leisurely dragon

Chapter 257 Promoted to God Envoy

Chapter 257 Promoted to God Envoy
In fact, it didn't take much time for Li Ge to formally confer the God Fusion System, only half a year, far less than the three years promised to Arthur.

After becoming a god, Li Ge felt that his concept of time had changed. Many things that seemed urgent were actually just that.

His real body is sleeping and comprehending the law, while his incarnation is accompanying the girls.

Accompany Celia to look back on the wonderful years of first contact, happily count money with Leia, and discuss with Elsa how to explain her teachings.

Come to Noren with Yilin, rectify the Dragon Blood Knights, and appease the believers.Explore the mysteries of the Dimensional Dragon Lair with Selina.

Xia Wei, on the other hand, often looked at the fruits growing on the tree with Li Ge, and imagined how to govern the newborn elf sub-clan.

Only Liyue was a little unhappy, but Li Ge always treated her as a family member.

The girl is not his spouse yet, so every time he accompanied the girls, he inevitably neglected Liyue.

"Liyue, I'm sorry." Li Ge found Liyue who was in a daze in the dragon's nest in the canopy of the ancient tree of dimension.

During this period of time, I was indeed a little absurd, and didn't give Liyue too much concern.

Feeling Li Ge's warm big hands caressing her hair, the corners of Li Yue's mouth turned up, revealing a hint of a smile.

"Brother doesn't need to apologize, sisters have paid a lot for brother, and it is right to spend more time with them."

"It's because Liyue is too weak to help elder brother," the girl blamed herself.

Li Ge hurriedly took Liyue's little hand, "Liyue, you are still a young dragon, and it is already very good to have the strength close to legend."

Li Yue shook her head, "Brother, this is not enough. I really want to do something for him, but now that he is a god, the gap between us is getting bigger and bigger."

Li Ge was speechless for a while, not knowing how to comfort this sensitive girl.

Liyue is very smart, she understands all the truths, but she still can't turn around in her heart.

"Brother, didn't you intend to train me as an envoy when I was a dragon egg?" Li Yue looked at Li Ge seriously.

This is what she heard from other sisters, but Liyue became so popular that Li Ge couldn't bear to use her as a tool.

Li Ge nodded, these are things in the past, and there is nothing that cannot be said.

Liyue's eyes sparkled, "Brother, then you can promote me to be an envoy of God now, I want to be with you forever."

Looking at Li Yue's appraisal eyes, Li Ge couldn't help being moved.

He has so many spouses, and it is impossible for each of them to become a god, so it is necessary to provide a path for everyone to ascend, and Liyue is the same.

Now that Li Ge has the capital to surpass the powerful divine power, his divine envoy may not be inferior to the true god in the future.

Liyue's soul is already close to the Holy Spirit, and she is also the best candidate for a divine envoy.

"Liyue, since you have made up your mind, then I promise you." Li Ge pointed at Liyue's forehead.

A trace of dimensional divinity and a large amount of divine power entered Liyue's body, and with a dragon chant, Liyue turned into her main body.

The two immature dragon horns quickly grow and diverge, like deer horns, and the slender dragon body continues to grow stronger, dancing in the air non-stop, with an elegant and beautiful posture.

Under the effect of the divinity and a lot of divine power bestowed by Li Ge, Liyue grew into an adult Tianlong ahead of schedule, her strength breaking through the high-level legend.

This is where the power and charm of the true god lies. As long as you are willing to spend your power, you can easily turn a mortal into a legend.

Liyue danced excitedly in the canopy of the ancient tree of the dimension, and it took a while to calm down, and landed in front of Li Ge, turning into a beautiful woman in palace attire, just like the legendary dragon girl in her previous life.

Li Ge's eyes couldn't help being in a daze, this scene fell into Li Yue's eyes, and the girl's heart became more and more happy.

The movement made by Liyue attracted the attention of several other female dragons, "Hey, Liyue, why did you suddenly grow up?" Xilia immediately noticed the change in Liyue.

"Sister Xilia, I have become my brother's envoy", Liyue's figure has grown, and her smile is absolutely beautiful.

"Ah, that's right," Celia suddenly realized.

Afterwards, the two sisters Xilia and Yilin looked at Li Ge with resentful eyes.

Laiya, Elsa, Selena, and Xia Wei, as well as the incarnations of the two goddesses, were laughing and watching.

In the past, Xilia wanted to be the envoy of the lord of the dimension, but Li Ge didn't agree.

Although Yilin's talent has been improved, she is still relatively weak, and her strength is not as advanced as other female dragons.

After the two Yinlong sisters saw that Li Ge had been promoted to Li Yue as God Envoy, they couldn't bear the longing in their hearts, and they all looked at Li Ge eagerly.

"Okay, Xilia, Yilin, you can also be my envoys," Li Ge said helplessly.

It was also thanks to Li Ge's original strength, after separating out two traces of divinity and a lot of divine power again, his strength did not decline much.

In the eyes of everyone, the Yinlong sisters also transformed into silver dragons one after another. Their body size exploded from 20 meters long to nearly 40 meters long, and their strength also reached the top high-level legend.

After Li Ge was promoted, there was no change in the system monster map, but Li Ge could freely set monsters that did not exceed the strength of the true god.

There are more types of items in the mall, which is the benefit of Lige's comprehension of more laws.

Now Li Ge no longer relied on the benefit of fighting monsters.As an existence similar to the original ancient god, he can condense a large amount of divine power from the source of the law of the universe every month.

Taking the ancient god with one godhead as an example, on average, one crystal of divine power can be condensed in one month, and it fluctuates up and down according to the different laws of comprehension.One divine power crystal is enough to make [-] divine power gold coins.

Moreover, the magical effect of divine power crystallization is far from being comparable to divine power gold coins, and it can be used as a currency for transactions between true gods.

For example, Rihanna's godhead level is six, and she can accumulate six divine power crystals every month. Of course, apart from maintaining the kingdom of God and various research battles, it would be nice to keep half of them.

Other true gods who rely on faith do not gather so many ancient gods, but they have the power of faith as a channel to supplement their divine power.

There is nothing left of Li Ge's previous incarnation of the Dimensional Lord, all of which are reserved to strengthen his own strength and maintain the Kingdom of God.

Now after integrating the system, Li Ge can condense the crystallization of divine power every month, which is ten times that of ordinary ancient gods, which means that there can be fifty crystals of divine power every month.

Now Li Ge is on the game map more to hone his martial arts, or to train the girls who signed the soul contract.

Liyue, Xilia and Yilin, the three real dragons promoted to God Envoy, the divine power consumed, Li Ge can earn back in a month.

If it was any other ordinary true god, three god envoys would be promoted there at once, which would be debilitating.

Now Li Ge wants to improve his strength, the only way to go is to comprehend the law, but with the seed of good fortune as a reference, he can go faster than other true gods.

(End of this chapter)

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