leisurely dragon

Chapter 233 Arthur's True Secret

Chapter 233 Arthur's True Secret

Without making Li Ge wait long, Pope Julie of the Church of the Goddess of Flame and New Life quickly brought Barbara and the red dragon Aleph to the scene.

"His Royal Highness Li Ge", Julie saluted excitedly. The meaning of Li Ge's arrival is not much different from that of the gods.

Li Ge smiled lightly and helped Julie up, "Julie, you are also the Pope, so you don't have to be so formal."

Li Ge is also very pleased that Julie can grow to this level.

After hearing Li Ge say that the high-level goblin wanted to snatch it after the sale failed.

The anger of Julie and Barbara could no longer be contained, especially Barbara, a fanatic who wanted to burn this blasphemous goblin to death on the spot.

"Wait, I'll kill him after I deal with the tax issues," the red dragon Aleph yelled loudly.

Li Ge looked at the red dragon, "Aleph, will the church still tax merchants?"

"No, I am collecting taxes for the Farbus Kingdom," the red dragon Aleph quickly denied. The female dragon had inexplicable respect for Li Ge, an incredibly powerful golden dragon.

Julie next to him went on to explain that after King Arthur successfully controlled the entire kingdom, he paid special attention to tax issues.

He not only established a tax department directly under the king's management, but also formed a tax police force.

Aleph is the head of the tax police department. This female dragon gathered several giant dragons to form a powerful tax police force.

According to King Arthur's order, all citizens living in the Kingdom of Fabs, no matter nobles or commoners, have the obligation to pay taxes.

The tax police force is not bound by the local government, and can directly investigate and deal with anyone who evades taxes. In case of violent resistance (tax), violent means can be used.

The red dragon Aleph happily searched the high goblin's collection room, "Goblin, I am now officially notifying you. You are suspected of illegally smuggling dangerous goods, explosives and commodities that do not meet safety standards."

"Besides, you haven't declared any taxes on these items, so you wait to pay three times the fine."

Hearing the red dragon Aleph's triumphant sentence, the high-level goblin, who was limp on the ground, did not know where the strength came from, "No, you hateful red dragon, you can't take my gold coins away."

As soon as the words were finished, the head of the high goblin was kicked down by the red dragon Alefu, and he fell into a coma on the spot.

The corner of Li Ge's mouth twitched as he watched, and he felt a little unreliable just from the fact that Honglong was the head of the tax police.

Julie could clearly see Li Ge's thoughts, "Your Highness, for the position of head of the tax police, Aleph swore an oath in front of His Majesty Rihanna and Tyrone, and promised not to mess around."

Aleph also heard Julie's words, "Master Li Ge, I am different from other red dragons, I can only harvest once if I am too greedy."

"Now I won't mess around, harvesting just right again and again is more cost-effective than one-off."

The tax police soldiers who arrived later sealed up the high-level goblin's shop, and the subsequent fines were enough for him to drink a pot.

The high goblin's only reliable explosive agent was taken away by Li Ge as compensation, which was regarded as an appraisal fee.

Arthur, the king, is also awesome. Not only did he move the rabbit's adult pipe, but also the bald eagle's tax policeman.

Li Ge's residence was of course arranged in the cathedral of the king's capital. This was his wife's site, which was similar to his own home.

The purpose of coming this time, Li Ge did not shy away from Julie, and directly stated it.

Julie is an aborigine here. After taking over the church for so long, she should know more about Arthur than she does.

After thinking for a while, Julie said, "King Arthur's attitude towards the church is good, and he is willing to help as long as it does not violate the interests of the kingdom."

"But I personally feel that since the goddess gave King Arthur divinity, Arthur has obviously become more confident."

"He implemented a lot of reforms one after another. The Cheng Guan and the tax police that you saw, Your Highness, are one of them. There are also some races that are obviously from other planes around him."

After listening to Julie's words, Li Ge squinted his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. It seems that the divinity that Rihanna asked Tyrone to bestow had played a big role.

Among the royal capitals of the Kingdom of Fabs, King Arthur has recently been proud of himself.His gold finger has only been truly activated since he obtained divinity.

Unlike others who directly traveled to living beings, Arthur's predecessor directly traveled to a void at the intersection of many universes.

I don't know how many years later, the soul of Arthur's predecessor merged with this space, completely controlled this space, and became an existence similar to plane consciousness.

Although the life span is infinite, but the infinite loneliness also follows.The predecessor couldn't bear this kind of suffering, and resolutely cut off a part of his soul and plane origin, turned it into a space-time orb, and threw it into the nearest world.

The original plan was to hope that after the avatar became stronger, it would communicate with the main body and rescue the main body from nothingness and loneliness.

Unexpectedly, something went wrong, he was distracted and hung up directly, and the time-space orb was also cheap for Li Ge.

Fortunately, this guy, Arthur, accepted the memory of the distracted soul, and stubbornly believed that he was a time traveler.

Only after obtaining divinity this time can he have the qualifications to communicate with the main body.

Knowing the truth, Arthur merged with his own body without hesitation.The current King Arthur can be called a real time traveler.

"It's really a pity that the origin I accumulated for so many years was taken advantage of by that giant dragon."

But Arthur didn't regret it. If he didn't pay, Li Ge and the new goddess would not give him a trace of divinity in vain, so that he could get out of trouble.

Now Arthur uses that unique position in the void to communicate with other universes, and has a relationship with a different universe plane with intelligent life, and he is very happy to do plane trade.

"Life now is the real enjoyment. Power is in your hands, beauty is in your arms, it's much better than being a plane consciousness with nothing in the past."

Arthur held the little hand of his magic advisor, Lorraine, and enjoyed the service of the beauty. Compared with before time travel, this was already the life he dreamed of.

In terms of strength, after merging with the soul of the main body, with the support of the original plane transformed by Void Mimo, Arthur is already comparable to a high-level legend.

Since the soul of the main body left the void, this space has been regarded by him as a place for transactions between different universes, which is equivalent to a void fortress with extremely high security.

On this planet, the Farbus Kingdom is already one of the strongest forces, and the Orman Empire is already decayed, and it is impossible to threaten him.

There are two gods responsible for the serious threat outside the world, and he, the king, does not have to worry about it at all.

Arthur has fully adapted to this kind of comfortable life, and he doesn't have to worry about his own safety at all.

(End of this chapter)

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