leisurely dragon

Chapter 237 Initial Transactions

The black-haired beauty Oni couldn't control her excitement, and her white and tender hands tightly grasped Arthur's arm.

"Ani, what are you doing so excited?" Although the beauty's little hands were soft, they were too strong, and Arthur grinned when she pinched her.

If it weren't for this space being completely controlled by him, it would be impossible for Oni to hurt him, and Arthur would have resisted long ago.

Oni quickly withdrew her hand, restraining her excitement.

Ever since his father was polluted by the ancient gods, as the blood source of the entire black dragon clan, he has degenerated the entire race, and everyone in the world is screaming for beatings.

The same is true for Oni, who is the black dragon princess. Pollution has eroded her soul, causing her to degenerate from a respected guardian dragon to a mouse hiding everywhere.

This was a great insult to her proud soul, but her father's powerful strength made it impossible for her to resist.

Now hope appeared, this bottle of dragon's blood potion from another universe brought her the dawn of getting rid of the pollution of the ancient gods and her father's control.

Thinking of this, Oni's expression immediately became sad.The dark-haired beauty got up and sat next to Arthur, her full body clinging to Arthur's arm, making Arthur very comfortable.

"Arthur, you must help me." Oni used all her abilities, and her big teary eyes softened Arthur after a while.

A tragic story was told from the mouth of the black-haired beauty. Arthur hugged the crying Oni, slapped the table and cursed, "Aoni, don't worry, I will support you in defeating your bastard father."

Between hugging and hugging, the relationship between the two has crossed a certain boundary invisibly.

The black-haired beauty Oni is flattering, and Arthur is also happy to pretend to be confused, and both sides are full of evil intentions.

"Arthur, this potion has a great effect on me, and it is my hope to get rid of control," Oni said, pretending to be pitiful.

"It's no problem, as long as I have money, I can get the potion from my good friend." Arthur patted his chest and boasted that Li Ge had become a good friend in his mouth.

The black-haired beauty smiled happily, "Arthur, as long as you are willing to trade with me, you can choose gold coins or slaves."

In order to completely control the palace, Arthur cleaned up a large number of people before, and then bought a lot of slaves from Oni to make up for it.

These slaves came from different worlds, and were controlled by slave contracts, which made the palace completely under Arthur's control.

Hearing Oni's words, Arthur was a little moved, but now he is also pursuing strength, and he no longer needs those low-level commodities.

"Oni, if you can find the magic knowledge of the world you are in, or valuable magic items, there are more high-end magic potion transactions from my friends," Arthur said with his arms around Oni.

The black-haired beauty had a smile on her face when she heard the words, "When it comes to magic knowledge and magic items, our Black Dragon is definitely the top group in the world."

After taking advantage of Oni, Arthur proudly left his plane with a piece of magic knowledge given by Oni, and returned to the world of Avada.

Regardless of whether it was useful or not, Arthur copied the obtained knowledge of magic in another world.He and Lorraine must not understand, their magic level is limited.

If he hadn't acquired divinity and merged with his body, Arthur would still be an ordinary mage and dragonborn warlock.

"Now it's time to find my good friend and talk about business," Arthur thought to himself.Li Ge treated him well, so Arthur dared to brag in front of Oni.

Without bringing anyone, Arthur came directly to Li Ge's shop.This is a high-end commercial area, and there are few people who are bored to hang out.

When Li Ge saw Arthur, a smile appeared in his heart, and the fish was hooked.

"Arthur, it's rare for you to go out," Li Ge teased. Now he also has a little understanding of Arthur's temperament. The standard house creature will never go out unless necessary.

The backyard of the shop is the living area, and the area is not small.Li Ge took out the magic plant drink presented by Xia Wei, and made a pot of tea for Arthur.

After chatting a few gossips, Arthur directly took out the magic knowledge given by Oni, which is said to be the standard textbook for magic academy cities in that world.

That black dragon was also very cunning, and it was a temptation at the beginning, refusing to give out advanced magic knowledge.

"Li Ge, I don't need to explain too much. This is a piece of magic knowledge from another world. How much do you think it is worth, and how much dragon blood potion can be exchanged for?" Arthur asked directly.

After taking the scroll in Arthur's hand, Li Ge turned it over a little bit, feeling that he was not that material, he should shake people.

Xilia and Liyue were chatting in the studio of the shop when Li Ge called out, "Xilia, you and Liyue have a look at this magic knowledge from another world".

The silver dragon girl is a legendary dragon magician, who is so much better than Li Ge, a sorcerer, and she was immediately attracted.

Although Liyue is not a magician, Laiya and the others did not relax their teachings to her, and her attainments in magic are not bad.

The two girls watched and exchanged something there, completely ignoring Li Ge and the two of them waiting.

Arthur looked at Li Ge's appearance, a little envious, "Li Ge, you are really lucky."

Li Ge was also not humble, and smiled proudly. Being able to have several beautiful spouses was one of the aspects that made him most satisfied.

The two chatted without saying a word there, and Li Ge didn't need to ask Arthur how these things came from, it was someone else's secret.

Arthur also took this opportunity to test whether Li Ge was trustworthy or not.If the other party wants to explore his secrets, or cheat him, there will be no next time.

Celia watched it for a long time before she came to her senses. The different ways of thinking about magic in different worlds gave her a lot of inspiration.

"Li Ge, although the level of magic knowledge is not high, the lowest level is also the most basic. I suggest buying it at the price of one hundred divine power gold coins."

"This is the price for the first time. If you have the same kind of basic magic knowledge in the future, it will not be worth the price."

The silver dragon girl gave her own judgment, and both Li Ge and Arthur heard it.

"Arthur, what about your opinion, do you agree with Celia's judgment?" Li Ge asked.

Arthur thought for a while. As an introductory textbook for magic apprentices in another world, it is not bad to be able to sell it at this price.

"Okay, let's trade at this price. I want to buy 5 bottles of high-level dragon blood potion with these divine gold coins." Arthur didn't exchange the money directly.

Oni's side obviously prefers dragon's blood potion, and the basic ones are effective, so the advanced ones are not to mention.

With these medicines in hand, wouldn't the black-haired beauty Oni want to treat him respectfully.

Thinking of Oni's white and tender little hands, Arthur's mood fluctuated for a while.

Li Ge saw that there was a smirk on the corner of Arthur's mouth, but he didn't know what he was thinking, so he ordered Li Yue to fill him with five bottles of medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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