natural god, rekindled the divine fire today and officially returned!"

(End of this chapter)

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