leisurely dragon

Chapter 230 The road ahead

In this war of the Rhine Empire, the entire northern province was destroyed by the demons, and there was almost no one alive.

Nearly half of the empire's standing army was lost, and for a while, the new emperor Charles was so overwhelmed that he simply gave up holding the enthronement ceremony.

The reason is also easy to find. The Rhine Empire has encountered such a catastrophe. As an emperor, it is natural to share the joys and sorrows with the people and reduce the consumption of national wealth.

Jinlong Ingrid did not intervene in state affairs at all, one reason was to avoid suspicion.

This divine golden dragon understands that a giant dragon becoming a queen is already the limit that humans can tolerate, and if he wants to interfere with more power, it will only bring trouble to Charles.

The second is Golden Dragon Ingrid, who wants to form a church for her daughter, and White Dragon Elena also helps.

The newly born goddess, the good deed of saving countless wounded soldiers, has already made many saved soldiers decide to convert to this goddess.

White Dragon Elena, a somewhat stupid female dragon, actually decided to believe in Catherine, and her belief reached the level of a true believer.

Faced with other people's doubts, Bailong Elena didn't bother to explain to them.She was originally Catherine's subordinate, and she believed in her lord, such benefits were unimaginable.

No, Catherine directly said that Elena, the white dragon, was promoted to a sixth-level priest. This is the benefit of having a background.

White dragon Elena knows that Catherine, whom she is loyal to, is much more generous than a certain five-headed female dragon.

Although Golden Dragon Ingrid does not believe in her daughter, her love for her daughter has reached the level of being a devout believer.Love is actually a kind of faith.

Catherine directly appointed her mother as the pope, and also gave a scale of the real body of the god as a token.

Looking at his wife, proudly playing with the scales of the Dragon God level.Charles was very sour, and felt that his daughter was no longer as caring as before.

The relationship between the Rhine Empire, the Dwarf Kingdom, and the Elven Royal Court also needs to be reconsidered.

That bastard Peter III paid a huge price in order to gain the support of the two strengths.

All kinds of top-secret magic materials collected by the Rhine Empire, as well as countless magic materials that are precious in the heavens, were given to the two kingdoms by Bien III.

When Charles opened the secret treasure house on the half-plane of the Rhine Empire, he almost fainted from crying.

The treasures inside are different from the treasures recorded by the empire.

These treasures used to be guarded by three demigods, the current man-made gods, so the man-made gods knew exactly what Pien III took.

"Pean III, this bastard, even if he is alive, I will hack him to death." Charles almost went mad with anger.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of gold coins and those ordinary magic resource treasures, which can be regarded as a solution to the urgent need of the Rhine Empire.

Even so, the amount of resources and manpower needed to straighten out the Rhine Empire still gave Charles a headache.

It was Charles' good buddy, Cohen and the brass dragon Alba, who came up with a crooked idea.

They suggested to Charles that some soldiers and nobles who made great achievements in the war be conferred, and the fief is in the northern province.

The northern province has a vast territory and rich resources.In the past, it was because of the once-in-a-century war that it could not develop.

Now that such a war is over, this territory has become a very precious resource.

The original nobles in the northern provinces were basically dead, and the fiefdoms were naturally taken over by the empire.

Charles couldn't think of better attention, and he didn't want to listen to those court nobles.When those nobles were in peacetime, every suggestion was for their own benefit.

The new emperor took the idea of ​​the two good buddies and wantonly named new nobles.

And it also allows those big nobles to open up new territories outside the northern provinces again.

Anyway, if this land is not seized, it will be occupied by monsters or orcs. It is better to let those nobles develop it.

Without the threat of war, the orcs have also suffered a major blow.The great nobles of the Rhine Empire were unexpectedly interested in opening up new territories.

Just selling the development order, Charles made a lot of money.A large number of refugees caused by the invasion of demons and wars in the empire were recruited by the newly appointed nobles.

The situation in the Rhine Empire is also slowly improving, and Charles' painstaking efforts are not in vain.

Li Ge has had enough of being carefree during this period of time, enjoying all the tenderness at home, and Xia Wei has finally dealt with the aftermath matters during this period of time.

The two finally had a chance to be together tenderly.

In Xia Wei's tree house, the pretty face of the beautiful female elf still had a lingering gleam of spring, which made Li Ge bow his head and kiss again.

"Xia Wei, you must be very tired these days," Li Ge said softly.

The female elf squinted her eyes, leaning on her lover's arms, looking very comfortable.

"It's nothing to be tired, just seeing the sad eyes of the tribal people after losing their loved ones, I feel sad." Xia Wei's heart is too kind.

Li Ge didn't know how to persuade him. Maybe only when the female elf duke got used to seeing life and death, could she gradually get used to her position.

All he can do is to increase cooperation with the Elf tribe, so that the Silver Leaf Elf tribe can recover quickly.

"By the way, Li Ge, His Majesty Angress has also praised you a lot recently. He once told me that he is optimistic about you becoming the next true god."

Xia Wei also didn't want to spoil the atmosphere by talking about those sad things all the time.So he proudly said what his god had told her.

"Your Majesty Angress, you really think highly of me. I still can't figure out how to become a true god."

Li Ge was indeed telling the truth. Even though he had condensed three strands of divinity and perfected the three realms of divinity, he still had no idea how to ignite the divine fire.

There is also a way to quickly become a true god, that is to merge with the master of the dimension, and you will become a god naturally.

But Li Ge still has some doubts now, what he values ​​more is the two fortune marks.

If he can comprehend the above mysteries and fully control the ultimate secret of the treasure of the system, Li Ge is sure that his achievements will definitely not be inferior to the true gods with powerful divine power.

At that time, Li Ge can truly become the main god of a pantheon, and become the top group of people in the multiverse.

But this kind of ambition cannot be expressed now.Only on the day when it is realized, maybe Li Ge will not be afraid of those coveted eyes at all.

Facing her lover's words, Xia Wei confidently expressed that Angress, who is at the level of powerful divine power, must be sure to believe that Li Ge can become a god.

"His Majesty Angress promises that on the day you become a god, I will transfer the ownership of my soul to you," Xia Wei said, leaning on Li Ge's shoulder.

This is Angress, the Queen of the Elf God, who is showing her favor to Li Ge, and she is able to let go of the soul of her favored person, which is quite sincere to befriend Li Ge.

(End of this chapter)

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