leisurely dragon

Chapter 234 A Friendly Meeting

Chapter 234 A Friendly Meeting

"Your Majesty, there is urgent information." A beautiful maid sent a piece of information to Arthur.

According to Arthur's arrangement, there was nothing that had to be dealt with. He usually read information during working hours.

Now that it was sent to him, it must be the person or thing he focused on.

After reading the information, Arthur's expression was cloudy.Luo Lan, the former magic teacher, and now the palace magic advisor and princess, asked worriedly, "Your Majesty, what happened?"

Looking at the beauty in his arms, Arthur calmed down, "It's nothing serious, it's an old friend from the past who came."

Li Ge's arrival did not conceal his identity, and it was normal for Arthur, the king, to know about it.

"Come here, send me an invitation to the Cathedral of the God of Flame and Rebirth, invite His Royal Highness Li Ge to the banquet, and be more respectful."

Arthur didn't know how to get along with Li Ge, a powerful dragon who took advantage of him and helped a lot.

He only hoped that Li Ge wouldn't be greedy and come looking for trouble again.If that was the case, he would have no choice but to give up this inheritance.

After all, the relationship between the two newborn true gods and Li Ge is well known.

Not long after Li Ge stayed in the cathedral, the royal guards came to invite Li Ge to a banquet.

Looking at the escorting royal knights, the specifications are quite high, and they gave Li Ge a very high courtesy.

"Your Highness, do you want me to accompany you?" Julie and several senior church officials asked.

"No need, King Arthur probably wants to chat with my old friend," Li Ge said with a smile.

The carriage soon arrived at the palace, and when Li Ge got out of the car, he saw Arthur greet him outside the palace.

Under Li Ge's keen induction, the trace of the same origin on Arthur's body was faint but still very clear.

"That's right, Arthur is 100% a time traveler this time." Li Ge couldn't help but sigh that this fellow really knows how to play, and he can also cast doubts, which made him miss the last time.

Before Arthur approached, Li Ge stretched out his palm, "Arthur, I should call you His Majesty the King, long time no see."

In his eyes, Arthur has perfectly integrated divinity, and there is a powerful force in his body. He is already a strong man and worthy of respect.

Seeing Li Ge's smiling face, Arthur felt inexplicably relaxed. It seemed that the dragon was not here to cause trouble, so there was no need to run away.

The two shook hands enthusiastically, followed by a hug, giving each other enough face.

It's just that Li Ge is giving face to his fellow countryman, but Arthur is stupidly ignorant of Li Ge's origin, and Li Ge himself will not say it clearly.

Arthur enthusiastically led Li Ge into the palace. Along the way, Li Ge clearly saw that some of the palace attendants obviously had a different world atmosphere. I don't know if Arthur bought them from another world.

Princess Lorraine, Li Ge has also met before, this mature and beautiful female magician has now advanced to a high-level magician, and obviously has gained a lot of benefits.

In the garden of the royal palace, the maids had already been screened out, and Princess Lorraine entertained Arthur and Lige herself, obviously understanding that the topics these two were talking about were not suitable for others to know.

"Arthur, you and I can be regarded as friends, so I won't be polite, you can call me Li Ge too, there is no need for so much etiquette," Li Ge said straightforwardly.

Arthur hated these things at first, but seeing Li Ge's attitude, he was reassured.

"Since Li Ge asked you so, I'm not being polite. I don't know what's the matter with coming to Avada this time." Although I know Li Ge won't find fault, it's better to ask clearly.

Seeing Arthur's cautious look, Li Ge smiled, "It seems that you have had a lot of opportunities recently, and your strength has improved a lot."

"This multiverse has always respected strength. I used to get benefits when you were weak. Although it is a fair deal, it cannot be denied that the benefits I got are relatively large."

"The purpose of coming this time is to see if there is any possibility for us to continue to cooperate. Of course, this time it will not let you suffer."

Now Arthur has the capital to negotiate terms with Li Ge, and since he is from the same hometown, Li Ge does not want to be aggressive and turn his friends into enemies.

As soon as these words came out, Arthur no longer doubted Li Ge's kindness.After all, Li Ge knew that he was a visitor from another world, and he had provided a lot of help back then.

If Li Ge did him directly at the beginning, he would still get benefits, and there is no way to know anything about his body.

Now that Li Ge is willing to cooperate with him normally, it couldn't be better.With this partner, a lot of trouble can be saved. You must know that there are more than one true god standing behind Li Ge.

"Li Ge, since you are willing to cooperate with me on an equal footing, then let's not mention the past. I wish us a happy cooperation in the future." Arthur stood up and high-fived Li Ge as an oath.

What I'm thinking about now is meaningless, just treat it as the cost of investment.Anyway, as long as Arthur is willing to spend the source of the space-time orb, he can make one.

Then it was time for the banquet, and Arthur didn't invite any accompanying guests, only Queen Lorraine accompanied him.

Arthur had already exposed his identity in front of Li Ge, and he simply didn't hide it.During the banquet, many magically modified Chinese dishes were placed on the table.

Not to mention, the taste was not bad, with such a hint of charm, Li Ge also opened his belly to eat.

"How's it going, how's the diet on the alien side?" Arthur proudly asked with his chopsticks, the way the giant dragon ate was really giving face.

Li Ge patted his flattened belly, and the chopsticks in his hands moved quickly, "That's right, but the portion is a bit less."

Arthur's face was stunned, and only then did he realize that the dragon's appetite was not a joke.But if you let the guests leave without eating enough, it will lose face.

After eating eight tables in a row, Li Ge had eaten Arthur like a dish.In order to entertain Li Ge, the precious ingredients specially selected by Arthur completely ate up the stock in the palace.

"It's delicious," Li Ge said with a smile.Arthur, who was crying silently in his heart, decided not to pretend anymore, and invited a giant dragon to eat such an expensive banquet.

However, today's meeting was relatively successful, and Arthur no longer had to worry about being troubled by someone, as long as someone stood in front of him.

Li Ge, who was full of food and drink, was about to leave after Arthur and his wife left, and suddenly felt that he had forgotten something.

After thinking about it carefully, I realized that I came here empty-handed. I didn't bring anything with me when I came to this fellow villager's house. It seemed a little bad to have a free meal.

Having figured it out, Li Ge quickly took out a beautiful soul crystal.This was formed by the abyss dragon Piem that Li Ge killed with the Great Destruction Technique, and part of the soul source of the Succubus Queen.

It's not very useful for Li Ge to stay on his body for the time being, but the degree of preciousness is undeniable.

"Arthur, this is the trophy I got from killing the consciousness incarnation of an abyss lord, and it has been purified by me."

"Although you are powerful and have a long lifespan, the princess is still an ordinary person. This soul crystal should be able to make up for her soul aptitude and increase her lifespan a lot."

Arthur's eyes lit up, he reached out to take it, and felt the pure and powerful power inside when he left, and he was overjoyed.

This kind of treasure is simply rare, and it is enough to push Lorraine into a legend, and there are no side effects.

Lorraine couldn't help but feel joy in her heart. As she got older, her strength improved slowly, and she was already anxious.In Arthur's plane trade, there is no such treasure for the time being.

"Lige, why are you being so polite?" Arthur could not close his mouth from ear to ear, while holding the soul crystal tightly.

It wasn't until Lige's carriage had left that Arthur and Lorraine left holding hands, "Lorraine, I can help you improve your strength when you get back later, and you can stay with me for a long time in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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