leisurely dragon

Chapter 260 Corellon's Kindness

Chapter 260 Corellon's Kindness
Li Ge took this opportunity to immediately establish Xia Wei's status as queen and Liya's status as the heir to the throne.

In the future, the powerful race of dragon blood elves must be one of Li Ge's main forces to fight in various planes, so we must pay attention to it now.

After the simple ceremony, the dragon blood elf boys and girls were settled down by the natural elves led by Sister Lucia.

As the eldest daughter of the Dimensional Ancient Tree, Liya's bloodline is far stronger than other siblings, and she is also the heir to the throne, living with Xia Wei.

"Congratulations, sister Xia Wei", Xilia, sisters Yilin, Liyue, Selena and several younger ones stepped forward to congratulate.

Laiya, Elsa still needs to be more cautious, and also expressed my heartfelt congratulations.

Rihanna and Catherine also gave the newborn Liya the blessing of the gods.

As a descendant of the ancient tree of dimension, Liya can be said to be the daughter of Li Ge, so she is naturally loved by everyone.

This also made Liya, who was just born, feel extremely happy.These elders have the breath of the father god, which makes her feel very kind.

In the kingdom of Avandor, Corellon, the lord of elves, showed a joyful smile on his face. The concept of elves as a race has been perfected again, which makes him feel very comfortable.

This move by Li Ge is a very friendly behavior, which is equivalent to forming a de facto ally with the elf gods.

If Li Ge was more ruthless and forcibly spent a lot of divine power to modify the form of the descendants of the ancient dimensional tree, it is entirely possible to change to another race.

There is no doubt that the power of the true God is sufficient to do this.But not only did Li Ge fail to do so, he also shared the dragon blood elves' racial priesthood with Xia Wei.

As Corellon, who mastered the racial concept of elves, he could easily perceive this.

Xia Wei is a member of the moon elves among the high elves, so she must have deep feelings for her mother clan.Li Ge did not shy away from this, and he also had great goodwill towards the elf gods.

Of course, Corellon would not know the power of Li Ge's soul contract.

"Come here", following Corellon's call, an elf envoy came to the temple.

"Give this Phantom Moon God Bow to His Majesty Li Ge, as my congratulatory gift to the birth of the dragon blood elves." A longbow, an artifact, appeared in Corellon's hand, which was the artifact of the Elf Royal Court.

In the plane of the dragon's nest in the second dimension, the dragon blood elf teenagers and girls who had already settled down began to participate in the celebration banquet ordered by Li Ge himself.

Three true gods and several real dragons were present to celebrate this memorable day.

"Li Ge, the race of dragon blood elves is really good," Rihanna said, looking at the young elves.

"Of course," Li Ge said with a smile.

The dragon blood elves are a race that combines some of the advantages of elves and true dragons.

In terms of character, dragon blood elves are more heroic and resolute than other elf races, and their bodies are more vigorous. They have both the beauty of elves and the bravery of real dragons.

In terms of lifespan, dragon blood elves are a bit inferior, only about 500 years.But the blood of the true dragon endows the dragon blood elves with much stronger fertility.

As long as the dragon blood elves still have enough population, there is no need to worry about descendants.

Moreover, the learning ability of the dragon blood elves is quite good. With a strong physical condition, it is a sure thing to be promoted to a professional.

When it becomes stronger, its lifespan will also increase accordingly. After finally reaching the legend, the lifespan of the dragon blood elf will not be worse than that of the high elf legend.

"Xia Wei, I will entrust the dragon blood elf to you. This is also the basis for your promotion to immortality in the future." What Li Ge said was very clear.

The opportunity for Xia Wei to become a god in the future lies in the dragon blood elves.If Xia Wei does well enough, Li Ge doesn't mind giving her all the dragon blood elves' racial priesthood.

"Li Ge, thank you for your trust." Xia Wei was very moved, she just came to Li Ge's side, unlike Rihanna and the others who accompanied Li Ge for so long.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to do well." Xia Wei still felt a little unconfident in her heart, and the burden of the fate of a race was a bit heavy.

"Sister Xia Wei, our sisters will help you too," Jinlong Elsa said while gently holding Xia Wei's hand.

"That's right, I can teach these dragon blood elves the arcane art, and there is no charge. After all, these dragon blood elves have a trace of Li Ge's blood, and they can be regarded as our descendants." Laiya is still very dignified in front of the public, and pays attention to her image.

Several other female dragons also said that they can help, they are all their own family members, and they should also do their part for this big family.

Outside Lige's kingdom of God, the figure of an elf envoy stopped in the void, "Your Majesty Lige, His Majesty Corellon, my god, sit down and ask the envoy to see you."

An ancient elf language spread to Li Ge's ears from outside the Kingdom of God.

"God envoy, please come in," Li Ge thought, and a dimensional channel directly connected to the scene of the celebration banquet.

An old high elf stepped in, looked at the ancient dragon blood tree as tall as a mountain, and those young dragon blood elves, seemed to understand why the main god did this, and couldn't help but look more respectful.

The elf envoy came to Li Ge and lowered his head, "Your Majesty Li Ge, Your Majesty Rihanna, Your Majesty Catherine, my lord ordered me to send gifts to celebrate the birth of the dragon blood elves."

Then he handed over an artifact longbow with both hands, Li Ge took it, and said with a smile, "I hope to reconcile with the elven gods, and thank His Majesty Corellon for the generous gift for me."

The elf angel retreated without mentioning it, and then all the women, including Rihanna, were sensational.

"His Majesty Corellon is so majestic, even an artifact can be given as a gift," Laiya was extremely envious.

Divine artifacts are not easy to forge, not only must they have divinity, but also consume a lot of precious materials and divine power.

Many weak divine powers have not been able to forge a divine weapon since they became gods, which is already a good example of the problem.

Li Ge smiled and handed the Magic Moon Bow into Xia Wei's hands, "I already understand His Majesty Corellon's intentions, this artifact will be the foundation of the dragon blood elves in the future."

The surprises one after another made Xia Wei's brain a little bit insufficient.The female elf held the artifact tightly, and found that the priesthood of the dragon blood elf race that Li Ge gave her was very suitable for this artifact.

This artifact was originally forged for gods with the priesthood of the elven race. Although Xia Wei is not a god, it can still be used.

Li Ge was also very happy in his heart, his plan was not in vain.

Among the true gods of the Dragon Clan, he has already made friends with several of them.Now he has established a good relationship with the elf master god again.

Although there is a lot of black material about the elf gods in the multiverse, most of the elves, except for the drow gods, belong to the chaotic and good camp.

The chaotic good camp sometimes looks like a saint, acting according to its own will, but it has nothing to say to friends.

And Corellon is one of the most powerful and mysterious true gods in the multiverse, with a reputation far and wide.

Compared with the complicated human gods, it is still comfortable to deal with the elf gods.

Li Ge didn't want to get involved in the struggle between the human gods.

(End of this chapter)

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