223 Union
With the blood sacrifices of the lives and souls of countless warriors, the bloody priesthood of the bloody master was perfected almost in an instant.

A little divine fire ignited from the soul of the bloody lord, and the divine body was also achieved at this moment.

The bloody aura dissipated, and an evil and beautiful red-haired goddess in a blood-red robe appeared in front of everyone.

The evil goddess abandoned her stolen body and recast her divine body.

In the void, the faces of the incarnations of the gods changed, and they never thought that the bloody lord would leave such a trick.

It can only be said that any true god cannot be underestimated, especially those born gods.Born from the laws of the multiverse, they are the darlings of the world, and no one knows what secrets they hide.

"You evil god, you are so cruel, the millions of elites of my beastman empire are gone just like that." Beast Emperor Mengge was already talking nonsense in anger.

Almost half of the elite orcs were killed at this moment, and the outcome of this war can already be guessed.

Ryan III also stood up in shock, he never expected that the Bloody Lord would have such a means.

"What a bastard, he broke my arrangement time and time again." His fingernails had already dug deep into his flesh.

The sorceress Miss Sia looked at all this in disbelief, and her face changed when she looked at Bien III, "Your Majesty, if you can't win the godhood and make up for what you took from hell, it will violate our agreement. You will pay back double."

Hearing these words, Bien III gritted his teeth. No one can blame the devil, let alone the other party is a hell lord.

The legions of the Elf King's Court and the Dwarf Kingdom retreated in time, but only a small part of the army was affected.

Even so, the faces of both sides are very ugly. They were the ones who competed for the evil god's inheritance back then. One can imagine how the evil god will deal with them.

Li Ge, the female dragons, and Charles, who were far away in the floating tower, were stunned by this scene.

Charles, the prince of the Rhine Empire, couldn't help shaking his hands, and tears couldn't stop dripping, "So many soldiers died, these are the elites of the Rhine Empire."

Although he has jumped out of this mess, the Rhine Empire is his home and the inheritance passed down from his ancestors, so how could he have no feelings.

Li Ge was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted, "Elsa, Leia, Silia, prepare for the floating tower to lift off immediately."

"Eileen, end the battle with the centaur immediately, order the monster army and civilians to evacuate immediately, stay away from the center of the wilderness, run as far as possible."

"I must fight immediately. If this evil god gains the godhead again, he will be invincible. Catherine, you are always ready to obey my orders."

After speaking, Li Ge's figure flashed, and he had already turned into a huge golden dragon and shuttled out.

The female dragons ordered by Li Ge immediately followed suit. At this critical moment, they who have a soul contract with Li Ge are Li Ge's best partners.

On top of the wreckage of the kingdom of God, the bloody lord ignited the divine fire, and immediately the temple was filled with blood. The four demigods struggled to resist with the means bestowed by their respective gods.

The sealed godhead also received the summon, faintly about to jump out, but was firmly suppressed by the seals of the gods.

"Demigods outside, hurry up and defeat this new bloody lord. When he breaks through the seals of the gods and seizes the godhead, there will be no one to cure him," said an elf and demigod with difficulty. sound.

The bloody lord's evil laughter sounded, "You four wastes, you still want to prevent me from returning to the god position. Now that the wreckage of the kingdom of God is my domain, why should these mortals fight me? Sooner or later I will Take everything back from me."

Beast Emperor Meng Ge, who was already extremely angry, gritted his teeth and turned to look at Bien III in the distance.

"Pien III, if you don't defeat this evil god, you and I, the thousands of years of investment will be wasted, and it will be cheap for him."

"It's better for you and me to cooperate and defeat this evil god first. The godhead depends on its own ability, and it will be too late if we don't make a decision."

Peter III's face was also livid. Once he breached the contract, the devil lord of hell would never let him go.

"Okay, you and I will cooperate to defeat this evil god first."

"And friends from other races, you should also participate. Everyone is here for immortality and eternity. Don't you want to be busy?"

Following Bien III's actions, a half-plane door opened, and a tall figure with strong fluctuations in divine power came out.

"This is the secret technique of our Rhine Empire. Three demigods are fused to form a man-made god, whose power is no less than a weak divine power," said King Bien III in a deep voice.

This is his last hole card, the three gods in one.

At this time, hiding and tucking in is a dead end.

Among the wreckage of the kingdom of God, the divine power of the bloody lord is constantly eroding the seals of the gods, and the godhead is about to be broken.

Beast King Mengge saw that Bien III did show his final hole card. He stood on the shoulder of the undead Beamon and shouted, "Legend of the Beastman Empire, follow me to attack."

The Bimon beast raised its head and roared loudly, jumped up, and rushed towards the bloody lord.

Almost at the same moment, the three-in-one man-made god gathered his divine power into a lightsaber, and stretched out a pair of wings from behind, shooting at the bloody lord like a bolt of lightning.

The elder elf held the Phantom Moon Bow, and the dwarf king also attacked with the forging hammer.

Everyone understood that now it was no longer a question of who would take the godhead, but a question of how to defeat the bloody lord and save his life.

With the brutality of the bloody lord, they successfully captured the godhead, even if they could only exist on the main material plane for a short period of time, it was enough to cause their race to suffer irreparable losses.

Teresa, the mother of thunder, also roared loudly, "Dear fellow true dragons, the only chance to win the godhead is right in front of you, let's make up our own minds."

Of the remaining more than 100 five-color dragons, although not many have reached legend, none of them left.

In the face of such a treasure as Godhead, no five-color dragon can restrain his greed. Knowing that his strength is not enough, he still wants to take that one in ten thousand chance.

After saying this, Teresa, the mother of thunder, also shook her wings and rushed forward. Don't have the idea of ​​taking advantage of it at this time.Doesn't that force have powerful divine power behind it, and taking advantage of it will only be liquidated by those true gods afterwards.

Having said so much, in fact, after the bloody lord ignited the divine fire, in just a few words, the major forces united.

A dimensional passage opened, and Li Ge's huge golden dragon body got out, facing the bloody lord with a mouthful of dragon's breath that had been brewing for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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