leisurely dragon

Chapter 229 Leisurely after the war

Chapter 229 Leisurely after the war

In the Dimensional Dragon's Nest, Li Ge, who had been holding down a stone for decades, put down a piece of Li Ge in his heart, and he was in a great mood.

After the two beautiful goddesses accompanied him for a few days, they left the secular world together.

After Catherine became a god, there are a lot of things to be busy, and the construction of the kingdom of God is the top priority, but with Rihanna, there should be no major problems.

Now they have no restrictions on coming, and there is no need to stay in the secular world.If there is anything to do, Li Ge calls out, and no matter how busy the two beautiful goddesses are, they will come to incarnate.

The busiest ones now are the Charles and his wife, who ascended to the high position in a hurry, and there are so many things.

First of all, they reached an agreement with the orcs who were seriously injured, and each retreated for a truce.The decadent Beast Emperor Mengge had no intention of arguing, and hurriedly led his troops away.

The next step is to deal with the issue of pensions for the millions of soldiers who died in battle. Fortunately, his good daughter helped out and saved hundreds of thousands of wounded soldiers.

The mess left by Peter III's mess also needs to be cleaned up by Charles, the new emperor.

However, with the endorsement of the sun god Pelor and the support of becoming the daughter of the true god, Charles' position is still unshakable.

The most important thing is that the man-made god, a big killer with god-level combat power, is already in the hands of Charles.

Charles' biggest wish now is to have a son with Jinlong's wife as soon as possible, so as to take over his position, but it will take at least 20 years.

Cohen and the brass dragon Alba, the two sluts, eagerly stuck to Charles.My brother has become the emperor of such a big empire, so brothers can help.

Li Ge didn't bother to think about what kind of plans these two guys had, as long as they didn't bother him.

The dwarf king politely came to pick up the Raging Flame Tribe, and also sent a batch of thank you gifts.He really didn't dare to mess with Li Ge, the other's two goddess spouses were too scary.

Li Ge's two goddess spouses really blinded many people's eyes, and I don't know how many people are secretly envious and jealous.

When the Elf Grand Elder led the army of the Elven Royal Court to leave, he also visited Li Ge and authorized Xia Wei to handle matters related to Li Ge. Obviously, he knew the relationship between the two.

The remaining more than 100 dragons of the five-color dragon army dispersed, leaving only the blue dragon family to pick up Teresa, the mother of thunder, who was greatly damaged.

Human forces such as the Mage Kingdom and the Business Alliance also retreated along with the Rhine Empire army.

After this war that has been planned for thousands of years, it is estimated that in a hundred years, no forces will want to make troubles, and they will be busy licking their wounds and recovering their vitality.

Li Ge's floating tower, this eye-catching big guy, was suspended in the air and never landed again.

Before the evacuation, in addition to the orcs, humans, elves and dwarves collectively signed an agreement, recognizing the vast area with a radius of [-] kilometers centered on Li Ge's territory as Li Ge's territory, in order to thank Li Ge for saving the crisis of the plane .

In fact, even if they don't admit it, no one dares to come to this site to mess around. The Floating Tower is not a vegetarian.

Moreover, the newly promoted god of blood and soul with weaker divine power, Catherine's territory Golden Rose City is also here, so there are still people who have the courage to come to a holy place of a true god to cause trouble.

"Li Ge, such a large territory is enough for a kingdom, how should we take care of it?" Yilin was very distressed now.

She glanced at the other female dragons, counting on someone to help her.

When Laiya saw her good daughter looking over, she immediately yelled, "Eileen, I'm not free, the floating tower can't leave me now."

The same is true for Golden Dragon Elsa, two grand arcanists have to change shifts, and one person will be tired.

Only Yilin's younger sister, Helia, is more reliable and willing to help her sister when she is free.

Tianlong Liyue is really young, and Yilin is too embarrassed to speak.

The white dragon Elena, who was a bit dull, was taken away by the golden dragon Ingrid. As a subordinate of a true god, shouldn't it be natural to help build a new church?

Li Ge looked at Yilin's troubled look, and smiled, "Elin, although the territory is large, there are not many people in it. Most of them are monsters. Just leave it to the green dragon Krisna to manage."

"Laya, Elsa, help Erin set up magical landmarks around the territory, and figure out the geographical situation of our territory."

"That's not a problem," Laiya readily agreed. With the floating tower, it's just a trivial matter.

Yilin also followed Li Ge's words. As expected, except for the fact that the territory has grown a lot and the status is equal to that of the human kingdom, there is nothing to worry about.

The back of Golden Rose City is also managed by Catherine's church. This is a holy place for a true god, and there is no need for Yilin to intervene.

Li Ge simply released the Kobold tribe of Sass from the Dimensional Dragon's Lair to add a little popularity to his territory.

The Kobold Sass knew that this vast territory was the kingdom of his master, so he volunteered to wipe out the monsters in the territory for his master.

The days I live now can be said to be the happiest time since Li Ge was born. There is no great pressure, and I am accompanied by my beautiful spouse every day.

When I am free, I go to the game map to fight monsters and exercise my strength. I am happy like a fairy.

Sometimes in the Dimensional Dragon Nest, playing with Selena and the elf sisters is also a very happy thing.

The current little Liyue feels a lot lonely without Catherine as her playmate.

Li Ge also often took her around, as long as Li Ge was around, Li Yue was very happy, even if she was practicing martial arts with her, the girl was also very happy.

Originally, Li Ge wanted to visit Xia Wei's elf tribe, but unexpectedly, the female elf sent a magic communication first, saying that she is too busy to touch the ground now, and they will meet again in a few days.

This time, the Silver Leaf Elf Tribe also killed hundreds of people.For the low-fertility elves with a population of only [-], it can be said to be a heavy loss.

As the lord and the high priest of Queen Angress, the female elf now has to deal with tribal affairs and appease the believers who have lost their loved ones.

Li Ge could only comfort and encourage her, it was not suitable for him to intervene in the internal affairs of the elf tribe.

Li Ge, who has no pressure for the time being, is not completely indulgent to himself, and must sort out his own strength.

In addition, the future direction of development should also be considered.It can't be that the two spouses have already become true gods, and they still don't want to make progress.

Speaking of which, the conferred gods of the two goddesses are almost irreproducible.

The Red Dragon Queen, Rihanna, is extremely powerful herself, possesses artifacts, and is a god in a world without gods.

Catherine directly inherited the legacy of her predecessor, thus embarking on the path of the true god.

The experience of the two goddesses as gods is almost once in ten thousand years.

If Li Ge wants to embark on the road of becoming a god, one can imagine the hardships.

(End of this chapter)

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