leisurely dragon

Chapter 227 Capture Godhead Fragments

Chapter 227 Capture Godhead Fragments
At the moment when Li Ge communicated with Catherine, the young golden dragon who had absorbed the divinity of the bloody lord was teleported outside the floating tower.

Catherine fully aroused her own blood and soul divinity, which came from the divinity bestowed by the bloody lord in the multiverse, and instinctively attracted the same source of godhead fragments.

Two points of inspiration flashed in the sky, and the godhead fragments containing the priesthood of blood and the priesthood of soul were thrown directly into Catherine's mind.

The body of the young golden dragon erupted with strong divine power fluctuations, "That golden dragon snatched some of the godhead fragments," a legend roared.

Li Ge's huge and majestic dragon body had already appeared beside Catherine, with an earth-shattering roar, the vast dragon power permeated the airspace.

"The evil god was killed by my artifact, and I have the right to get part of the results. Whoever dares to grab it will taste the power of my artifact and floating tower."

A golden light kept jumping and swimming around Li Ge's side, it was the arrow of vengeance that had just been hit.

A divine golden dragon carrying a legendary knight also appeared to guard Catherine. It was Charles and his wife.

Seeing this kind of formation, those who wanted to rob them immediately gave up.The rest of the masters were dead or wounded, and that one still had the ability to fight against Li Ge.

No one can withstand the power of this artifact that kills evil gods and prevents the self-destruction of the godhead.

Beast Emperor Mengge looked at Li Ge and cursed, and chased after the largest remaining piece of Godhead, which contained bloody priesthood.

This shard of godhood is the essence of the bloody lord's life. The former god of blood and souls is also truly famous in the multiverse because of the condensed bloody priesthood.

The man-made gods of the Rhine Empire had long been chasing after him quietly, and this was the final opponent of Beast Emperor Meng Ge.

There are also legends vying for other bits and pieces of godhead, and from time to time a lucky person grabs some.

The Great Elder Elf looked at Li Ge who was guarding Catherine, sighed, and stopped to scramble, only paying attention to the actions of Beast Emperor Meng Ge.

The dwarf king glanced at the Elf Elder with big eyes like copper bells, "That golden dragon has won two fragments of godhead, don't you have any ideas?"

The Elf Elder did not return, "We have an agreement long ago, the elves will not snatch things from their allies."

The dwarf king cursed in his heart, and took the hammer of the artifact forging to grab the godhead debris.

In the sky, the fragment containing the bloody priesthood seems to be spiritual, drawing tracks in the sky irregularly.

The man-made gods of the Rhine Empire and the Beast Emperor Meng Ge followed closely behind.Some legends and five-color dragons who are not afraid of death also follow behind.

"Go away!" Beast Emperor Meng Ge chopped an approaching black dragon into serious injuries with an axe, and fell to the ground howling.

From time to time, the man-made gods swung their lightsabers at the legends who dared to approach.At this time, the two masters with god-level combat power definitely don't mind killing those greedy guys.

Those detritus of godhood were getting less and less, but Beast Emperor Meng Ge and the man-made gods fought against each other from time to time. Under the interference of each other, no one could gain the upper hand.

The divine light on Catherine's body is getting stronger and stronger, and she is already beginning to merge with the godhead.When the fusion is completed, a new god will be born.

Li Ge was happy at the moment, but also a little sad.Catherine, the girl, is the remnant remnant of the god of blood and soul, but the newborn consciousness has swallowed the original remnant soul.

I don't know whether she will become the original natural god after merging the godhead of the blood and soul god of the previous generation.

Li Ge's worries were justified. After the goddess of magic changed to a new person, the character of the new goddess of magic was gradually changing to the same as that of her predecessor.

At this moment, King Bien III was anxious. Once Catherine successfully became a god, the gods would come to the world of Noren again.

By that time, it will be too late even if you get the godhead shard with the bloody priesthood.

Peter III felt ruthless in his heart, and had already made a decision.The man-made god who received the emperor's idea suddenly gave up chasing the fragments of godhead, and rushed towards Beamon, the undead Beamon, the sitting undead of Beast Emperor Mengge.

Before Mengge could react, the sacred lightsaber of the man-made god ignored the counterattack of the undead Beamon, and plunged into the soul fire of the undead Beamon. The chest of an artificial god.

The movement of the undead Bimon beast froze, the fire of the soul was extinguished, and it completely lost its vitality and fell to the ground.

The aura of the man-made god is also fluctuating, and it is obvious that it has also been severely damaged.

"Pion III, you despicable villain", Beast Emperor Meng Ge cursed angrily.Without the undead Beamon beast, even if he has a divine weapon, he is not qualified to compete for the fragments of the godhead.

Just like Li Ge said, the Beast Emperor's own strength is too weak to exert the power of the artifact.

Without a powerful enemy to stop him, the man-made god quickly caught up with the godhead fragments, and got them in his hands after a while.

The masters of the elves and dwarves turned a blind eye to this, and apparently reached an agreement with the Rhine Empire.

The man-made god changed back to a normal human shape, and landed in front of Emperor Bien III. He stretched out his palm, and placed a scarlet godhead fragment on it.

Pien III tremblingly grabbed the fragments of the godhead, roaring in his heart, immortality was right in front of him, and today was the day when he would become a true god.

He opened his mouth wide, the teeth inside were as sharp as a beast, and he stretched out his hand to stuff it into his mouth, and the fragments of godhood had already fallen into his belly.

Scarlet blood radiated from Bien III's body, faintly trying to suck the blood of the surrounding royal guards out of their bodies.

"Such powerful power, such miraculous knowledge", Bien III smiled crazily, his face became distorted.

"Not good," the elder elf's face changed wildly.

"This shard of godhead has been polluted by the consciousness of the bloody lord who has gone mad, and now Bien III is going crazy too."

Under the powerful force, the voice of the Elf Great Elder almost spread throughout the entire battlefield.

All the strong men, including the remaining millions of soldiers, were all terrified, and it would be over if there was another mad god.

"Haha, you stupid mortals, how could I go crazy?" The image of Pien III changed drastically, with long horns like a goat, a pair of bat wings on his back, scarlet eyes, a big cracked mouth, covered with teeth.

"I have long been transformed into a noble high-level devil, and madness has no effect on me at all."

Peter III roared, but his current state of madness made his words very unconvincing.

Everyone else was stunned. The most powerful emperor in this plane turned into a devil. The gods would definitely burn him alive if they found out.

"How dare you do this, you have tarnished the glory of the Rhine royal family for thousands of years", Charles couldn't stand it anymore, and flew to the camp of the Rhine Empire with his wife, Golden Dragon Ingrid, and denounced loudly.

Peter III looked at Charles frantically, "Charles, you idiot. If you can become a true god, what is the royal family and the Rhine Empire!"

"When I become a true god, I will sacrifice the blood of the entire empire, so that I can become one of the strongest gods."

Charles was trembling with anger, and pulled out his long sword fiercely, "Pean III, you are completely crazy, I will not let you destroy the Rhine Empire."

The blood on Peter III's body was even more intense, "The Rhine Empire is just a tool to make me strong. As long as there is a need, I will destroy him... Ah, what are you doing, why did you betray me?"

"I didn't betray you. I am the fusion of three Rhine Empire emperors. I was forged by the people's belief in the empire. My loyalty is to the Rhine Empire."

"The emperor of the Rhine Empire can do anything, but he cannot betray the Rhine Empire, and the betrayer will die!"

The man-made god violently crushed Bien III's heart, and the raging holy fire ignited, burning Bien III to ashes in an instant, without even releasing his soul.

A bloody light exploded, and the fragments of the godhead exploded into countless debris, scattered all around.

Peter III worked hard to calculate, sacrificed countless lives, and finally died under his own madness.

If he wasn't crazy enough to openly betray the Rhine Empire in front of the artificial gods, the artificial gods wouldn't kill him anyway.

The fragment of the godhead pursued by countless people also shattered along with his ambition, and it may be possible to reunite after countless years.

(End of this chapter)

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