leisurely dragon

Chapter 259 Dragon Blood Elf

Chapter 259 Dragon Blood Elf
The incarnation of Li Ge's divine sense quickly returned to the Kingdom of God, and he was really afraid that he could not bear to stay any longer.Among other things, the Queen of Desires is not to be picky about her beauty and charming temperament.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that I would get such a big harvest from a casual game of chess." I'm afraid no one would believe it when I said that I enslaved a hell lord, but Li Ge would not be stupid to tell others.

The avatar staying in the Dimensional Dragon's Nest is also accompanying Xia Wei at the moment, and Rihanna and the other girls are also here.

Today is the day when the first fruit on the ancient tree of dimension matures, and Li Ge's body is always paying attention to the situation of this batch of elf subspecies.

As this batch of fruits gradually matured, Li Ge actually began to give birth to a new priesthood, that is, the racial priesthood of this elf subspecies.

It is the priesthood of races like winged elves and sea elves. Li Ge named this elf subspecies dragon blood elves.

When the dragon blood elves are officially born, Li Ge can even use this priesthood to join the camp of the elves and gods, but he doesn't bother to do so.

Xia Wei held Li Ge's hand, and she was a little nervous. Li Ge had already promised her that she would lead this newly born subspecies of dragon blood elves.

Coupled with the fact that Angress, the queen of the elves, has promised to allow Xia Wei to develop her own elf branch, it is not impossible for her to establish a dragon blood elf kingdom in the future.

The branches of the ancient tree of dimension swayed slightly, and a fruit moved slightly and fell down.

As if afraid of breaking his descendants, the green magic flashed, and the fruit fell at a constant speed.

Soon about half a person's tall fruit fell to the ground, a strong breath of life burst out, and the tough fruit split open by itself.

An elf girl about [-] or [-] years old stood up, and in the green life magic aura, the fruit shell automatically made a magic leather armor and put it on the girl.

This is also because Li Ge adjusted the settings of the ancient dimensional tree. We can't let these descendants who were born as teenagers be naked.

Moreover, the ancient tree of dimension returned the first batch of bred dragon blood elves to pass on basic knowledge and innate magic.

With a little training, the descendants of these dimensional ancient trees are definitely not inferior to the existence of high elves.

The eyes of this first-born elf girl opened tremblingly, revealing a pair of beautiful blue eyes.

The ears are slightly pointed, not as long as the high elves, and the hair color is actually Li Ge's favorite black. Coupled with the green and soft face, it is very cute.

"Father God, Liya finally saw you." As soon as the girl opened her eyes, she saw the smiling Li Ge, and hurriedly stepped forward and knelt down excitedly.

The dragon blood elves bred by the ancient dimensional tree all have inheritance, so they naturally have the real name given by the ancient dimensional tree.

Li Ge stepped forward to help the girl up. Although he was prepared in his heart, he was still a little excited. The ancient dimensional tree was his incarnation, created by him.

It's perfectly fine for this girl named Liya to call him Father God.

At the moment Liya was born, Li Ge's priesthood of the dragon blood elves was formally formed.

"Lia, my child, I bless you in the name of the dragon god." Li Ge lightly tapped his finger, and a divine light fell on Liya's eyebrows.

As the first dragon blood elf to be born, Liya's talent is absolutely top-notch, and she is the best of this batch of dragon blood elves.

Now with the blessing of Li Ge, the Father God, the future is limitless.

Xia Wei stepped forward with some excitement, and took Liya's little hand, "What a beautiful and lovely child, he will definitely be a powerful fighter in the future."

Liya, who was just born, was a little overwhelmed. The female elf in front of her had the breath of the father god and the same blood of the elves.

The roots of the blood of both of them originated from the World Tree. Even if the ancient dimensional tree cut off the connection with the World Tree, fundamentally speaking, it was still a child of the World Tree.

Li Ge smiled slightly, "Lia, this is Xia Wei, my spouse, who is of the same blood as yours, so you can call her mother from now on."

For Liya, Li Ge takes it very seriously. She is the natural heir to the throne of the dragon blood elves. Someone must teach her well, and Xia Wei is the best candidate.

Liya heard her father's words, and had a natural affection for Xia Wei, so she couldn't help calling out obediently, "Mother".

"Lia, my child", Xia Wei was aroused by this mother's motherhood, and couldn't help but hug Liya tightly in her arms.

"Lia, you have to call me auntie too," Rihanna said enviously as she squeezed over.

At this moment, several female dragons, no matter how big or small, all surrounded her, wanting to get close to Liya.

"Okay, don't scare Liya," Li Ge said with a smile.

"Lucia, Luvia, order all the nature elves to get ready. Nearly [-] dragon blood elves are about to be born, so be ready to guide them immediately."

"This is the foundation of the future of the Dragon Blood Elf Kingdom, so we must take good care of it."

"Master, we understand." Sister Lucia hurriedly led the people to get ready.

As soon as Li Ge's voice fell, the ancient tree of dimension shook slightly, and the fruits fell like raindrops.

A boy named Dragon Blood Elf came to this world for the first time.

The first action of every newborn dragon blood elf is to kneel down and thank Li Ge, the main god.

Then, under the guidance of the natural elves, they learned about the world step by step.

The birth of the dragon blood elves lasted for more than an hour. Together with Liya, there were a total of [-] people.

Li Ge looked at the descendants of this group of ancient dimensional trees with joy. They were born devout believers and also the most solid foundation for the future army of the Kingdom of God.

At this moment, the priesthood of the dragon blood elf race was officially condensed and perfected, and a brand new subspecies of elves was born.

Li Ge took Xia Wei with one hand and Laiya with the other, and came to all the new dragon blood elves.

"My children, welcome to this world, you are my people, I bless you".

All the dragon blood elves knelt down reverently, "Father God, we wait for the dragon blood elves to be loyal to you forever!"

Li Ge held Xia Wei's hand and raised it high, "I bestow upon my spouse, Xia Wei, the authority to lead the dragon blood elves."

As soon as the words fell, one-third of Li Ge's dragon blood elf priesthood was stripped off and landed on Xia Wei.

The power of Xia Wei exploded, exuding an aura that all dragon blood elves worshiped, as if Xia Wei had also become one of the roots of their blood.

"Li Ge...", Xia Wei was so moved that she couldn't speak, almost no gods would be willing to share their authority with others.

Even if you are promoted to a god envoy, that is, to bestow divinity and power, you will not take away your priesthood and bestow it on others.

Because once other people have bad thoughts, they can immediately use the priesthood to ignite the divine fire and compete with the gods for authority.

"We are one," Li Ge said with a smile.

"My people, meet your queen Xia Wei"

All the dragon blood elves, including Liya, saluted again, "I have seen the great Queen Xia Wei, the glory of the Father God is with you."

With tears in her eyes, Xia Wei waved her hands to greet her people. Now she also has some priesthoods of the dragon blood elves, and these children are just like her children.

Li Ge took Liya's immature little hand again, "I declare that Liya is the first heir to the throne of the dragon blood elves."

This group of Liya's younger brothers and sisters paid tribute to Liya again.

(End of this chapter)

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