leisurely dragon

Chapter 261 The Impatient Arthur

Chapter 261 The Impatient Arthur
In the following six months, with the help of these female dragons, Xia Wei finally formally established a kingdom belonging to the dragon blood elves on the plane of the dragon's nest in the second dimension.

The [-] natural elves brought earlier were also bestowed with the blood of dragon blood elves by the ancient tree of dimension.

The tribe of Sister Lucia has already completed the evolution of blood under the influence of the breath of the ancient tree of dimension.

In the whole kingdom of dragon blood elves, there are nearly [-] dragon blood elves.In another ten years or so, these first batch of dragon blood elves will be adults, and the population will be able to multiply rapidly.

Every hundred years, the ancient dimensional tree can give birth to a batch of dragon blood elves again.It can be said that a powerful dragon blood elf kingdom is destined to rise in the multiverse.

Under the guidance of everyone, Liya grew up very quickly, and with the blessings of the three gods, she was promoted to the master level at a young age, and she is also very good at government affairs.

Catherine is the ancient god of law, and the church is managed by her own mother with the white dragon Elena, and with the care of her old father Charles, there is nothing to do every day.

Therefore, His incarnation led Liya to run up and down all day long, using all the tricks Li Ge taught him back then.

Li Ge has been basically familiar with the common sense of the true god during the time after he became a god.

His body comprehends the laws in the Kingdom of God, and an incarnation sits in the Kingdom of God and is responsible for the affairs of the Kingdom of God.The incarnation of the ancient tree of the dimension supports and maintains the entire god system and the dragon's nest plane.

At this time, He has differentiated into a new incarnation and is preparing to go to the world of Avada.After waiting for almost two years, Arthur is probably in a hurry.

Among the three envoys, Yilin was in charge of the affairs of the believers in the Noren plane, and the rest Xilia and Liyue followed him again.

The remaining Leia and Elsa, now in the floating tower, opened a magic academy.

Laiya happily wants to train a group of arcanists to make the entire floating tower work.

In the world of Avada, the Kingdom of Fabs is growing stronger and stronger, and the Olman Empire is oppressed almost out of breath.

However, Arthur, the king of Farbs, has not been in a good mood recently. Li Ge's sudden apotheosis greatly stimulated him.

A friend who thought he was barely on an equal footing suddenly threw him so far away that he couldn't even smell the exhaust.

What's more terrible is that now that Li Ge's strength has risen sharply, the status of the two in the transaction has been reversed.

Arthur's so-called hole card now is not so important in the eyes of a true god like Li Ge.

Now the true gods in the multiverse, let alone those with weak divine power, those with medium divine power and above, which one has not explored other different universes.

Rose, the notorious spider goddess, had incarnations in many worlds, and even became one of the strongest gods in some worlds.

Not to mention Corellon, the lord of elves. He was originally a god from another universe. Such a powerful divine power definitely has its own influence in other universes.

Arthur now also vaguely knows that his own void and mist plane may be nothing in the eyes of the true god.

At best, he is just a lucky guy who survived the time travel, and he is really not qualified to fight against a true god.

Arthur's current strength, with the blessing of the origin of the plane, barely touches the edge of the demigod, and the foundation is too weak, and there is little room for improvement.

Now he was counting on Li Ge not to turn his back on him, because their transaction had not been officially carried out.

Arthur is feeling uneasy now, and regrets that he charged too much at the beginning.

Oni, the black dragon princess, had nothing to do with Aylas, so she just stayed here.

This black dragon now knows the power of the dragon god in the multiverse, and the spark of ambition is ignited in his heart.

Every time after having sex with Arthur, he urged Arthur to contact Li Ge quickly.

But Arthur was in a conflicted state of mind, he dared to harass Li Ge, he had just become a god, and there were many things to deal with.

In desperation, Arthur had no choice but to use this reason to appease Oni, and this black dragon princess was not an easy master to deal with.

On several occasions, Oni even prayed to Li Ge in front of Arthur, making Arthur's face darken with anger.If it wasn't for relying on Oni in many aspects in the future, and being reluctant to bear the style of the black dragon princess, Arthur would almost turn his face.

In the Dragon Island of Avada, Tai Long warmly welcomed Li Ge and his party.

This time, the status of the two parties was completely equal, and they got along a lot more casually.True gods generally don't suppress their personalities, and don't care about those superficial things.

"Li Ge, you have to stay here for a while this time, I'm so bored here all day," Tai Long complained.

As a regional god, his greatest task is to protect the world.Only when the world develops and grows stronger can his godhead level be promoted.

So this avatar stays on this planet all year round and cannot leave, no wonder it is boring.

Then, Li Ge's sister-in-law Alisa and his wife also came together.For Li Ge's sake, Tai Long gave them a lot of convenience.

"Li Ge", Freya rushed in hurriedly, and suddenly froze again.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty Li Ge", Freya immediately realized that this friend has already become a god.

"It's okay, you and Alisa are my friends, don't worry about those," Li Ge said with a smile, and he didn't want to alienate his former friends either.

Freya stuck out her tongue and sat down next to Alisa.They are old friends with Xilia and Liyue, and they had a great chat together.

"Tyrone, I may need your help this time," Li Ge said about Arthur alone.

Tai Long laughed loudly, "I told you at the beginning, this kid has some secrets, I didn't expect it to be like this."

"Are you planning to develop that different world?"

Listening to Tai Long's question, Li Ge nodded, "I'm different from you, my promotion must improve in the law."

"The world where the black dragon princess from Arthur's Unicom is located does not have such a powerful god system as the multiverse, and the level of power is not bad, which is just right for my exploration."

"It's just that I agreed to the conditions for Arthur to ignite the fire, which is a bit difficult. If Arthur insists on lighting the fire in Avada, I would like to ask you to divide some of the priesthood and let him be the guardian of the Farbus Kingdom."

"Of course, I will definitely compensate you and make you satisfied."

Li Ge looked at Tyrone and said, His request is a bit difficult, that is to say, because he has a good relationship with Tyrone.If it were another true god, if he dared to attack the opponent's priesthood, he might turn his face on the spot.

Tyrone also became serious, "Lige, if Arthur is willing to be my subordinate god, I can promise you."

Tyrone's request is also reasonable, which is equivalent to dividing part of his authority to Arthur.If Arthur was his subordinate god, he would not pose a threat to his authority.

If Arthur is an independent god, if he wants to grow stronger in the future, he must challenge Tyrone, the guardian of Avada.

Li Ge nodded, agreeing with Tai Long's opinion, a true god would not create an opponent for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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