leisurely dragon

Chapter 258 The Queen of Desire

Chapter 258 The Queen of Desire
It is also a good thing for Li Ge that the promotion of the three new envoys will be handled by the envoys in the future.

For example, with the authority granted by Li Ge to Erin, she can freely travel between the Kingdom of God and the Noren plane, and supervise and manage Noren's followers for Li Ge.

In order to celebrate the promotion of the three envoys, a joyful banquet began again.This time Liyue, who has grown up, also shyly joined in.

The days after becoming a god are very leisurely, and Li Ge doesn't have too many enemies.Take revenge on those hostile true gods, and you can't be in a hurry.

Everyone is an immortal existence, it depends on who can seize the opportunity and cheat the other party hard.

Li Ge has been counting the gifts sent by the gods during this time, some are rare god-level materials, some are ordinary blessing letters, and some are knowledge between the gods.

Several friendly dragon gods sent some common sense that gods should pay attention to, as well as some secrets among true gods.

While absorbing this knowledge, he became familiar with the power of the true God, striving to get used to the life of the true God as soon as possible.

Handling the small matters of the believers was handed over to Xilia and the other three envoys. They are very motivated now.

"Huh," Li Ge's real body in the Kingdom of God opened his eyes involuntarily, and a smile appeared on the face of the huge dragon god.

In the distant Bator Hell, Glacia, the queen of eroticism, was in a trance.

Ever since the day when Li Ge ascended to the throne, some strange ideas have been born in her soul.

For example, the inexplicable worship and loyalty to a newly promoted dragon god is simply ridiculous and terrifying for a hell lord.

But Gracia dared not tell anyone, even her father, Asmodeus, the Lord of Hell.

Hell is a place full of cunning and deceit. If people know that there is something wrong with Gracia, her ending may be harder to accept than death.

After Li Ge's body became a god, the soul imprint hidden in the soul source of the Queen of Desires also grew rapidly.

The soul imprint continues to generate mysterious runes of good fortune, eroding Gracia's soul in a subtle way.

Therefore, inexplicable thoughts always popped up in Gracia's heart, and sometimes even this hell lord was afraid.

With Gracia's strength equivalent to that of a true god, it is impossible to find the great power of creation in the soul, not even a trace.

As time went by, the erosion of the soul deepened, and Gracia's thoughts slowly began to change.

She felt that the newly promoted Dragon God should be her master, and it was too disrespectful for her to resist.

The seeds Li Ge planted decades ago finally bear fruit, and Gracia, the queen of eroticism, has paid the price for her desire for power.

If Gracia had given up the source of the loss of induction, there would be no ending like today.

In the palace of Queen Eriny, all the subordinate devils were driven out.

Gracia was wearing a long purple dress, with a proud figure, light makeup, and a hint of charm in her stunning appearance.

In the empty hall, the big devil knelt on the ground, "Glesia has invited the master to come down."

Following the soul imprint on Gracia's body, the incarnation of Li Ge's divine sense changed from virtual to real, and appeared in front of the Queen of Eros.

The glamorous Queen of Erotica raised her head, her red lips parted slightly, "Gracia greets the great master".

Li Ge looked down and saw that the towering purple dress of Queen Erin Demon could trap the soul of a person.

"Gracia, have you really surrendered to me?" Li Gepi looked at the succubus queen with a half-smile.

The Erin Demon Queen got up, her eyes sparkling, and she leaned her delicate body into Li Ge's arms, "Great master, Gracia can do anything for you."

A trace of temptation circulated between the two of them, and Li Ge hugged the Erin Demon Queen politely, and sat on the throne of the Lord of Hell.

"Gracia, you should understand that it's useless to play this game in front of me," Li Ge said calmly.

"The imprint of the soul can control your life and death, but it is definitely not enough to make you surrender. Have you forgotten that I can sense your thoughts?"

Hearing Li Ge's words, Gracia smiled coquettishly, and her tender body and Li Ge stuck closer, "Master, I admire you very much, can you let go of the control over his soul. The soul is controlled, and I can't serve the master wholeheartedly."

Li Ge laughed loudly, "Gracia, I'm afraid that once I let go of the control, this avatar of mine won't be able to get out of your devil's palace."

"How could it be? I really want to be with Master." Gracia's red lips moved closer to Li Ge's ear.

Li Ge's face was still indifferent, how could he let go of the opportunity to take advantage of this hell lord, this is a rare encounter in a hundred million years.

Immediately after Li Ge's divine thoughts moved, all the divine power gold coins in the system and nearly two hundred divine power crystals were thrown into the mall.

A trace of the origin of the system gushed out, turned into a mysterious rune, followed the soul mark and entered the depths of the soul of the Queen of Demons.

"What are you doing, don't you want it?" The Queen of Desires' expression changed drastically, and she was about to resist, but unexpectedly, the soul imprint in her soul fluctuated, and she suddenly felt powerless.

The mysterious runes quickly filled Gracia's entire soul space, causing wonderful changes in the soul of the hell lord.

Li Ge laughed out loud. This enslavement rune that blesses the power of the avenue of good fortune is the biggest payment he has received from the system.

The sum of the divine power gold coins spent before was not as much as these two hundred divine power crystals, not to mention the blessing of the power of good fortune.

This is to completely enslave this hell lord and plant a nail in hell.

A drop of blood and tears flowed from the corner of Glacia Queen's eyes. Since then, there has been a true god-level slave who is loyal to Li Ge in this world.

The Erin Demon Queen in her arms moved, a pair of jade arms wrapped around Li Ge's neck, "Master, Gracia will always be loyal to you, may I pamper your loyal maid?"

Li Ge stood up lightly, and pushed away the hand of the Queen of Demons, "Gracia, do you feel any changes in your body?"

Pushed away by Li Ge, Gracia, who was weeping, quickly put away that expression and felt her body carefully.

His own power comparable to that of a true god has become more profound, and the influence of hell power on his nature is not so heavy, unlike before that he could not restrain himself at all.

The Queen of Desires was inexplicably pleasantly surprised, and excitedly stepped forward to hug her master to express her gratitude, but Li Ge's incarnation of divine sense changed from real to virtual, and the embrace was empty.

"Gracia, keep an eye on hell for me in the future, especially the mother of dragons in the first level of hell."

Gracia listened to Li Ge's voice with some grievances, "Master, people will take good care of that nasty female dragon."

"It's just that the master must come to see people often. I will always allow the master to enter my hall of the devil."

The Queen of Desires looked at Li Ge's leaving direction unwillingly and shouted.

"Let's talk about it after you finish the work." Li Ge's spiritual thoughts completely dissipated and returned to his body.

(End of this chapter)

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