leisurely dragon

Chapter 226 Death of the Evil God

Chapter 226 Death of the Evil God
Li Ge, who had a huge body and strong vitality, was used as food by the blood-colored giant. Although Li Ge avoided it, his blood and soul had a faint feeling of coming out of his body.

"This crazy god is so powerful." Li Ge was secretly startled and raised his vigilance.

Seeing that Li Ge was dodging, the blood-colored giant didn't chase after him, and grabbed the others.

"Godhead, it's really a godhead", Beast Emperor Meng Ge's blood vessels were about to burst with excitement.

"Cthulhu, bring the godhead." Meng Ge urged the undead Beamon, whose origin had been extracted a lot, to come forward.

At this moment, he couldn't accommodate other things in his heart. Anyone who dared to stop him from obtaining the godhead was his enemy.

Other people are no exception. It is one thing to hear that there is a godhead. After seeing the existence of the godhead with their own eyes, everyone's eyes have been attracted by that godhead.

The hope of eternity and immortality is at hand, and no one wants to pass up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Mother of Thunder Teresa's desire has destroyed her reason, "Clan people, the hope of becoming a god is at hand, follow me to seize the godhead."

Dozens of five-color dragons who had been attracted by the godhead and didn't know their names roared loudly and rushed towards the blood-colored giant.

The strong elves and dwarves are no exception, as long as there is a chance, no one is willing to give up this opportunity.

Three artifacts, the breath of dozens of giant dragons, and many legendary long-range attacks all fell on the scarlet giant.

No one knows when this crazy god will suddenly merge with the godhead, and by then it will be too late.

The blood-colored giant who was about to chase down other people was suddenly stopped by this sudden fat beating, and let out a horrible scream, and the flesh and blood all over his body exploded under the attacks of many strong men.

"It hurts so much, die to me," the bloody giant burst out with countless bloody lights, shooting towards the attacking crowd.

"Be careful," the Elf Grand Elder roared loudly, but it was already too late.

Already more than a dozen legendary warriors who got too close, dragons who flew too low, were pierced by the blood light.

These strong men and giant dragons quickly turned into dry corpses amidst the creepy howls.

Those bloody lights sucked up these strong men, and returned to the blood-colored giant in a flash, and the mad god recovered from his injuries immediately.

"You rubbish can only do bad things," Beast Emperor Meng Ge roared angrily. Among the people who don't care about death, there are also beastman legends.

The scarlet giant's operation frightened the legendary warriors who couldn't attack from a distance to retreat.

The giant dragons who had killed several five-color dragons all of a sudden also became a little more awake, and they all raised their heights to attack.

Li Ge's soul communicated with several female dragons in the floating tower, continued to attack the blood-colored giant, and told Catherine to be on standby at any time.

The blood-colored giant who recovered from his injuries smirked and continued to attack. This evil god is now crazy, and all living beings are food in his eyes.

Several demigod-level powerhouses, as well as the elves, dwarves, and orcs with artifacts, continued to attack without stopping.

The infinite fluctuations of divine power spread far and wide in the wilderness. Under the lore of the bloody lord, the surviving millions of troops of various races had long since ignored the battle and withdrew from the center of the battle far away.

"The floating tower starts the magic attack, Elsa, pay attention to controlling the energy supply of the Miser core," Laiya ordered loudly.

Immediately, she sat on her seat excitedly, and her mental power touched the magic runes one after another, "Hee hee, I have long wanted to try the saturated magic attack of the floating tower."

Above the blood-colored giant, countless spells of various levels fell like a violent storm.

Fireballs, wind blades, meteorites, arcane barrages, and all kinds of energy rays, supported by sufficient magic power, seemed to hit the blood-colored giant endlessly.

"Roar", the blood-colored giant roared in pain, and once again burst into endless blood.It's a pity that this time the demigod-level powerhouse had already taken precautions against those long-range attacks. Except for an unlucky white dragon, no one else was hit.

The bloody light retracted, this little strength was not enough for the Scarlet Giant to recover from his injuries.

"Everyone, work harder, victory is just around the corner," Beast Emperor Mengge roared loudly, and the spirit of the undead Behemoth beast under him has weakened a lot under the continuous extraction of the source.

Seeing that the evil god's injuries have not recovered much, the hope in everyone's hearts is greatly increased, and the intensity of the attack is strengthened again.

The man-made gods of the Rhine Empire seem to have received some orders to reverse the previous pattern of wandering and fighting.

I saw that the man-made god exploded in stature, reaching a height of nearly a hundred meters. With a roar, he actually stepped forward to fight the evil god.

"Pien III, don't try to monopolize the godhood." Beast Emperor Meng Ge was in a hurry, and also drove the undead Beamon God Beast forward, brandishing the divine weapon to besiege the evil god.

The Elf Elder and the Dwarf King were not so eager, and still attacked from a distance.

Li Ge glanced at Xia Wei riding the white tiger from a distance, not so close to the front, and he was relieved.

He is also attacking with magic and dragon's breath from a little distance away, be careful of this crazy god's counterattack.

Now Beast Emperor Meng Ge controls the undead beast, together with the man-made gods of the Rhine Empire, desperately fighting the blood-colored giant hand-to-hand.

Li Ge suspected that if he got too close, he might be targeted by these two guys together, and they would not tolerate other people's idea of ​​playing godhead.

The mad god turned into by the bloody lord seems to be really stupid, and all magic methods are useless, he just knows how to fight hand-to-hand in a foolish way.

Even so, with every gesture, it also caused huge damage to the artificial gods and undead Bimon beasts.

The crowd's attacks still did not stop, and the scarlet giant became much smaller and its strength was obviously weakened when it was unable to recover.

Teresa, the mother of thunder, couldn't hold back at last, she swooped down, roaring and rushed towards the blood-colored giant, endless thunder exploded on the evil god.

The claws of the blue dragon demigod grabbed the godhead on the scarlet giant's forehead fiercely.

"Bastard, don't even think about it," Beast Emperor Meng Ge was in a hurry, and he slashed at the blue dragon with an axe, and the man-made god also relaxed to attack the evil god.

"Roar", half of the blue dragon Teresa's claw was cut off by the beast emperor's artifact, and she roared in pain.

The blood-colored giant who got the chance swooped and hugged the blue dragon demigod, and bit the blue dragon's neck with its big mouth.

Teresa, the blue dragon demigod, let out a scream and broke out fiercely. The two giants were entangled and began to bite.

"Not good", Beast Emperor Meng and the man-made god rushed forward recklessly after being stunned. If the blood-colored giant swallowed the blue dragon demigod, it would be in vain for so long.

In an instant, the four big guys were fighting together, the blood-colored giant ignored the attacks of others, just wanted to eat the blue dragon demigod.

Beast Emperor Meng Ge and the man-made god had to desperately rescue them.

Li Ge and many powerhouses in the periphery were also shocked by the greed of the mother of thunder, and they couldn't care about anything else at the moment, they were all attacking with all their strength, and they must not let the evil god recover.

Rhine manipulated the floating tower, and with the support of free magic power, it was almost fully fired.

Teresa, the mother of thunder, was not easy to mess with. In her eagerness, she began to burn with divinity.Strips of lightning exploded from the huge dragon's body, forcing the blood-colored giant to have nowhere to go.

Almost endless attacks fell on the evil god, and the blood-colored giant, whose strength had already declined, could no longer defend, and the bloody power was not enough to repair the injury.

Under the bursts of wailing, the body of the blood-colored giant kept shrinking, and it was already less than a hundred meters high.

"The evil god can't hold on anymore, and victory is just around the corner." Everyone was overjoyed, and the strength of the attack in their hands became more and more tyrannical.

The blue dragon demigod Teresa also took the opportunity to break free from the scarlet giant's entanglement and escape.

But the divinity of this female dragon has already begun to burn. If she can't grab the godhead, the best ending is to turn back into an ordinary ancient blue dragon, and her strength will be greatly reduced.

How could the proud blue dragon Teresa bear it? This female dragon was already crazy, and with a roar, she rushed forward desperately, unable to grab the godhead, the ending was no different from death.

The defeat of the evil god was imminent, and some greedy legendary powerhouses and five-color dragons could no longer control the greed in their hearts, and forcibly approached and attacked.

The blood-colored giant wailed in agony. The mad god who hadn't merged with the godhead no longer had the strength to support him.

At this time, there was a gleam of clarity in the eyes of the dying evil god, "Have you failed, then let this godhead take you to be buried with me."

Suddenly, the godhead on the forehead of the evil god, which had never had a chance to fuse, burst out with dazzling divine light together with his divine fire, and his divine body rapidly swelled.

"It's not good, the evil god is about to explode." Many strong men present, even the three with divine weapons, turned blue and turned around to run away.

A godhead close to the middle level of divine power blew up and could almost destroy the world, no matter how fast he ran, it was useless.

In the distance, Bien III's eyes have turned black, it's over, everything is over.The body of the sorceress Miss Sia turned into a phantom, and ran back to hell regardless of anything.

A crisis of death was approaching in Li Ge's soul. With the "Arrow of Vengeance", the golden dragon opened its mouth wide, and the infinite power of the divine pattern of good fortune was poured into the artifact.

The golden artifact, the Arrow of Revenge, flashed, and almost at the last moment, with a "ding", it broke the godhead on the forehead of the evil god, and then defeated Shenhuo.

The blood-colored giant's body froze, and exploded randomly and violently, and several divine lights shot out along with the infinite flesh and blood.

"Catherine, it's now," Li Ge roared in his heart.

The godhead was broken ahead of time, and the divine fire was extinguished, leaving only the body that exploded on its own, and its strength became weaker.

However, some of the most recent legends and giant dragons still lost their lives without saying a word.

The undead beasts of Beast Emperor Meng Ge and the man-made gods of the Rhine Empire were all covered in bruises, and their aura had weakened. The blue dragon Teresa was thrown to the ground far away by the explosion, and it was unknown whether she was alive or dead.

"That's the shard of the godhead." Someone stared at those points and yelled, desperately chasing after them.

(End of this chapter)

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