Li Ge soon received the store key sent by the Ministry of Commerce of the Kingdom. The location is very good, close to the center of the noble district and the mage district.

After getting the store, Li Ge moved out of the church. It is not a problem to live there all the time. Many believers restrained him when they saw him, which made Li Ge feel uncomfortable.

"Li Ge, you are going to open a magic item store. I am fine, so let me help you." When the silver dragon girl Xilia learned of Li Ge's plan, she immediately became interested.

Now that the situation has stabilized, there is no need for so many people on the floating tower, and Xilia is idle and has nothing to do.

She is not as obsessed with arcane arts as Leia and Elsa, nor is she as concerned about the territory as her sister Yilin.

"Okay, Xilia, come here," Li Geye's silver dragon girl came to accompany him.

"Brother, I want to come too", Tianlong Liyue's words came from the magic communication.

This young mutant dragon used to have the best relationship with Catherine.Now that Catherine is a god, she suddenly lost her playmates of similar age, and became very attached to Li Ge.

Li Ge also felt sorry for this cold girl, "Okay, Liyue, come with Xilia, anyway, it's easy to come here now."

With the return of Avada World, Li Ge can now open the Dimensional Dragon Nest at any time.With Li Ge as the positioning, Xilia and Liyue can directly appear beside Li Ge.

The shop has already been basically renovated, so there is no need for Li Ge to bother.

Silia hummed a cheerful little song, and Liyue put on the shelves together.

The first to be put on the shelves is the territory's specialty product, Dragon's Blood Potion.Silia divides this into three versions. The primary version is the one with [-] gold coins at the beginning, the intermediate version is specially provided for high elves, and the advanced version is basically the one that is not diluted much.

Now that the Dimensional Ancient Tree has grown vigorously, the consumption of the Dragon's Blood Potion is nothing at all, but Li Ge has been controlling the output.

There are three versions of Dragon Blood Potion, the prices are [-], [-] and [-] divine power gold coins respectively.The advanced version is a hot item, so it is naturally impossible to buy it with ordinary gold coins.

The other commodities are a few female dragons and various magical items refined by myself.

"Liya is so greedy, you asked me to bring so many magic items, and the price is set so high, I'm sure they won't be able to sell them." Celia pursed her mouth, and also posted some gadgets made by her mother. There was a fight.

Golden Dragon Elsa is much more reliable. The magic items that Tuo Liyue brought are all high-quality goods, and the prices are relatively reasonable.

Li Ge also laughed, but he knew Laiya's character too well.The best magic items are absolutely reluctant to give up, and they are desperate for money.

Celia herself also has some magic items to sell, and the price is only slightly cheaper than Laiya.

As for Yilin and Liyue, one only knows ordinary spell-like spells, and the other is just a juvenile dragon, neither of them have anything to consign.

Xilia and Liyue muttered for a long time, named the store the Dragon's Magic Store, and named the owner of the store straightforwardly.

In this way, it is estimated that no one dares to make trouble.It's just that Xilia and Liyue probably haven't considered whether it will scare others from coming to the door.

Li Ge's small shop opened quietly like this, but a celebration banquet was held in the dragon's nest of the dimension.

The two noble goddesses also descended, and after one night, Li Ge felt ecstatic when he walked the next day.

The days became rare and peaceful, and the business of the small shop was very average.The first batch of people who came to the door were Rihanna's high-level church members.

Red Dragon Aleph proudly presented a tax exemption certificate to show his respect to Master Li Ge.

Julie liked the Dragon Blood Potion very much, and took out all her status savings and bought a lot.

The same is true for other high-level people. The goddess of their family is the dragon god, and they unconsciously have a lot of affection for the dragon.

After a while, one hundred bottles of low-level dragon's blood potion were snatched up by these church leaders.

The red dragon Alefu has taken a fancy to the high-grade dragon blood potion, but he is reluctant to part with the supernatural gold coins.

Xilia and Liyue saw a member of their own race, regardless of whether she was a five-color dragon, and flickered in the ear of the red dragon Alefu.

After Honglong Ale took out the money in a daze, she felt like crying, but she didn't have the guts to go back on her word.

"Aleph, don't be so reluctant to give up the supernatural gold coins. Strength is the greatest wealth of our giant dragon." Silia held the supernatural gold coins tightly in her hand, and comforted the red dragon with a wide-eyed smile.

All along, the sales income of these dragon blood medicines, except for the cost and daily consumption, has been divided among several female dragons.

To be able to sell a bottle is to add a little wealth to herself, which gives Xilia a sense of accomplishment.

Li Ge didn't care about this little money, anyway, half of the money earned by the female dragons fighting monsters every day belonged to him.This income is much better than buying dragon blood medicine.

King Arthur also sent his servants to buy a lot of low-level dragon blood potions, and Li Ge didn't ask him what he was doing, as long as he came to buy them, he would sell them.

The black price of Laiya's magic items did not scare the customers, and they sold a lot of them.

Li Ge and Silia thought for a long time before they realized that Avada is now a magic desert, and the gadgets that Laiya despises are fine products for ordinary spellcasters.

Although the price she set is expensive, the effect is really not compromised, beautiful and practical.

In a void in the multiverse, Arthur held a bottle of primary dragon blood potion, smiled at a black-haired beauty, "Ani, this is the universe I am in, a powerful demigod giant The high-quality potion refined by the dragon has a unique effect."

The black-haired beauty Oni took the dragon's blood potion with her tender hands, unscrewed the bottle cap gently, and smelled it, her face immediately turned rosy.

Oni raised her slender jade neck, swallowed the potion in one gulp, savoring it carefully.

The pollution in the body caused by the whispers of the ancient gods subsided a lot under the comfort of a peaceful life energy.

Another real dragon's power, which was close to his bloodline, was directly fused into his bloodline, and the power that hadn't made any progress for thousands of years actually increased a little.

Oni is a black dragon in a huge planet, and got in touch with Arthur only after getting the space-time beacon thrown by Arthur by chance.

She found that in this plane transformed by the void, the whispers of those mortals disappeared all of a sudden, so she became very curious about Arthur.

Usually, she often came here to find Arthur with an excuse to relieve the pain of her soul. For this reason, she also sent many slaves to Arthur.

Arthur is also a sex embryo, relying on himself in this void, no one can hurt himself, and he fought fiercely with the black dragon Oni.Moreover, Aoni is also his only current customer, so she has to coax her well.

(End of this chapter)

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